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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Why does it have to last until 2011? Surely people can make songs faster than that... I don't even want to wait until 2011 for the new Harry Potter movies. Come on, they're probably done already.
  2. I would be interested in joining the Paternal Horn collab, if it becomes a collab thing.
  3. Or they could eliminate the need for a submissions inspector and put some kind of upload form and have it update automatically. There'd probably be a lot of jokers uploading joke crap but if warnings were handed out, or short, temporary suspensions from being able to upload, I think it could work out.
  4. I turned in a WIP for "The Sky, The Clouds, and You" in case anyone thought it was still available.
  5. Looks good mang, things are looking good here methinks. I've got an idea of what style I'd like to do my song in. I'd like to keep the details and the WIP private until the release though, so perhaps I'll talk to you sometime about it on irc. As for the art, well, I've got a new computer which has an extremely tiny screen. I've got to consider installing CS4 on the larger computer. Brandon P.S. I didn't realize this was going to be dragged out until 2011.. You might still be collecting WIPs after my funeral.
  6. You wanted to be a Nintendo Wizard eh? Well, it takes more than just saying. Take OA for example. Ever since he was a young boy, he played the nintendo. From Soho down to Brighton, he probably played it all. I ain't seen no-one like him in any amusement hall. That deaf, dumb, and blind kid sure plays a mean Nintendo. He's a Nintendo Wizard, there's got to be a twist. A Nintendo Wizard, he's got such a supple wrist...
  7. My goodness man, I know it has already been too late and it's probably already shipped and in someone's hands. But WOW. I can't even describe the level of charity involved here. Final Fantasy IX is some of Uematsu's most brilliant work in the Final Fantasy series. I was actually hoping they would port IX to the XBLA, I know the chances are slim but they did VII for the PSN so you never know. But anyway, yeah, congrats to the person who got it. Enjoy it, is all I can say.
  8. I bought Sonic 1 for XBLA just so I could listen to the music, and enjoy the game, which I had when I was a young kid for the Sega Genesis. Still slightly sad about not being involved with this project, but it gives me time to work on others I guess.
  9. Hi. I've been listening for a while. I've got to agree about the timing, and it isn't just the drums. Though the drums do a good job of making the illusion that there's more out of time than there really is. The main problem I thought was how hard the songs were compressed. The songs are really goofy in a cool way. Great job!
  10. I'd like to sign on for Gate of your Dreams AND mention that I am available for vocals on Dreams Dreams for whoever plans to do that one. If nobody claims it, I'd like to do it too.
  11. Front Cover: Drew "halc" Wheeler, back cover: Brandon Strader The Bionic Commando album project was founded by John Revoredo on August 4th, 2009. He later acquired the assistance of Willrock. The project was 'restarted' on October 31st, 2012. This album was created with love, graciously, by the OC ReMix Community members listed below. We hope you like our album. Rearming Commandus "Prologue" by Rockos Proceed Without Caution "Bionic Commando Theme" by Sir_NutS Gridlock "OK, We'll Move" by Brandon Strader Noochy Zone "Among Allies, Heat Wave" by Phonetic Hero The Fairest Time to Fight "Leap of Faith" by WillRock Guerrilla Groove "Power Plant" by Amphibious Hold Your Weapon "Meet the Enemy and Descend" by Avaris Enemy Underworld "Heat Wave, Bionic Commando Theme" by Nutritious An Arm Pun "Boss Dialogue, Intruder Alert, Bionic Commando Theme" by Hylian Lemon Master 'D' for Dance "Rise of the Albatross, Bionic Commando Theme" by Gario Albatros Pls "Albatross" by Benjamin Briggs Swing into the Sunset "Ending, Epilogue" by Rozovian
  12. ARRANGEMENT / INTERPRETATION [x] Too conservative - sticks too close to the source PRODUCTION [x] Low-quality samples [x] Unrealistic sequencing [x] Generic/cliche sound choices STRUCTURE [x] Not enough changes in sounds (eg. static texture, not dynamic enough) PERSONAL COMMENTS (positive feedback, specifics on checklist criticisms, any other thoughts) Hi. I used to love the Breezy song whenever I would enter that town in FF8. It's a great choice of song to work with. I think the sounds you used are still too harsh. I could understand if you were trying to make a "heavier" version of the song, but I'm not sure that is what you were going for. Maybe the harshness is a result of trying to boost higher frequencies, I'm not sure.. The loud synth you've got on the left speaker sounds too much like MIDI. The reverb smoothens it out a little bit not enough. I'm not saying to add more reverb, I'm saying that the sound should either be lowered in volume considerably so it blends in better, or find something a bit more realistic sounding. There are strange "percussion" sounds in here that sound straight out of a MIDI drum bank. It would probably help the song to find something more similar to their realistic counterparts. I think I can hear "Plucked!" going on in there too from FL Studio. The sound is too close to a default setting. Plucked is really identifiable, and you could probably replace that with a nice harp soundfont. So the biggest suggestion here is to find better-sounding samples. Like Rozovian said, you should try to humanize it a bit.
  13. Your music is great but the guitar tones lack the "open" sound that you'd get from an amp with mics. Though I do think that you get a better sense of clarity and tuning from the direct-input type stuff, since you don't have the air and force from the amp when you go DI. There's also too much presense I think. Even when you crank the crap out of the presense on an amp so that it is utterly brutal, you've still got a slight bit of distance due to the mics. I think they both have their qualities but I really prefer to hear the mic'ed tones. That's just a personal perference and I'm not putting anyone down right now for doing it a different way.
  14. I was actually just coming in here to axe about guitar tone simulation. I have a project that needs done within a couple weeks, I haven't even started on yet. So I don't want to try to get everything mic'ed up and prepared in such a short amount of time and record the song. There's no insulation to my house so if it rained, the entire recording would be screwed... and it has been rainy lately. I'll check out Axe-FX and some other stuff. Gearbox won't work without the Toneport and I really don't feel like using the toneport.
  15. I do master. I offer my services too if anyone is interested. >_> I'm not going to argue tubes with you necrofrog. I care only about musical quality.
  16. I CLAIM THE ENDING MEDLEY PLEASE I tried to claim Spring Yard but apparently you missed my message
  17. I want to get involved. o_o

  18. If it means anything to know, I thought you were Hudson Horstachio from Viva Pinata: Party Animals... If I had realized who you really were, I probably wouldn't have argued. I just really don't like Hudson Horstachio. And this is not a joke. When I read your name before that's what I saw.

  19. Auto-Tune could fix that in a jiffy and make it sound awesome. I'm not talking friggin' Cher style but just regular subtle auto-tune.
  20. I think it's great. It really has a Mirror's Edge type of vibe to it. I could definitely take this and make it sound like a radio edit, if you would be interested in conceding the mixing and mastering duties to me. Just let me know. Just bounce down your wavs to something I can work with in Audition 3.0 I think there's enough there to call this done.. with some tightening and studio magic, it'd be perfect.
  21. I will admit it does sound better than most I've heard, but it still lacks realism... It fits with the electro style though.
  22. ^^ You're just nominated? I think you should be the winner. Nice work. I usually use a high-pass filter on acoustic guitars towards about 300 or 400Hz, maybe more, depending on how much low end I think needs to stay in. For heavier stuff with acoustic in it (distorted guitar and acoustic at the same time) I'd say cut more low. But anyway... I guess 'good' is a pretty objective term and everyone will have their own opinion. But I still don't think you can beat real tones made with a half-stack and recorded with a couple good mics. I didn't mean recording acoustic was easy, just that it is less complicated than recording heavy. ;D
  23. Does anyone know how to use this to program drums? I've got the MIDI cable, FL Studio, and the double bass pedals. I assume it would recognize the drum set as a midi controller. Then what?
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