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Brandon Strader

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Status Updates posted by Brandon Strader

  1. You want me to critique it after you make a new version? Or now? Cause you got a LOT of feedback in the thread, from what I saw!

  2. You will never get another cheeseborgir. :

    Also your silly friend totally didn't vote in the other match-up. He must really be 13!

  3. you're a huge dork but you're also the only person i know who would quote joe dirt :cry: i am conflicted

  4. You're good :-P hoping for wips from others!

  5. You've been the queen of the front page for a week. :-P

  6. Your bitcrushed fart won you a fan for life.

  7. Your door isn't worth the wood it gives me

    Oh wait thats right, it's made out of PLASTIC ISN'T IT?!

  8. Your facebook ID is on here but OCR's facebook integration is still completely useless. I have no way of actually finding your profile just based on that ID number. :|

  9. Your flute is awesooooome.... Wanna play it on a remix of mine? If you can improvise parts? :-D

  10. Your joke was hilarious :D

  11. your new wav has an effects trail at the start... sorry :-o

  12. Your response was what I was expecting. Thank you. :-) I have to sleep for work now but we will talk again very soon.

  13. Your sax for Sax of Gold is still SO good, that song has held up really well to this day, mostly because of your sax and Usa's hand percussion. :-P

    Haven't heard anything from you in forever, hope you are doing well.

  14. Your second sig pic is hilarious. How do you not get banned for this stuff. :-P

  15. Yours was the first remix I heard and it's the reason I'm here now

  16. Yurp yurp! Good luck with it, don't let me down! :nicework:

  17. YUSSS Thank you thank you thank you for entering, I hope you win :-D

  18. ZOLTAN!!! I hope you don't mind, but I took the initiative to make a thread in the community forum for the Kickstarter.

    What I meant by tagging was, you already tagged me on Strahl as "Brandon Strader". So then when people click on my name, it shows tags of me. I honestly don't know how you did it, but it'd be super awesome if you could do it for other stuff I was on! :-D

    Can I has free copy of The Gathering? :cry:

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