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Everything posted by suzumebachi

  1. My DK is 67 now. My brother is already level 80 on his pally. I got to Nagrand and right away I got ganked and camped by a level 80 gnome warrior. Some people. I don't really see the point of levelling up so fast. You're going to have to wait for everyone else to catch up before you can really start doing instances or PvP anyways.
  2. Death Knight is extremely fun. Not sure I have the mechanics quite nailed yet though. But I seem to be doing pretty good. I suck at PvP, but then again I'm on dialup and therefore permanently out of melee range unless my target stands perfectly still for 3 seconds. Whenever I death grip another player, they get pulled to wherever I was standing 3 seconds ago. Anyways, I briefly tried out blood, but quickly decided to go with unholy. It's pretty awesome. Like I said I'm not sure I've got the mechanics down yet, but I can solo groups of 4-5 mobs no problem. Just run in and grab aggro, hit em with my 2 diseases + ebon disease thingy, pestilence, death and decay, unholy blight, then spam death strike until everything is dead. I can solo some elites too. At level 61 I soloed the hand of kargath guy no problem. But I seem to have trouble with higher armor elites, like the colossals in HFP. I can usually solo them, but I usually die and have to finish them off in zombie form. Anyone have any tips on improving my DK skillz?
  3. Vista 64? I get the same shit. Lots of sites either say I have no flash, or an outdated version of flash installed. I have FF 3.0.4 and Flash 10r2 (or something similar I'm not at home so I can't check it now).
  4. hurray! long ass fucking queue. i finally get in, make a death knight, watch the intro, turn around just in time to see the lich king standing there before BAM! disconnected from server! AWESOME
  5. holy shit! he was one of my greatest idols it has been a sad week. rest in peace good sir!
  6. Lethon is the 4th smallest realm in all of WoW. Only 432 allies total. So to answer your question, no. Nobody plays on Lethon. When you go to the realm list and it says "recommended" what that actually means is NOT RECOMMENDED. You're much better off on a medium or high population realm (but not a full one, obviously). I recommend Illidan, that's where most of us play anyways. We're all Horde though, so rolling Alliance there would be dumb. I'd recommend a different server if you insist on playing Alliance, but quite frankly, I don't know any. My brother has an Alliance 70 on Bloodscalp, but it's kind of small too, and quite frankly they all fucking suck. The top guilds haven't even cleared Black Temple, let alone Sunwell Plateau. Even AFTER the "let's buff everyone to superman powers" patch. Meanwhile Illidan is doing Black Temple PUGs. :/
  7. I was supposed to be some kind of Indian guy. A "guru" or something. But in the end I came out looking more like a member of the liberal caveman elite. Also pictured: Sarah Palin and Bill Ayers.
  8. A quick count of my FL and Cubase projects folders yields 416. That's just since my last format in 2006. I should probably make some ridiculous epic medley out of all that crap.
  9. you mean you can't change it?
  10. I realize I'm a bit late to this thread but here goes. There's already a number of "prog" VG covers/arrangements out there, but you won't find them on OCR due to the 6mb file size limit. Here's a few off the top of my head: http://virt.vgmix.com/music/arrange/virt_-_super_metroid_-_crystal_flash.mp3 http://virt.vgmix.com/music/arrange/virt_-_zelda_-_blood_of_ganon.mp3 http://dod.vgmix.com/past/dec06/Snappleman-Chrono-Banned-DoD.mp3 http://dod.vgmix.com/past/sepoct05/CHM-LTTP-DoD-Unsealed.mp3 http://dod.vgmix.com/past/sepoct05/norg-W&W-IronSpire-DoD.mp3 There's tons more if you know where to look. http://dod.vgmix.com/ is a good place to start.
  11. Not only starred in, but won an Academy Award for. Pretty much super talented. In any case it's sad to hear when things like this happen to anyone.
  12. The point of GearBox is to bypass amplifiers. And depending on the type of pedal, you probably wouldn't need it considering all of the built in effects.
  13. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Zombie invasion is over already. I am sad panda. I really hope they keep it in the game somehow. Maybe as a death knight ability with a really long cool-down, part of an instance, an extremely rare disease that humanoid NPCs can get, super rare plagued roach spawns in cities, or whatever. Or hopefully they at least bring it back every halloween. Seriously the zombie plague was the coolest thing they added to WoW basically ever and it's already gone.
  14. Zombie shit is awesome. Forming packs of zombies with both Horde and Alliance members is fucking awesome. Ganking confused lowbies and turning them into zombies is awesome. Going as a zombie to Goldshire in Elwynn Forest and setting my pet to aggressive and watching it eat dozens of level 6-10 humans in seconds flat is awesome. Exploding and infecting every NPC in Ratchet is awesome. The coolest thing about the zombie shit, is how the disease spreads on its own. I killed a shitload of low level allies in Goldshire, but there were a few lucky ones that managed to escape death, but still had infections. Once I was finally brought down (but not before exploding and infecting everything) by the level 75 spawned guards, I quietly observed a few of the infected lowbies. One in particular wandered all the way to the Murloc camps in the eastern part of Elwynn. I watched from a distance while he was killing Murlocs, then suddenly became a zombie. You could tell he was pretty confused, because he immediately ran deep into the Murloc camp and aggroed a bunch of them. He managed to hit a couple of them, infecting them, but didn't manage to kill any before he died. I watched for a bit but he never came back. Instead, along came another lowbie to kill some Murlocs. He killed a few, before finally attacking one of the infected ones. As soon as it died, it became a zombie, and infected the player. He managed to kill it, then ran away. A few minutes later a couple more of the Murlocs became zombies, and proceeded to infect the rest of the Murloc camp, creating a never ending cycle of Murloc zombie death and rebirth (until someone comes along to clean up). Meanwhile the 2nd infected player went to Eastvale Logging Camp, turned into a zombie there, and infected a few of the NPCs before dying... This shit is awesome. I hope Blizzard somehow keeps this in the game. Even if they make it more rare (right now it's super easy to get if you kill any roaches or open any crates). Even more awesome would be some kind of 3rd scourge faction that can regularly do this kind of stuff.
  15. rofl we cleared TK in a PUG. you guys have shitty realms. we, on the other hand, have shitty servers.
  16. So uhh, is it just me or do paladins actually die now. I mean, I can almost actually kill them. Which is amazing because I play the only class that hasn't been buffed into ridiculousness in PvP (hunter). In fact, I would argue that hunter PvP ability is even worse than it was before. As if we didn't suck enough in arenas. So yeah, paladins die now. But, they can also kill things now. Ridiculously so. Actually they're pretty much overpowered. They burst more than freaking mages. My brother respecced ret on his pally and he does 2-4k white damage per swing, and he's not even that geared. With the seal of command glyph, that shit gets out of hand. That's potentially 8,000 damage per swing. Then you add in hammer of justice and the judgment of command you can kill a decently geared 70 in 2 or 3 hits. Meanwhile my DPS has been nerfed into oblivion. But hey I can jump 10 feet away now. AWESOME.
  17. Well that's the 5th time the download has failed at around 80%. I'm about to go ninja apeshit.
  18. Seriously I need mirrors ASAP. Fuck fileshack, I already sat in line for 35 minutes twice and they dropped me both times and won't let me resume unless I pay them $40,000 or whatever their bullshit fee is.
  19. What the christ is Norman? I assumed that was a typo.
  20. I've been using Avira AntiVir alongside Spybot Search & Destroy for a few years now with no problems. Never tried AVG but I hear it's good too. Norton fails compared to either of them so you're better off either way.
  21. 3.0 is live. Discuss. Also, help me find mirrors that aren't laden with porn ads (I'm at school).
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