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Everything posted by suzumebachi

  1. The answer is in the Dos Equis. ...Or Corona. Depending on your preference.
  2. i'm game. you can play some of my stuff if you'd like. http://www.ocremix.org/remixer/suzumebachi/ be warned, the oldest ones are not so great
  3. Wait, so those aren't the tracks for this project? Then who's this LewieP retard that linked to that page in his blog?
  4. Did you even read my post? The part where it says 'Allah' and 'Jihad'? Clear references to Judaism, really. And pray tell, exactly what does this have to do with the topic at hand? You couldn't find anything else to contribute to the discussion? Any other bullshit you want to pitifully try to rabble rouse with?
  5. Nice work. Not only are you becoming even more petty in your pathetic effort to attack my invincible ego, you're also ENTIRELY WRONG.
  6. The problem I have here is that just the idea of Sonic 2 HD alone carries with it vast amounts of potential. Sonic 2 is one of the greatest games ever made. Sonic 2 has one of the greatest soundtracks ever made. That potential is being squandered. Maybe it's not a reinterpretation. But ripping off the original tracks note for note, and quite poorly I might add, is simply a copout. Traced sprites and MIDI rips do not a good project make.
  7. You're right. They're not horrible for being MIDI rips. They're horrible because they suck.
  8. <table> <tr> <td></td><td>FL STUDIO</td><td>REASON</td> </tr> <tr> <td>VST</td><td>yes!</td><td>FAILURE OF EPIC PROPORTION</td> </tr> </table> we should be allowed HTML
  9. I'm going to give this soundtrack a listen. And I swear to Allah, if these are not the greatest MIDI rips ever conceived since Abraham nearly sacrificed Ishmael, I am going to declare Jihad against the infidels perpetrating this most unholy, blasphemous diatribe. In other words, this better fucking be good.
  10. there's a lot of empty gray area everywhere, here. there's about 4 inches of empty gray between the latest remixes block and the forums and announcements blocks, and another 6 or 7 inches between the roulette and 'previously on OCR' blocks and the bottom of the page. Firefox @ 1440x900 (yes I cleared my cache)
  11. wait, reaper has a piano roll now? since when?
  12. does MIDI count? also, welcome back bitch
  13. Uncharted Waters maybe? I'm only familiar with the SNES version, but I believe there was a DOS port as well. However I find it highly unlikely that it was included with either Jedi Knight or KOTOR. In fact I find it highly unlikely that ANY pirate game besides one of the Monkey Island games was included with ANY LucasArts game.
  14. there's always the infamous A B A C A B B, and down up left left A right down how about PC games? idclev31 / idclev32 impulse 9 impulse 101 shit... half-life 2 is the last PC game I can think of to even have codes
  15. If it was on VGMix 1.0, (circa 2002-2003) then indeed, the song is gone. But if it was on VGMix 2 there is a backup of it. You can try asking in #vgmix (irc://irc.vgmix.com/vgmix) or checking the old lost and found thread on the VGMix 2.5 boards. Unfortunately the vast majority of those links are probably broken, and there's no new lost and found yet on VGMix X afaik.
  16. why are you drawing by hand instead of using the splines that have been around since forever? pretty sure that's what max is talking about. they might be pink depending on your settings. see the bottom row here:
  17. if she's using a Creative card, tell her to change her pin line from "What U Hear" (yes, that's actually what it says) to Microphone. on other cards there's usually a wave out pin line, but it's usually called like stereo mix like david said or something similar. to change the pin line, like david said open the volume control panel, but don't mute the channel. instead, go to options > properties. change 'adjust volume for' from playback to recording, then make sure microphone is checked in the box below. hit ok, then on the main volume control panel screen check the 'select' mark underneath the microphone channel. this is all assuming she's using primarily WDM (ie: not ASIO) drivers. if she has an ASIO card, those vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. in some cases she may in fact be shit out of luck considering ventrilo relies solely on WDM channels, of which on most ASIO cards there will only be one consisting of all sound. i will shit myself the day ventrilo (and skype) adds ASIO capability.
  18. i often use a soundfont called "naturally decaying bass" or something like that. no idea where i got it from, and i've had it for years, but i'm sure you can find it somewhere. with some processing, or especially amp sims, it can go a long ways. edit: found it again here one of these days i'll get around to uploading some of these old soundfonts to thasauce or something
  19. chooka chooka? what? SHAMELESS I TELL YA, SHAMELESS
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