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Everything posted by Rellik

  1. You know what? I think it's time for solo piano debut We'll see what happens. I'm going for a relatively simple piece with big chords and a nice beat, Chopin prelude style (been studying some of those lately), should be fun, or maybe will be terrible, hm. EDIT: that won't work. Cinematic type stuff is required here.
  2. Hwooooo... Well, that's certainly sort of coming up quickly... Would August 24th be ok? That's when I'm leaving to be back in early September, so that's why I'm not asking for later In case you're curious, the reason that I'm asking is: that there are two reasons that I am asking for an extension (or maybe it's not an extension, whatever you would call it). And those two reasons are: 1. Crunch time at internship, coinciding with crunch time for stuff I need to get done before school starts. 2. Philharmonik isn't here yet. Not that I expected it to be, but I was expecting the due date to be... you know... closer to than
  3. Well, I'm making some progress - actually, a lot of what I'm doing is rethinking what I had before. When I get Philharmonik I'll probably start over from scratch entirely again, but it'll be alot better. Glock is now piano, etc. Lead is now clarinet... too bad ST2's clarinet sucks. The piano I have isn't working very well for this style... hm. And the strings aren't exactly great... can't wait until I can start this whole thing over but I am glad to have such a cool source material to work with.
  4. Ok - I'm getting back to work. I'll probably redo everything once I get Philharmonik sometime in early August, but I'll do my best with what I have - time to think.
  5. WIP's are due? hmmm...
  6. Ok, hi, I exist sorry Yes, I have been busy - everyone gets busy at some point in their lives, so I'll spare you the details. Here's the bad news: I swore not to do orchestral ever again until I get a decent orchestral library. It was too taxing... the results were great, but simply sucked my soul away trying to get it to sound good. I'm referring to OVGMC2 here, by the way. Anyway, the good news would be that I'm hoping my parents will get me Sonic Reality's Philharmonik (new EXCELLENT orchestral library coming soon) for my birthday. I would buy it myself, but that money is already destined for something else (no, it's not something exciting, it's college...) The library comes out early August. September 27th sounds great for me if my parents come through... they might think it's kind of silly to give me a present so big that it will span 2 or 3 consecutive birthdays, but I think it'll be worth it Question: has the "movie" stuff been ditched, or is it still on? It's great that you made the script, but I don't relish the idea of having to do all that extra coordination and such, partially because it would take a lot more effort and partially because it would take away from the creative process... but I'm willing to go along with it if that's still the idea. Looking forward to getting re-started again, perfectly willing to go along with whatever the standard is for this project, whether I like it or not...
  7. Well, I was actually planning to post in this thread with an apology for my less-than-stellar addition to the project (you can't win em all, you know?) but I guess I won't now ! In all honesty I'm a little bit embarassed when I listen to my Kirby Project mix... it was a fairly long time ago, and it wasn't even up to par with my skills at THAT point in time. It's not I didn't put effort into it... it just... came out deformed. It's like Noah in the Grapes of Wrath... living in its own little world, strange, uncannily staring back at you with calm eyes... and the guilt for being responsible for the deformation of what should have been perfectly normal... And now I must take some time to commend my fellow Kirby Project-ers. Of course DarkeSword deserves massive praise for being the leader of the entire project, as well as for his mixes - and to the mixers on the project, I think I've commented on most of them at some point or another, so I'll just reiterate that I really enjoyed most of them great work!
  8. Here are the names I can think of: Pink Cup Headphones Mouse Pen Inflation Looking around the room isn't helping, so I'll just think, and see if that helps. Poofball's Progress Kirby's Divine Remix-omedy - hey that's a good one Dancing Mad Stars & Stripes Forever, Peach Coffee Uncorragable Mimes - The Here and Now PopStar Casa Nova Unction Sing-along Unction Junction Kirbunction Junction Kirbiferous Remixide Hexalbumium The Kirby's Adventure Project thing Canned Wobbly Undermine that! Reflake thy Mad I'm out of ideas.
  9. Woah - ziwtra is other people's favorite mixer too? Wait, I think we went over this. Anyway, I enjoy the texture of this alot. The drum track is totally awesome as usual, but the whole vibe here is unusually slick. I love the bells, I love the pads, I love the meandering latent leads - I'm slightly unenthusiastic about the section at 2:09 though - great synths and vibe during that section, but the melody just kind of struck me as odd for some reason. Anyway, awesome.
  10. A great feat for both tefnek and zirc - really catchy stuff! I especially like the low-key breaks with that awesome sync lead - the rest is cool too, what with the cheesy bass and the shrill leads. Percussion is good too, very distinctive. I really like that sync lead. Sync is my favorite form of modulation, by far. Like ever. Ok, enough about sync. OSC SYNC RULES! No, seriously. Osc sync is the bomb and this mix is good and tefnek is good and zircon is good.
  11. Catchy vibe! I would never have imagined this like this. The backing tracks here really make the mix - although the lead guitar is great and great and all, it would be nowhere without the excellent strumming and bass and sub-leads you have back there - you seem to really have this poprock style down! The drums are kind of boring, in my opinion, but the drums are not too important in this mix anyway. Overall, really impressive! And thanks Hadyn - I'm getting a new computer within a few days (!!) so maybe I will be able to handle projects like that one better in the future, and be able to actually add new content even when the CPU is under strain.
  12. Ok... congratulations FL n00b Rellik. http://www.tjhsst.edu/~alederer/Music/Rellik_-_Kirby...tacular.mp3 Yeah, yeah, it's not my best work ever or anything - but not everything can be. For one thing, I was cleaning up my hard drive to prepare for transfer to a new computer and accidentally deleted a bunch of the samples used in this song, so guess what, RETOOLED DRUM TRACK . And some changes and new stuff.
  13. But... we will have access to very electronic things. Imagine coming back to a fully finalized electronica CT soundtrack! Wouldn't that be cool? Sorry, had to take a jab at that. I'll attempt to stay orchestral. Too bad about you having to leave - why are you going to book camp, by the way? Are you going to be in the Navy?
  14. Well, here's a WiP. Man, I love working on projects with slow tempos makes length such an easy thing to attain. Anyway, I guess I'll be mixing Zeal Palace and Undersea Palace in this - check what I have so far: http://www.tjhsst.edu/~alederer/Music/Rellik_-_Zeal_Ice.mp3 From my estimations, it seems to start at EXT. FROZEN WORLD - MOMENTS LATER The ship comes out of time-warp quickly and in a flash of light, floating a hundred feet or so above the ice-covered surface. It stays in one place for a moment. INT. EPOCH - CONTINUOUS LUCCA Alright, so where are we going? CRONO A place called the Ocean Palace. It’s an underwater stronghold of sorts. and end at MAGUS I’m not leaving without you, Schala! SCHALA Oh, yes, you are! Schala takes her pendant off and it displays a bright light that encompasses the three of them. MARLE We can’t just let you die here! SCHALA Don’t worry about me! Just go! The light dissolves the three of them and transports them out. The light then dies away, and Schala’s pendant dims to nothingness. SCHALA Please...please keep Janus safe... Would this be correct? It's #18
  15. exceedingly so. your acoustic drums always sound so fresh... and of course there's the guitar and the synths and the electric piano and the catchy bassline... yeah, it sounds no less analoq than anything else ever created. I like it alot! Although to my attention span it becomes sort of tedious towards the middle. Up to a point the changes really register with me, but then I kind of zone out, since even though there are some melodic changes and added synths and filtering stuff along the way, it retains the same stylistic background-ish feel without much variation until the guitar part. You do a good job of making lots of small little changes and mixing it all up over the period of the mix - in fact, you do a great job at this. But it just isn't enough to kind of substantiate the piece - it's great, but it doesn't have that certain (not necessarily obvious) narrative quality that distinguishes foreground music from background music. I'm aware that that doesn't really count as a comment since I wasn't able to really explain well enough to help you understand what I mean at all, but I guess I'll just summarize by saying it makes really great background music and is done with an exceedingly slick touch.
  16. Question: For the "Ocean Palace" portion, the source song is supposed to be Undersea Palace, not Zeal Palace, correct? I feel like getting started although it's going to be difficult, I'll try.
  17. A repost of current WiP? Sure: http://www.tjhsst.edu/~alederer/Music/Rellik_-_The_Kirby_Album.mp3
  18. Yep, that's basically what you said, except I think the wrong conclusion was made at the end of the discussion. In general, yes, the music doesn't have to follow everything down the line; and yet, it sort of does. No matter how good you are at estimating how long things will take, the movie would not line up anywhere near perfectly with the soundtrack... thus spoiling the entire effect and sort of eliminating the purpose and sort of making a mockery of the soundtrack (there's a reason film-scorers go to such great lengths to sync up the video and the music it really does make a difference). Then there's the fact that it really is background music, mostly, after all. Listening to ellywu's WiP, it's pretty great stuff but just listen to exactly what it's doing with the tempo changes and the theme changes. If the action on screen weren't synced up perfectly with this, it would just fall flat out and flop. And since it's trying to be background music to a scene, it ends up being relatively disjointed as a standalone piece of music. And thus I kind of feel like... well, you know what I'm saying. I don't want to act like I'm all negative about the project, just interested in seeing what other people have to say about the issue.
  19. lol... sounds a lot like what i was trying to say three pages ago lol... sounds a lot like i didnt read what you were trying to say three pages ago sorry i'll go check it
  20. Ok, I've got some questions about the actual music process. From thinking about it, it seems like the reasonable course of action is to just make a mix as if we were just mixing for fun. Of course, follow the GENERAL theme of the passages, but we can't exactly follow the script down to the detail because it's not even finalized, and the time aspect can only be determined once it's actually filmed, and since it won't be actually filmed (at the very least we're doing this before that happens ) so it's probably a better idea just to make a mix of the themes in question with an eye towards the contents of the themes. Is this what you have in mind, Claado?
  21. I think I'd like the Ocean Palace one... more details later (don't have time to flesh it out now, but I just wanted to reserve this one ).
  22. If you can't get it working, are you going to do the RoFL next week?
  23. Interesting stuff, AB. I like how it manages to create a nice balance between the totally strange and the more conventional (whenever I start out something with a totally strange section, I can never quite make the transition into "listenable" so I have to start out vice versa; so hearing something like this done is very impressive to me). I can tell this is going to be really cool, all the drums could really use more compression, and the "strange guitar pad" that comes in around :48, while amazingly cool (and I can tell it will be used to great effect later in the mix), the fact that it's panned to the left like it is kind of makes it feel... off-center... which it is. Anyway, nice stuff (that bass is cool; not overly aggressive, but sort of not a sub either). Excellent flutestuff. I should go back and listen to my own WiP; I think taking some time away from it to work on some other stuff (aLOT of other stuff, actually most of which will probably never be heard around these parts, or maybe around any parts at all, but hey, it was fun and turned out nice) has cleared up my thinking. I do like how it starts out, and the piano itself is nice-sounding, and the sequencing is not altogether terrible, but I do feel it needs a lot of work in the velocity/timing department. Timingwise, it's really just about perfect, but in the intro, the notes are far too correct in their spacing, and the way they cut off is atypical of the way a piano player would normally play (it would be very unusual to just let go of the notes rhythmically, as oppose to either all at once or in a meaningful pattern). As for velocity, I just think it needs to be more intelligently programmed; I do like the emphasis on some notes, but the dynamic changes are too abrupt and there's no real build or flow, imo. As for the orchestral part, very nice I'm not orchestral expert so I don't really know what to say regarding your use of strings and snares and timpanis and whatever that wierd buzzing low noise is at 2:15 (although it sounds cool, somehow it seems... ungood?). All I can really tell you is that the arrangement is very VERY nice at this point; the way everything comes in and works together is very GrayLightning like (it's probably the snares + rolls that is making me think of his work). Cool stuff overall; just the kind of difficult stuff I find myself needing to work at at the moment.
  24. Aw, man. This just keeps getting stickier. Well... ... ... ... ...You're alright. I've heard your other stuff, and I know that your orchestral skills are up-to-par. Besides, with the stuff you've already shown me, I'm pretty sure you'll work out just fine. I just hope that you don't lose the desire to remix when you're in the middle of doing a piece for the ST. That would be very bad. I don't just lose my desire to mix when it's my RESPONSIBILITY to mix. Even if I do, I'll do it. But if I don't have to do something I don't want to do, there's a pretty good chance I won't do it. Thanks for the prompt reply.
  25. Hey, Claado. If I don't finish my audition entry, am I eliminated from the project? It's not like I enjoy putting you the position of having to choose, but I'm not sure I feel like working on this audition piece anymore. It's basically as simple as that; been having computer problems, have had/will have tons of work (although I doubt it will be as bad as it has been in the future), it doesn't please me to work on my entry, so if I don't have to, I won't. So tell me Anyway, glad to hear your grandma is fine.
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