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Everything posted by ifirit

  1. Considering the answer(s) given in regards to NO OVERRIDEs, can you explain YES OVERRIDEs? Additionally, how are ReMixes for games that use "dynamic music" evaluated in regards to comparing the two, i.e. games where the arrangement of the music in-game is compiled in response to the gamer's actions and thus fluxuates on every playthrough? (See Halo: Combat Evolved, Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow, Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy, etc.) Does the panel refer to composer/arranger arrangements from CD/commercial releases, or is there another method for comparison? Are arrangements of VGM from non-VGM sources suitable for submission to OCR? (See The Legend of Zelda animated series, Silent Hill the movie, Orchestral Games Concert/Video Games Live/PLAY! A Videogame Symphony, etc.) Certain games contain music on the physical medium, but are never actually used in the game itself, which is sometimes the case for PC and other CD-ROM titles. Are ReMixes of these unreleased "hidden tracks" a violation of the current submission standards? (See "Singing Mountain" from Chrono Trigger, various PSOne Titles, "Heads No. 1" from Silent Hill 3, etc.) Personally, there is still some obscurity regarding this issue as I'm not sure if the panel distinguishes "...used in the game..." between physically present and executed via operation.
  2. That basically summeizes my feelings on attending PLAY! Arnie Roth really understands this aspect of producing the concerts and chooses pieces accordingly. This is particularly why I like PLAY! more, because it PLAYS as a symphonic concert. Also, VGM needs this kind of recognition as having sustainability just as much as it deserves having a more mainstream presentation like VideoGames Live. The two concerts balance each other by showing two different sides of presenting the same music. I can only hope that in the future, touring performances of VGM can also cater to other styles and genres of music, such as live rock and electronica. Also, these symphonic concerts need more Hitman music.
  3. Cool. The fact that it's pretty well organized and that RSS channels are added makes this pretty functional about getting new release information on a category-wide basis. Now if only we could do this for Coming Soon info. As far as feedback goes, avatars or image tags would be useful for searching. (I say that as a visual learner, which is only personal preference.) I'd like a search box somewhere near the tags buttons. Also, it would be helpful to have a "search tags" option, since some of the tags are just incredibly small and hard to read, e.g. DS. Clicking on the RSS button on the bottom of the page, though, produces this error.
  4. I would absolutely love to use a service like this, but right now my budget won't allow me. Expect a PM later.
  5. Irony!                    
  6. When the character dies, it looks like he/she's incredibly enjoying itself. I just kept running into the gorillas in gladiator garb because the cat seemed to be having for fun that way.
  7. Ultimica's Theme?! Sweet! I would have loved to have heard that. The Chicago '06 concert had Angela Aki sing "Kiss Me Goodbye" from FFXII and her version of "Eyes on Me." (These videos weren't from the same show, but the performances were identical.) Koji Kondo played a rendition of the theme from The New Super Mario Bros. Akira Yamaoka also "Theme of Laura" from Silent Hill 2.Just looking back on this and on other , makes me appreciate the artistry that these pieces can take on when performed by great live talent.Okay, that's it! I'm writing a letter to the local philharmonic to incorporate more VGM.
  8. When I went to the Chicago premiere back in 2006, Koji Kondo was the one who sat directly in front of me. Jeremy Soule and Martin O'Donnell were in the row behind me on my left. And Nobuo Uematsu shook my hand as he walked through the aisles at the beginning of the program. At the end of the night, I managed to get everyone's autographs and had a short conversation with Michael Salvatori. Definitely the best $125 I've ever spent.
  9. You may not have to wait that long. The reason is because of a discovery made in 2007, which makes it possible to have cells undergo cellular "reprogramming." Cellular reprogramming seems almost like science-fiction. You see, by extracting the nucleus of a developed cell and implanting it in another developed cell with the nucleus removed, the cell will revert to the stem-cell state, allowing it to be developed into any other type of cell within the genetic makeup. Cellular reprogramming can be implemented very economically compared to other reprogramming techniques and has a much higher success rate. Apparently, cellular reprogramming is such a breakthrough in cellular research that many of the world's universities are switching gears away from cloning and other embryoic stem cell technologies. And according to the Wall Street Journal, even Ian Wilmut, the researcher who lead the development of the first full clone (Dolly), has apparently abondoned his research on cloning in favor of cellular reprogramming. However, this is more of an ethical breakthrough compared to a biological one, since embryoic stem cells are no longer needed for regeneration research. This could accellerate genetics research and technology here in the US and, once fully developed, allow for cheaper and safer alternatives to organ and tissue donation.
  10. You make a number of valid points about the incapabilities of using DNA as a mechanical/electrical data-storage-medium. However, you're ignoring the biological logistics of DNA. DNA can exist in a static state. When not in the presence of chromatin (a protein within chromosomes that regulates DNA), DNA does not replicate, express, or mutate. Simply having DNA does not mean having life, as our DNA can long exist after our deaths in its original order, e.g. dinosaur DNA preserved in amber. A chain of nucleotides could be used to store a particular sequence of information, yes, but again we come back to the problem of how to modify and revert this sequence of nucleotides. For this, you should consider the process by which DNA replicates itself. Within the chromosomes, chromatin proteins trigger various stages of the DNA's replication process, such as unwrapping the DNA, unwinding the helix and pulling the helix apart, in addition to copying the DNA structure and reassembling the helix. Various chemicals control each of these stages and can also repair or "activate" sequences of DNA. So, by monitoring and controlling these stages of DNA replication, the structure of a DNA molecule can be modified and remodified on the molecular level. However, to be able to modify individual base pairs would require incredible amounts of precision and control of the DNA's environment. Still, one method of marking individual base pair for modifying would be to damage that pair and initiate the chromatin to repair the damage. By using the appropriate chromatin proteins, you can utilize the naturally-occurring DNA repair processes to rewrite an A-T pair as a G-C pair or vice-versa. The information could also be modified by undergoing DNA replication to unravel the helix and make changes. Then stored, and even copied, by completing the DNA replication. However, these processes are still not completely understood and incredibly complicated. Still, there comes a problem of how to physically store the DNA and its modified chromatin without a cell or nucleus. But, I suppose you could use viruses or other nanomachines for that purpose.
  11. Things to Do Before I Die: . . . 15.) Meet Yasunori Mitsuda, Shake his Hand & Get his Autograph - DONE . . . 67.) Hear Chrono Trigger/Cross Music on Live Orchestra - DONE . . . 173.) Live to Experience Next Chrono Trigger sequel - IN PROGRESS . . .
  12. Well, DJP, don't keep us in suspence. How was it received? Did Mr. Lowe like it or did he simply smile and nod?
  13. Geez, four pages in on this thread and not a single Brokeback Mountain joke. You guys are slacking off.
  14. I'm really glad to hear that there are still people playing this game, since the discussion here has been waning recently. However, there's been a relatively large amount of discussion on this game over at Silent Hill: Origins' Forums. (How appropriate.) Though the discussion has focused mainly on the relationship between Travis and the Butcher and comparisons between the Butcher and the Red Pyramid Thing, it has been rather fruitful. One of the biggest revelations has been in understanding the Butcher's role in the game and story. This understanding has been key into determining other related connections in the story and ultimately ties a number of story elements surrounding Travis together. Since I prefer to leave the discussion open a little, I'll refer you to some interesting threads. But, if anyone wants a deeper explanation of certain aspects, or just want to know what happens in SH0, feel free to ask. As I've said before, I love answering questions about Silent Hill and creating discussion. WARNING: Threads Contain Silent Hill 0rigins/Zer0 Spoilers Silent Hill: Origins' Forums - Theories - "The Butcher (two new interpretations SPOILERS)" Silent Hill: Origins' Forums - Silent Hill 0rigins - "The Butcher and the Pyramid Head" Silent Hill: Origins' Forums - Silent Hill 0rigins - "strange things" The "strange things" thread is simply a list of strange things that happen or appear in the game. These things range from glitches and programming errors to placements of objects and enemies to things that just creep people out. It's a fun thread to read and then find the numerous strange things in the game. You'll have to forgive a number of repeated entries, but if you have an original observation feel free to contribute to the thread. Alternatively, The Escapist has released Ben Croshaw's Zero Punctuation review of Silent Hill 0rigins. Granted the review is harsh, as is to be expected, he does make a number of valid points and basically summerizes what everyone was thinking when they heard Silent Hill was being outsourced. It's still iniquitously amusing. The Escapist - Zero Punctuation Reviews - Silent Hill 0rigins -------------------------------- With that said, let's get into some news and updates. Silent Hill 0rigins/Zer0 Update: SH0 Soundtrack Tracklist Released & Cover Art Unveiled; Additional Special Offer Bonus Announced: On December 6, 2007, the tracklist for the Original Soundtrack to SH0 was released by Konami Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd. via the KonamiStyle website. The tracklisting features 26 songs on the album.* The tracklisting also notes the four vocal tracks that will feature Mary Elizabeth McGlynn (a.k.a. Melissa Williamson). Additionally, the cover art for the soundtrack has been unveiled, featuring artwork by Masahiro Ito (monster designer for SH1-3). The cover art shows an exclusively new picture of the ...Red Pyramid Thing? Masahiro Ito explains via his website.** The comic details reveal that the story about the comic features a backstory for the Red Pyramid Thing set in an alternate Silent Hill universe. (A detail that really brings up the issue of "how canon is SH0?", since Masahiro Ito has now set up the idea of an alternate universe for the series to be accompanied with this game's soundtrack.) Again, the album will release on January 25, 2008 and retail exclusively from KonamiStyle of Japan. Also, the production is limited with no schedule for reproduction, so get it while you can. SH0 Soundtrack Tracklist: Shot Down in Flames (featuring Mary Elizabeth McGlynn) Meltdown Evil Appetite Wrong Is Right Not Tomorrow 3 Monster Daddy King Of Adiemus Don't Abuse Me Underworld 4 Acid Horse O.R.T. (featuring Mary Elizabeth McGlynn) Insecticide Raw Power A Million Miles Battle Drums The Wicked End Blow Back (featuring Mary Elizabeth McGlynn) Real Solution The Healer Snowblind Behind the Wall of Sleep Drowning Murder Song ”S” Not Tomorrow 4 Theme of Sabre Dance Hole In The Sky (featuring Mary Elizabeth McGlynn) On December 19, 2007, Konami announced that as an added bonus for orders placed online through the KonamiStyle website, a limited edition Silent Hill Zer0 portable media player pouch will be given on a first come, first serve basis. As of January 17, 2008, an image of the pouch was finally revealed.*** The pouch has a crimson and white design with a dual zipper running along two sides of the pouch (connected as a single zipper by an arc). The design features the Silent Hill Zer0 logo with an image of the SH0 nurse holding an over-sized syringe. A little tag with the Konami logo hangs from the bottom (or right, depending on your orientation) of the pouch. Konami Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd. - Silent Hill Zer0 Konami Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd. - Silent Hill Zer0 - Silent Hill Zer0 Original Soundtracks *Footnote: KonamiStyle originally stated that the album would feature 30 tracks from the game, but it seems that this number was trimmed slightly for currently unknown reasons, though most likely because of production issues. **Footnote: Masahiro Ito was not involved in the development of Silent Hill 0rigins/Zer0, as he is now a freelance artist. So, his commission for the soundtrack apparently did not privy him to details about the game. (Personal Note: So, it seems he made one up.) Additionally, because Masahiro Ito is drawing the six page manga for this release, it seems a safe enough assumption that the comic will be presented in A6 format and that the "tall case" featured with the CD will be formatted to the same size. ***Footnote: Konami has stated that the image shown above may not be the final product image, as it is still subject to change. -------------------------------- Silent Hill Mobile Update: "SILENT HILL The Escape" Released; Website and Media Posted: As was previously reported from the Tokyo Game Show 2007, Konami Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd. had announced the production of another Silent Hill game for mobile gaming devices (i.e. cellular phones) that would feature a gameplay mechanic called "gesture technology,"**** titled コナミネット DX SILENT HILL The Escape. As of December 19, 2007, the game has since been launched online to Japanese subscribers. The game itself has shifted from the puzzle/adventure-horror genre of previous installments to a complete fear first-person-shooter game. By no means was this change unintentional, since the game is both presented and marketed as such, as is seen on the website, and in the artwork and screenshots. The gameplay consists of exploration of various hallways littered with monsters and other targetable objects. Players will recognize various familiar creatures from previous titles as well as new creatures. The screen features a mini-map that shows the player their relative position on the map. There is also a small image of a revolver's loading chamber depicting the number of bullets remaining. Aiming appears as a small set of crosshairs which is used to target monsters, but no distinction of whether the target is in range is given. The game is available from Konami's i-MODE distributor for various mobile devices, shown below. A subscription fee of 315円 (YEN), which includes sales tax, is applied for monthly usage, but subscribers are given access to premium content. (Konami says to check the game for details about the premium content.) The game can be accessed on the appropriate device models as follows: FOMA menu -> Menu/search -> Game -> Game Pack -> コナミネット DX. The currently supported mobile devices are: P904i SH904i D905i F905i N905i P905i SH905i SO905i N905i μ Konami Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd. - SILENT HILL The Escape ****Footnote: Konami's Online Contents executive producer Kazuya Takahashi had previously explained that "gesture technology" is a method of controlling the actions in the game via image feedback from the mobile device's built-in camera. While the website simply says to refer to the game itself about the exact details of this technology, it was previously stated that the aiming and on-screen interactions responded to the players' motion of the mobile device itself. (Personal Note: While the technology sounds great in theory, the actual implementation of this would appear to me as being very clunky and ackward to play. Also, since Japanese players have a tendency to get motion-sickness from videogames that require concentration for precision shooting I don't see this game being very popular.) --------------------------------
  15. That's nice, but I'm at least a hour and a half from the boarder in all directions. I'd have to like put out effort to go anywhere. Man, I hate effort.
  16. Kentucky's totally lamer than Virginia. So, by extention, I'm totally lamer than you, punk. Oh, wait...
  17. Why is there never anyone online during the day? NEVER!!!
  18. God, no one is ever around during the day. I'm getting really frustrated trying to find someone to play.
  19. Personally, the music and gameplay from the 1998 E3 trailer is way better than what was shown in the 2007 trailer. The electric guitar riffs are just pulsing.
  20. Umm... No. I'm on a public computer for the rest of the break, so installing software is out of the question.
  21. For some reason, my pop-up blocker keeps preventing me from using aol. If anyone wants to contact me about a game, please use send a message to my IM account, or PM if that's easier.
  22. That article was an interesting read. Mostly because, according to the numbers, the cost for creating a game for multiple consoles can increase the programming and engineering costs, which accounts for 20% of the game cost. Additionally, for each console version of the game, another portion of the cost has to be attributed to the console owner's fee, which accounts for 11.5% of the game cost. Yet, if developers choose to make a title exclusively for a single console, they can waive the console owner's fee. So, although it may seem like developing a game for multiple consoles seems like a safe and conservative route to take in order to ensure sales of said game, the added costs of developing for multiple consoles can exceed the $1 profit margin for sales over 500,000 units (according to the article). And since marketting only accounts for about 4% of the game costs, it seems to me that console exclusivity would play a bigger role in game development, from a business prospective. Honestly, I'd prefer to see greater console exclusivity as it appears to correlate with better quality, functionality and individuality. Besides, don't most people own multiple consoles anyway? And aren't exclusives the real reason why people choose one console over another?
  23. This just seems wildly appropriate. Reuben Kee
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