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  1. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to classic_gamer_76 in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    I think a Corneria collaboration is the best way to go. Great idea!
    @TheChargingRhino -- Really like the ideas you have for that (first) Corneria mix. However, just like The 'Boss' Nikanoru said, there's still quite a lot to do. I'd be very glad to help you on that one actually, since it's already pretty inspiring -- throw a couple more ideas in this WIP. I could even manage to get proper guitar recordings too!
    @The Nikanoru -- Haven't thought of a name just yet. I usually give my mixes a name when they're close to be finished. I'm experimenting stuff right now and would like to have a talk with you when I'll have another WIP ready so I can share my vision of where I want to go with this track and see if it could still have its place within this album.
    Also, it would be great to have a list of the performers available for collaboration in the first post -- near the current tracklist ^^
  2. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to The Nikanoru in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    Okay, thread has been reset with the new info.
    Sorry for the confusion @classic_gamer_76, you have submitted a WIP - but it still needs a name!
    Hmmm. Not sure this is at the level where you can 'drop the mic,' but very interesting.
    Done. Send me your WIP!
    I like it, as I'm always down for a little cello action, but lonely ... and short.
    So, I've been thinking about this Corneria thing, as it's the most popular track in the Star Fox series and I'm only choosing one to be featured (bonus tracks still possible!). Well, this weekend, a friend of mine suggested that since it's so popular, why don't we make this into one big collaboration?
    Tell me what you all think.
  3. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to DS394 in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    I guess I can claim Sector X as I already have the WIP of it.
    Errrm... I kinda wanted to claim Corneria, but my track is pretty short tho:
  4. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to The Legendary Zoltan in Multi-instrumentalists, where do you guys find the time?   
    I'm not really a multi-instrumentalist but I do a variety of things in general. Currently taking ballet lessons and working out so I can stop being fat. I have a kid and a full-time job, so I'll tell you how I find time to do stuff.
    1. I don't do the stuff I already know how to do so I can "stay in practice." I learned how to play guitar and now I almost never play guitar. Hahaha.
    2. I wake up at 4am. Yes, it sucks.
    3. I didn't bother learning to play all the other instruments. I know it sounds like the lazy man's answer BUT, you may be interested to know that I have composed for a variety of orchestral instruments for a concert and I don't know how to play any of them. All you NEED to know is what clef to use and what the highest and lowest notes they can play are. And with just that info, I managed to compose a concert for a piano, cello, violin, timpani, drumset, clarinet, and some other stuff that I don't remember. Don't I sound awesome!
    I hope that helps a bit. Of course, if you WANT to be able to play all the instruments you compose for, you should do it and just accept that it takes time. The only other piece of advice I have is...
    4. Give up video games. But there's no god-damn way THAT'S gonna happen, right?
  5. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to Theory of N in Super Smash Bros. 64 - All Clear   
    Yeah, I dig the vibe you've got going on. Definitely cool sounding. First thing that sticks out to me is that the climax of your buildups are clipped pretty heavily which is the result of being too loud, basically. Once everything gets heavy around 0:54, the only thing that remains distinct is the kick and hat. Everything is super muddy and in serious need of some EQ'ing; cut out those unnecessary frequencies and make sure everything has its own place in the soundscape. Very subtle panning could help a bit too.

    As far as arrangement goes, the source itself doesn't have much substance but you could derive some sense of melody from it and potentially throw a lead over what you've got that would help vary things up and add a bit more excitement. 

    Looking forward to hearing what you do with this dude, definitely a solid start.
  6. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to The Nikanoru in Super Smash Bros. 64 - All Clear   
    Been a long time since I picked up an N64 controller, but memories of this game come through very clearly. Link was always my favorite, but few could defeat me with the 'Chu.
    I think glasfen has said pretty much everything I would say on this. The only thing I would add it that it doesn't sound mixed quite right - I want to say compression, but I don't know my terminology enough to advise you properly here. Perhaps someone like timaeus222 or Rozovian could give you better advice here.
    I always find it interesting when someone can take a short loop and turn it into a full remix. This sounds great!
  7. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to glasfen in Super Smash Bros. 64 - All Clear   
    Solid start. Very different vibe than the original, which is always refreshing.
    The source is simple and repetitive, which makes originality difficult. I would recommend some drops, bends, solos, or a bridge and/or key change to keep things fresh. Adding one or two more SFX would be cool, especially if used (sparingly) in one of these change-ups.
    There's a lot of room for play here. Great source material. Definitely overlooked, as you noted.
  8. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to JBarron in Kokiri Forest Jig (Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time)   
    Ok so this is the official debut of my group The Travelers, a supergroup of some amazing musicians and arrangers (including the likes of Doug Perry, Mklachu, Jordan Chin, Ian Martyn, just to name a few) who play Euro-folk arrangements of game music. I had the pleasure of being able to arrange Kokiri Forest into an Irish Jig style and to feature my awesome group The Travelers. I combine Traditional Irish music with what most would call modern, contemporary Irish styles (kind of like you hear from Mumford and Sons). Anyway, I really would love feedback on the piece from all of your great remixers out there ;).
  9. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to classic_gamer_76 in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    Sounds good to me.
    Can I claim 'Inside Krazoa Palace' from Star Fox Adventures?
  10. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to DS394 in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    Just puttin' it out there, I'm available as a performer on piano (or bassoon, or basso profundo, if you really need one :P)
  11. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to The Nikanoru in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    Ambitious! I've PMed you on this.
    Done. Welcome aboard!
  12. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to The Nikanoru in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    Don't worry, you can claim the track now if you want and send a WIP later. You have time to consider and build your skills.
    If you need some help or guidance, we can help you or point you in the direction of someone who can.
  13. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to The Nikanoru in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    All tracks must be arrangements or remixes.
    How conservative you are with the source material may be negotiated, but we would like to hear a little of the Remixer in each track, if you get my meaning.
  14. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to The Nikanoru in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    --STAFF –
    Project Creator: Thomas Neil
    Project Director: The Nikanoru
    Co-Director: TBA
    Assistant Director: TBA
    Visual Artists: Geo-Dragon, Etzaen, Mike Ramanauskas
    Web Design: Starphoenix
    Project Email: lylat.system.clear@gmail.com
    Current Remixers:
    The Nikanoru, DS394, TheChargingRhino, classic_gamer_76, Jay Thomas, Slimy, Trev, bLiNd, Starphoenix, CrimsonCobalt, Thirdkoopa, JulienMulard, Etzaen, Siolfor the Jackal, Pichu's Dad, Your_Face, XPRTNovice, YoshiBlade, Deedubs, CmacProductions, GCJ, Smittenden, Afilion
    Current Performers for Collaboration:
    The Nikanoru - male vocals, acoustic guitar
    DS394 - basso profundo (male vocals), piano, bassoon
    classic_gamer_76 - synthesizer
    Theory of N - alto / tenor saxophone
    Trev - violin
    Pichu's Dad - vocal, acoustic / electric guitar, banjo, clarinet, bass (electric), harmonica, alto / tenor saxophone
    M_Blacki - electric guitar / bass, synthesizer, drum sequencing
    JohnStacy - (French) Horn
    TSori - trumpet
    Audio Support / Sound Design:
    Mastering Support
    Quick Reference for project status or source track research:
    Project Overview
     --WHAT WE NEED—
    We are looking for the following support (thanks to Odai for swiping this idea from the Ocarina of Time project and thanks to Theophany for the original idea):
    *A Co-Director to assist me in the qualification and review of the music and audio for this project. I need someone with past experience on working with OCR and with the final production of a project, as I have only limited experience in this area. *POSITION FILLED*
    *Arrangers/Remixers to conceptualize and complete remixes. This is where the bulk of the work will be. Brand new or experienced veteran, anybody who would like to take part is welcome. 
    Voice Actors to bring life to the characters in our audio narratives. If you think your voice would be perfect for one of the available roles, drop us a PM or email!
    Performers who are experienced with any type of instrument and have a high-quality recording setup. Sometimes live is better, so anyone willing to lend a hand to a fellow musician short an instrument or skill would be appreciated.
    Sound Designers/Audio Support interested in mixing and sound design for the project. Ideally, we would like folks who are willing to provide support and/or collaboration with Remixers who are new or inexperienced at mixing.
    Mastering Support for bringing the final WAVs into coherency and giving the final touches to tracks before final submission. I have no experience mastering and so I'm asking for someone(s) who is(are) willing to dedicate a little time (okay, a lot of time) to help us get the album through one of the final hurdles. *POSITION FILLED*
    Anyone who is interested in helping in any one of these areas, please let me know.
    First, a special 4-Arwing salute goes to Thomas Neil, who originally came up with the idea of building a Star Fox album in time for Star Fox’s 25th anniversary. He would have been the director for this project, but life became more complicated for him, so he was unable to give the project the commitment he thought it deserved. I thought it would be a shame if this one-only timing for the album fell apart, so I volunteered to bring his idea to light.
    I have always believed that Star Fox is the flight simulator for everyone who doesn’t like flight simulators. I remember playing the first game, years ago, and being fascinated with the SUPER HIGH TECH 3D POLYGON GRAPHICS, the ‘smooth’ play control, and the choice of different routes to take to reach the final goal, depending on the difficulty chosen. I’ve played other flight simulators, but none have given me the same thrill as Star Fox. Seven games and almost 25 years later, Star Fox has become a respected Nintendo franchise.
    We had a goal to put together a two disc set of 14-17 songs per disc, featuring a showcase of what we would hear flying around as Fox McCloud. Due to my own life complications, this project timeline was extended past the point where we could release it before Star Fox's actual 25th anniversary of release; now, instead of simply a tribute, we are focusing on the concept of the narratives and music: To celebrate the Star Fox series, we are putting together a tour of the Lylat System from Corneria to Venom to give this Solar System a little bit of the Star Fox experience,
    All tracks from all games are open and there are no genre restrictions. The deal for the album concept is one track per area on a course between Corneria and Venom.
    One exception to this is tracks from Star Fox Adventures. A maximum two tracks can be claimed from this game, as I don’t want the listener to spend too much time on Sauria; that being said, if we get more, we may accept them as bonus tracks.
       --AUDIO TRACKS--
    To add a little spice to our journey through the Lylat System, we have put together a series of audio tracks throughout the album to guide our listeners a little closer to the Star Fox experience. We are gathering talented voice actors to play the main characters from Star Fox as they fly through the Lylat System, growing closer to the final goal of reaching Venom to battle Andross.
    If you're interested in voicing a character, let us know!
    Audio Project Team
    The Nikanoru
    Cast List
    Fox McCloud: (TBA)
    Falco Lombardi:
    Slippy Toad: Purple Perpetrator
    Peppy Hare:
    Krystal: TheChargingRhino
    General Pepper: The Nikanoru
    Wolf O'Donnell: classic_gamer_76
    Leon Pawolski:
    Pigma Dengar:
    Andrew Oikonny:
    Andross: The Nikanoru
    Red = track claimed, no WIP (0% overall)
    Purple = draft WIP submitted (1%-49% overall)
    Orange = substantial WIP submitted (full arrangement, 50%-90% overall)
    Blue = finished WIP submitted (only final review left, 90-99% overall)
    Green = Final WAV submitted (all done, 100%)
    DS394 feat. Jay Thomas - Opening Theme - Star Fox 64 - Lylat Legacy
    Trev - Menu Select/Stage Clear - Star Fox 64 - ???
    TheChargingRhino, classic_gamer_76, Pichu's Dad - Records 1 - Star Fox 2 - Cornerian Hall of Fame
    TheChargingRhino, classic_gamer_76, DS394, The Nikanoru - Corneria - Star Fox - SCRAMBLE
    CmacProductions - Attack Carrier (Corneria Boss) - Star Fox - ???
    **Audio 1: All Ships Check In
    Asteroid Belt or Meteo - Star Fox 64 - OPEN CLAIM
    DS394, The Nikanoru - Sector X - Star Fox 64 - ???
    JulienMulard - Aquas - Star Fox 64 / Command - Submarine Bio-Warfare
    Afilion - Titania - Star Fox – Titanic Beach
    **Audio 2: Pigma's Message
    Katina - Star Fox 64 – OPEN CLAIM
    Fortuna - Star Fox – OPEN CLAIM
    Etzaen - Eladard - Star Fox 2 - ???
    **Audio 3: Distress Call
    Cole Train, DS394 - Sauria - Star Fox Assault - ???
    classic_gamer_76, Slimy - Inside Krazoa Palace (Sauria) - Star Fox Adventures - ???
    Smittenden - Boss C – Star Fox 64 - ???
      **Audio 4: Beware the Black Hole
    Disc 2 - Venom
    GCJ - The Awesome Black Hole - Star Fox - Impending Abyss
    ad.mixx - Sector Y - Star Fox – Dogma
     Deedubs - Space Armada/Sector Z/Sector Y - Star Fox - Star Skirmish: Attack on the Armada
    **Audio 5: Against Star Wolf
    CrimsonCobalt - Star Wolf - Star Fox 64 - Can't Let You Do That!
    GCJ - Zoness - Star Fox 64 - You Disrespectful Whelps
    Starphoenix - Macbeth - Star Fox - Cyber Warfare
    Siolfor the Jackal - Sector Z - Star Fox 64 - ???
    YoshiBlade - Boss A - Star Fox 64 - ???
    **Audio 6: Approach to Venom
    Thirdkoopa - Area 6 - Star Fox 64 - In A Distant Region
    Slimy - Venom Orbital / Venom Base - Star Fox – Surprise Attack! 
    **Audio 7: The Final Confrontation
     XPRTNovice - Andross (Brain) - Star Fox 64 - ????
    **Audio 8: Job Well Done
    Slimy - various Star Fox themes - Star Fox, 64, Assault, Zero - Ode to Star Fox
     ***Please note that a complete WIP is now required for new claims***
    First Deadline: January 1st, 2017 - CLEAR
    Second Deadline: April 1st, 2017  - CLEAR
    Third Deadline: July 1st, 2017 - CLEAR
    Fourth Deadline: October 15th 2017 - CLEAR
    Fifth Deadline: January 1st 2018 - CLEAR
    Sixth Deadline: April 1st 2018 - CLEAR
    Seventh Deadline: July 1st, 2018
    (director's life becomes complicated, time passes)
     If you make a claim you can’t fulfill, we would much rather you tell us then wink out of existence on us.
    If we don’t hear from you within two weeks after deadline, we will have to release your claim.
  15. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to Kat in Undertale Soundtrack Analysis (HUGE @%&#! SPOILERS)   
    Still loving this OST, and it's actually inspiring a soundtrack I'm working on. I love how the motifs are present in so many different songs. It really helps tell the story through music alone. 
    I feel like the often different sample usage was an evolution of his style. I recall him saying he is a self taught composer and also wrote each piece right before working on the area it was used, with no revisions on most tracks.
  16. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to eluukkanen in Undertale Soundtrack Analysis (HUGE @%&#! SPOILERS)   
    I'm always blown away that Toby Fox developed and composed those pieces by himself. Must have taken a lot of time and dedication to do those both at the same time.
  17. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to DS394 in Undertale Soundtrack Analysis (HUGE @%&#! SPOILERS)   
    Don't forget the unused OSTs that include the Star Fox SNES, Mario Paint, Final Fantasy VI, Chrono Trigger, and EarthBound soundfonts. "Star" is definitely my favorite unused track.
    I'd also recommend this vid, great analysis
  18. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to CHz in Undertale Soundtrack Analysis (HUGE @%&#! SPOILERS)   
    It's also present in Undyne's amped up themes "NGAHHH!!" and "Spear of Justice," and I think the other Waterfall overworld theme "Quiet Water" is supposed to be a loose version of it too.
    Given most of its uses are for Waterfall maps and a character who lives there, it makes the most sense to me as a general theme for the area, and I'm not really sure there's a deeper meaning behind it being in "Ruins" too. I'm definitely open to theories, but I'm willing to buy it's there just because Toby likes how it sounds.

    I believe this is only present in "Heartache" and "ASGORE." Since Toriel and Asgore were married, I think the meaning is pretty direct here.
  19. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to VGMusicologist in Undertale Soundtrack Analysis (HUGE @%&#! SPOILERS)   
    Oh that's wicked. I did not notice that; I think I don't yet have Flowey's theme in my brain really.  It doesn't get hammered into you during the game like some of the others.  Come to think of it, a catalogue of themes would be good to have in identifying and referencing significant usage.  They have something like that started here, but it's not complete and I'm not convinced they have all of them right.
    I've made two other observations, both with question marks at the end.
    1) The theme that plays at Waterfall includes a slow and morose version of the Ruins theme, which makes me think it doesn't correspond specifically to Ruins or Waterfall, but something else.  Is this theme used anywhere else, and what does it mean?
    2) The B theme of the battle with Asgore has a version of the A theme of the battle with Toriel in different meter.  Does THIS theme appear anywhere else and what does IT mean?
  20. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to CHz in Undertale Soundtrack Analysis (HUGE @%&#! SPOILERS)   
    The first and third themes of the pacifist route final boss, "Hopes and Dreams" and "SAVE the World," prominently include Flowey's theme, "Your Best Friend"1. In the final phase, as you touch Asriel's soul and he regains his emotions and himself, Flowey's theme goes away and the music switches to "His Theme," which the title basically asserts is Asriel's true theme. The music box version "Memory" playing in the cutscene right after reinforces this.
    The neutral route final boss theme "Finale" includes both Flowey's and Asriel's motives in the same song, which is sly as hell.

    1: In both songs, "Your Best Friend" is also set as a countermelody to the main theme seen in "Once Upon a Time" et al., which is possibly worth commenting on in its own right.
  21. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to VGMusicologist in Undertale Soundtrack Analysis (HUGE @%&#! SPOILERS)   
    So.... Undertale is kind of a masterpiece, and needless to say, I was blown away by the complexity of the soundtrack.
    In addition to a ton of memorable and unique character themes, the Undertale soundtrack makes admirable use of leitmotivic development and foreshadowing and even some musical misdirection.  It also features some very subtle and clever allusions to to other soundtracks.  I thought perhaps we could take a crack at unpacking some of the themes, how they're constructed, what they're trying to say, how they change as the plot progresses, etc.
    This is impossible to do without massive spoilers, so probably nobody who hasn't finished the game should be reading any of this.
    To kick it off, I'll start with ONE small thing I thought was wonderful: The song you hear at the Game Over screen is a statement of Asgore's theme (I'm pretty sure it's Asgore's theme anyway, though there are probably many many ways to interpret it), and it's also Asgore's voice urging you to stay determined and try again.  This would hint at the tragedy of his story, the ambivalence of his role as both "end boss" and "needs your help desperately" IF you knew from the beginning what the theme meant.  But the it doesn't get formally introduced until the final battle with him and this creates tremendous build-up and anticipation.  It also gives you a lot to pay attention to and ponder during the second playthrough.  The theme itself is in dorian mode which makes it sound simultaneously mysterious, heart-breaking, and uplifting.
    What are some things that struck you about this game's music?  What important themes can you identify and how are they used?
  22. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to DrumUltimA in Undertale Soundtrack Analysis (HUGE @%&#! SPOILERS)   
    Oh, you asked for it.  This is definitely one of my favorite aspects of the game--let's make a master list.  Track by track, here we go!
    1.  Once Upon a Time:  Main theme of Undertale, can be split into three sections: 00:00 (theme A), :30 (theme , and 1:00 (theme C).  Nice one, Toby.
    2.  Start menu:  Theme A from Once Upon a time.  Instrumentation fleshes out more depending on how many character's you've met/saved.
    3.  Your Best Friend:  Flowey's theme.  Title contains massive spoilers.
    4.  Fallen Down:  Not much to say yet, other than it comes back later (like most of these).
    5.  Ruins:  The melody of this is based on a recurring theme I have yet to figure out the identity of.  Let's call it "Adventure Theme".
    6.  Uwa!! So Temperate♫:  Joystick Config music.  Changes depending on season.  Not related to any other tracks other than the other seasons of the same theme.
    7.  Anticipation: Foundation of battle theme.  When slowed down a lot, this is what is played at SPOILERS OMG SPOILERS: areas during the genocide run after killing everything
    8.  Unnecessary Tension: Perhaps one of the few tracks that doesn't come back later?  But maybe it does...
    9.  Enemy Approaching: Primary battle theme.  Believe it or not, this is the same melody as "Dogsong", "Temmie Village" and "Tem Shop".
    10.  Ghost Fight: First time hearing this music, which is always associated with the spookier characters--ghosts and spiders.  Let's call this "ghost theme."
    11.  Determination:  Determination theme.  Heard in Asgore's battle theme as well.
    12.  Home: Themes A and B of "Once Upon a Time".  Aww.
    13.  Home (Music Box): Who turned off the lights?
    14.  Heartache: Opening motif is Toriel's theme.  It's heard in Asgore's theme--if you had any speculation about their relationship, this should clear it up.
    15.  sans.  Sans's theme, which is also heard in the track "Song That Might Play When You Fight Sans", which I actually have yet to hear in the game itself.
    16.  Nyeh Heh Heh!: Papyrus' theme.  Obviously also heard in Bonetrousle, as well as a bit in Song That Might Play When You Fight Sans.
    17.  Snowy:  And thus begins the Snow area themes.  This opening melody is new, but is brought back in bits and pieces in "Snowdin Town" and "Shop"
    18. Uwa!! So Holiday♫: See the other one.  Winter time!
    19.  Dogbass: Don't think you ever hear this again, though it's reminiscent of the ghost music.  Hmm...
    20.  Another track that I don't think comes back.  Hmm!
    21.  Dogsong:  Yes, believe it or not, this is the melody from the Battle Theme.
    22.  Snowdin Town: First section of the track is more or less original, but similar in texture/contour to Snowy.  Second section is a little more obviously from Snowy.  I think the section around one minute in is the first you ever hear this material, but this comes back in Shop, and.... Hopes and Dreams.  I think it's intended to be a variation on Theme B from Once Upon a Time.
    23.  Very similar to the music of Snowdin town.  Opening melody similar in structure as opening of Snowdin, but not quite the same.  Second section same sort of variation of Theme B from Once Upon a Time.
    24.  Bonetrousle: More Papyrus!
    25.  Dating Start!: Shop music, in an anime dating sim style.
    26.  Dating Tense: I don't think this has much connection with anything else... EXCEPT there is an accompaniment that comes in near the end which contains almost the correct pitch content to be Undyne's theme.  Forshadowing?
    27.  Dating Fight!: Dating Start, but with some kick.
    28.  Premonition: Mostly ambiance I think.  Can't place this progression anywhere else.
    29.  Danger Mystery.  More ambiance.
    30.  Undyne:  This six-note pattern is her theme.  It comes back!  Not sure about the melody that comes in though--I don't think I've heard that anywhere else.
    31.  Waterfall:  Here's that "adventure" motif again!  So the opening glock pattern will come back later too.  But yeah, the melody that plays through this is basically the same as what plays in Ruins.
    32.  Run!:  Piano motif made of Undyne's theme, which I guess makes sense because she plays piano.
    33.  Quiet Water:  More "adventure" motif.
    34.  Memory.  The first time we hear "His" theme.  and SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS BY HIS THEME WE MEAN ASRIEL'S THEME
    35.  Bird That Carries You Over A Disproportionately Small Gap: We haven't even met her yet, but this is Alphys' theme!  What could it mean?!
    36.  Dummy!  More ghost music, but a little more fleshed out than when we heard it in Napstablook's battle.
    37.  Pathetic House: Same melody as Dummy! and Ghost Fight, just really boring.
    38/39.  Spooktune and Spookwave: I guess kind of like the ghost fight music? Eh, I dunno.
    40.  Ghouliday.  This is just jingle bells I can't make this stuff up
    41.  Chill: Not sure what this progression is from.
    42.  Thundersnail:  Also don't think this really comes back ever.  Toby said he apparently made the whole track out of one xylophone sample or something.
    43.  Temmie Village: Once again, melody is based on the battle theme.  what the heck.
    44.  hOI! same as above
    45.  NGAHHH!!: Begins with Undyne's theme, which we know (just syncopated this time), and halfway through we get that adventure theme again!  I think it's interesting that Undyne is the only character that gets this theme, which otherwise is associated to environments of the game.
    46.  Spear of Justice: Pretty much the same structure as above, just in a different key/orchestration.
    47.  Ooo.  Oooooooooooooooo
    48.  Alphys: Another three-part theme!  First part at :09, second at :32, and third at 1:01.  I'll describe them in the same "a" "b" and "c" terms I was using before.
    49.  It's showtime!  Good ol' Mettaton.  He actually has a bunch of themes.  This opening one is like, his show's theme more than his own personal theme.
    50.  Metal Crusher: I love this track.  Mettaton's main battle theme.  This one is also in two parts.
    51.  Another Medium:  Opens up with the same motif as Waterfall, but then has (as far as I can tell) new melodic content.  I think there are basically two themes in this track: the one played on the flutey-sounding patch, and the one at :52
    52.  Uwa!! So HEATS!!♫: Another one of these.  Summer time!
    53.  Stronger Monsters:  I never encountered this track in the game.  I don't know!  I don't hear anything that I can associate to anyone else.
    54.  Hotel: Theme A and B of "Once Upon a Time".
    55.  Can You Really Call This A Hotel, I Didn't Receive A Mint On My Pillow Or Anything: Hotel with a little more spice!
    56.  Confession: Those monsters really are in love.  Theme B of Once Upon a Time.
    57.  Live Report: Mettaton's "show" theme, again.
    58.  Death Report: Live Report, but awesome.  Same "show" theme, but then there's another theme at :25.  What is it?  Reminds me of Undyne..
    59.  Spider Dance: More ghost music!
    60.  Wrong Enemy?!:  Music of the Fan Troll.  I'm pretty sure there are zero relatable themes in this one.
    61.  Oh! One True Love:  Toby's making fun of FF6.  The windowed screen says "Undertale: the Musical" during this.  This is a new melody, but comes back.
    62.  Oh! Dungeon: Same melody as One True Love
    63.  It's Raining Somewhere Else: I guess this is Sans' theme, even though I think it sounds like Toriel.  I guess they're similar? So sneaky.
    64.  Core Approach: just the hotel music
    65.  CORE:  This opening motif comes back in the battle you're about to have with Mettaton.  Then we get a nice dose of Another Medium, and both of it's themes.
    66.  Last Episode!  Recognize this from Mettaton's battle music?
    67.  Oh My... Comes from Core and Death from Glamour.
    68.  Death by Glamour: we've heard this opening motif a few times now, thanks for getting us ready Toby.  Halfway through we get one of our motif's from Metal Crusher, and then we get the "show" theme!  God, this is a good track.
    69.  For the Fans: "Oh! One True Love"
    70.  Long Elevator: come on toby
    71.  Undertale.  It's the title track of the album!  You get to hear the story of Asriel, which is why his theme is playing the whole time.  You also get Themes A and B from Once Upon a Time, as usual.
    72.  Song That Might Play When You Fight Sans: I have yet to actually hear this in the game.  So the melody is based on "sans.", and then we get some Papyrus in there as well, near the end of the track.
    73.  The Choice:  Very ambient, but the harmony is largely based on the harmony from Undertale
    74.  Small shock:  More harmony from Undertale.
    75.  Barrier: once again, come on toby
    76.  Bergentrückung: A German literary archetype describing the trope of a human mysteriously vanishing from the human world.  Also basically Asgore's theme.
    77.  ASGORE.  So we get Bergentrückung, and then we get Toriel's theme (and both parts of it!).  Then we get "Determination".  EDIT: ENDS WITH UNDYNE WHAT
    78.  You Idiot:  Very ambient, but the notes of Omega Flowey's theme.
    79.  Your Best Nightmare.  Man, what an incredible track.  This six note motif is Omega Flowey's theme.  Then, we get six variations on "Your Best Friend" (aka normal Flowey's theme) scattered throughout the track.  One for each of the human souls that Omega Flowey has absorbed.
    80.  Finale: Flowey's theme with an awesome reharmonization.  Now, you have no idea about this aspect of Flowey's character yet, but Asriel's theme comes in at :40.  Come on Toby, those are some serious aural spoilers!
    81.  An Ending:  Ruins music, then leading to the track that is basically "respite" (which comes later), which is that adventure theme.  Hey, maybe we should call that theme "respite".
    82.  She's Playing Piano: What you hear Undyne playing in her house when you go to hang out with her.  Guess what!  It's part C of Alphys' theme!
    83.  Here We Are:  Welcome to Alphys' True lab.  Which is why this is just Alphys' theme--Theme A.  You get the rhythm of theme C near the end.
    84.  Amalgam:  Holy god this track is AWESOME.  Don't know where the melodic material comes from.
    85.  Fallen Down (Reprise):  There's Fallen Down again, but it's been extended! Now we get themes A, B, and C from Once Upon a Time.
    86.  Don't Give Up:  Adventure theme (or respite or whatever).  
    87.  Hopes and Dreams: Ah! My favorite track.  Beautiful variation on Theme A from Once Upon a time in the beginning, and then most of the melody is actually based on Theme C from Once Upon a Time.  We also get snippet's of Flowey's theme in the background, which is great now that we know how they're related.  You also get that variation of Theme B from Once Upon a Time, which sounds more like Snowdin/Shop theme than anything else.  Same with the end of this track--this is from Shop.
    88.  Burn in Despair: Based on those six notes from Omega Flowey.  Scary.
    89.  SAVE the World: Once Upon a Time paired up with Flowey's theme.  Pretty cool!  Then we get more of Theme C from Once Upon a Time, with Flowey's theme returning to haunt the background again.
    90.  His Theme.  Yes, Asriel's theme.  Get your tissue box out, because you're going to cry a lot.  (I cried a lot).  I think it's the 1-5-9 motion in the left hand of the piano that really does me in.
    91.  Final Power:  This is just some of Hopes and Dreams reversed and slowed down slightly
    92.  Ah, nostalgic music.  This is a pretty long track, but you get all three parts of Once Upon a Time, as well as that variation from the Shop theme./Snowdin village.
    93.  Menu (Full): the full orchestration! You did it!
    94. Respite:  Epilogue music.  That "adventure" theme we heard a lot.
    95.  Bring it in Guys: awesome credits music.  Enemy Approaching, Nyeh Heh Heh/sans., Snowdin Town, Once Upon a Time, Undyne, adventure theme, Death by Glamour, CORE, Bergentrückung, Fallen down, Once Upon a Time.
    96.  Last Goodbye: More of some Hopes and Dreams/SAVE the World style music, mostly working with Themes B and C from Once Upon a Time.  The end of this is awesome.  Finishes out with Theme A from Once Upon a Time.
    97.  But the Earth Refused to Die:  Heard just before fighting Undyne the Undying.  Variation on that "adventure" theme.
    98.  Battle against a true hero: Theme reserved for special boss battles in the genocide run.  That opening theme comes back later.  We get that adventure theme again!
    99.  Power of NEO.  Same motif from the last track.  This one is pretty short, because it doesn't last long.
    100.  MEGALOVANIA:  This is a track from Homestuck, apparently.  No other themes from the game in here, as far as I know.
    101.  Good Night.  Good night, goatmom.  Once Upon a Time again.
    Whew I can't believe I did all that! Have fun!
  23. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to jnWake in Undertale Soundtrack Analysis (HUGE @%&#! SPOILERS)   
    Pretty neat articles about Undertale here:
    They're like an extended version of DrumUltimA's posts.
  24. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to Conn in Music artist for BSZelda AST MSU1 needed (Audiacity)   
    I am working on a huge project, which is to recreate the original japanese BS-X broadcast of BSZelda: Ancient Stone Tablets into dubbed English. We already succeeded with BSZelda1:
    Just as you see in the video:
    same needs to be done in AST.
    Original Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCX8vfUDSWU
    We have:
    - Voice actings (thanks to all lending their voices: Erock, Smash, Kira, Daniel, Onay...)
    - music backbone (thanks to Trovsky)
    - the hack (thanks to... myself )

    So basically left is the merging (voices with bgm) project, it needs to be done this way:
    - Each actor has his own track, the volume of each track must be equalized as the actors handed in records with different global volume (decibel)
    - some of the records need to be filtered (they have excellent quality, only some have a click of record end as far I hear)
    - the background music needs to be dropped when somebody is talking. This is done by making a copy of the bgm, lower the volume and cut it in at the time when somebody is talking
    The project is kind of huge (we have 4 hours in total of music). Is here anybody motivated and skilled to help us out? ...Please!  
    If you are interested, you can reply here or contact me directly at con.s@gmx.de
  25. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to DarkeSword in Staff wanted for Card Games Album   
    There are a lot of video games that are essentially digital versions of card games: Hearthstone, the Pokémon TCG game for gameboy, Duelyst, the various Yu Gi Oh games, etc. These games have some pretty solid soundtracks. I'd like to see a small single-disc album focusing on music from games like these.
    Anyone up for the task of directing? I'll take on an advisory/exec producer role and help out, but this'll be your show with regards to track selection and stylistic choices.
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