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    TheChargingRhino reacted to Slimy in What game world would you most want to visit?   
    Join the Koopa Troopa army.
  2. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to Miyakan in What game world would you most want to visit?   
    Legen of Zelda, Breath of the Wild. It looks amazing! It is huge, there seems to be a lot of fun stuff, and you can beat moblins up with a skeleton hand. Or pokemon (The whole series) You can travel between cities in about 5 minutes (Walking!). Just watch out for all the death dealing monsters.
  3. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to RECKENEFIN in Flat Notes: A Paper Mario ReMix Album - 7 TRACKS AVAILABLE!   
    Just wanted something noticeable. Probably overkill, but ya know.
  4. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to Brandon Strader in Flat Notes: A Paper Mario ReMix Album - 7 TRACKS AVAILABLE!   
    I...... i...... no moar projects...... NO MORE YOU SON OF Aalright I can probably do an orchestral piece for this, but catch me early next year for it.
  5. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to djpretzel in Chronology: A Jazz Tribute to Chrono Trigger - History   
    @Wiesty Very psyched, of course. I haven't been chiming in lately because my second daughter is going to be born like, tomorrow, and things have been pretty crazy.
    Please make sure we discuss logistics & schedule before any release date is announced.
    And if we've got some sort of short trailer, or just a quick audio demo we can play, for the upcoming MAGFest panel.... let's do it
  6. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to Wiesty in Chronology: A Jazz Tribute to Chrono Trigger - History   
    I just wanted to let everyone know that the music is complete and will be sent off for mastering sometime this week or next! Art is almost all in as well! Release date soon!
  7. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to Black_Doom in Super Cartography Bros. - History   
    So much hype!

  8. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to Flexstyle in Super Cartography Bros. - History   
    A little bird told me it could even be released within a week or less. WHAT.
  9. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to Flexstyle in Super Cartography Bros. - History   
    Sorry about the continued radio silence here guys, but I promise this is coming soon. We got bumped back by other albums (FF9, hello there!), but this is still definitely in the works and coming very soon. 
    I released a preview of one of my tracks on Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/flexstyle/super-mario-world-2-yoshis-island-do-yoshi-what-i-see-preview
    And my Patreon backers can actually download the entire song right now! https://www.patreon.com/flexstyle?ty=h
    Thanks for your patience, and I assure you -- I'm as anxious as you are to get this thing released!
  10. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to Flexstyle in Super Cartography Bros. - History   
    I know there hasn't been a lot of activity on this thread lately, but everything's pretty much done--we're just getting the website built and a few things ironed out. Should be seeing a release this summer!
  11. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to Draconiator in Super Cartography Bros. - History   
    And that is EXACTLY what trance is. It is about the journey rather than the destination. Hell I may submit something too.
  12. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to Chimpazilla in OCR03408 - *YES* Chrono Trigger 'But You're Still Hungry'   
    Remixer name: Marshall Art
    Website: http://marshallart.bandcamp.com/
    members: jmr (Jeffrey Roberts), streifig (Mikhail Ivanov)

    Song title: But You're Still Hungry
    Source: Chrono Trigger - Ruined World

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqJV1tkBbKk   Here's Marshall Art's take on yet another melody-less source, this time from Chrono Trigger. It's one of three songs we made for Chronicles of Time. (For anyone reading this who lives under a rock, it's a massive 5-disc fully-licenced Chrono Trigger tribute project. It was on the front page of iTunes next to Taylor Swift, so you know it's cool.) 

    As per our usual, everything you hear in this song is a single NES (2A03 with VRC6 expansion) and umpteen layers of guitar. I'm particularly proud of the drum sound I was able to pull from the NES (which under normal circumstances is only able to pull of a single, lo-fi sample at a time), and I've gotta hand it to Mikhail for crafting the dreamy, shimmery guitar chords which carry the song.   Couple things which I want to point out in the interest of full disclosure:
    - The melody played by the triangle wave channel at 1:38 is loosely based on the bass line from Lab 16's Ruin, which we also covered for Chronicles of Time.   - The dissonant bell sample heard at the end is recreated from the original Korg M1 sample and not ripped from the SNES game. I know how picky a certain company is about sampling from their games. If you're not convinced, listen carefully to the original SNES song and you'll hear the quick echo effect that I didn't recreate because I failed to notice it until long after our version was done. Part of me still wants to go back and fix that...
    - The guitar at the end is "inspired by" the intro of Deftones' Pink Maggit.  I feel like it's fair to call 14 notes in a nearly 6 minute song an "extremely limited" reference, but I'll leave that for you all to judge.   All the best,  -Jeff / jmr Marshall Art
  13. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to Chimpazilla in OCR03408 - *YES* Chrono Trigger 'But You're Still Hungry'   
    What a cool take on such an odd non-melodic source.  I like it a lot.  I feel like the whole mix, and the drums in particular are a little more lo-fi than they need to be, but I assume this was a purposeful stylistic choice as it comes from original lo-fi samples.  It's amazing what you did with those samples.  Regardless of my feelings about this much lo-fi-ness, this works for me.
  14. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to Gario in OCR03408 - *YES* Chrono Trigger 'But You're Still Hungry'   
    Very rich interpretation of a pretty empty source. I really enjoy the overall re-interpretation of the chords that's present in this arrangement. Changing things from simple chords to 7ths, 9ths, etc., and reinterpreting just what each chord is allows you to expand on the source beautifully.
    The chiptunes and guitar blend quite well together. I'm not sure downgrading your drums through 2A03 was such a good idea - that bass drum has nearly no presence, which does affect the track negatively. The rest of the percussion is alright, but that bass drum is very weak. The end has about ten seconds of silence that should be sliced off, too - no reason to have that, there.
    Thanks for providing the sample that you used - I think that should cover you, as far as complying with site policy for SFX usage.
    This is a very powerful re-imagining of this source. The faults that this holds are pretty minor in comparison to what it brings to the table. It sends chills down my spine, so needless to say I love it.
  15. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to Sir_NutS in OCR03408 - *YES* Chrono Trigger 'But You're Still Hungry'   
    hmm interesting use of bitcrushing.  I'm usually not a fan of what seems a blanket usage of the effect (on the intro) but It definitely adds character here.  The bitcrushed triangle wave lead harmonics may be too much for some, I think they're cute.  The guitar lead is surprisingly fitting though, and a highlight for me.  The climax screams awesomeness and power.  I think you did a great job with the arrangement here.  Deftones is one of my favorite bands of all time (white pony is one of the best metal albums ever made, imo) and I loved the reference there.  Overall amazing work putting this together, these different elements could end in disaster on less experienced hands but you managed to craft this with expertise.
  16. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to Liontamer in OCR03408 - *YES* Chrono Trigger 'But You're Still Hungry'   
    Yoooooooo. Fuuuuuuuck. Niiiiiice.

  17. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to Chernabogue in "Pieces of Courage" A Link to The Past Project (ONE TRACK LEFT)   
    You should try there: http://ocremix.org/community/forum/29-recruit-collaborate/
  18. Like
  19. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to DMT Produktionen in "Pieces of Courage" A Link to The Past Project (ONE TRACK LEFT)   
    I'm sorry for the wait, but  here it is. Enjoy!
    The Silly Pink Rabbit
  20. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to GSO in "Pieces of Courage" A Link to The Past Project (ONE TRACK LEFT)   
    I'll do these also in the interests of getting the project done(if no one has claimed them):
    the Soldiers of Kakariko Village
    Fortune telling house
    Guessing game house
  21. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to Flexstyle in OC ReMix on Spotify?   
    Plus, Loudr will only be able to license songs that have seen a physical release here in the USA. Something as iconic as, say, even the Punch Out theme doesn't count -- I know because I released an album that had to drop a song before it could be released. It's not a magical, one-size-fits all solution -- you can immediately forget about most of the slightly more obscure games that the OCR catalog is filled with!
  22. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to Liontamer in OC ReMix on Spotify?   
    It's more about source tunes than even the number of games. Just a rough check it our database puts the current amount of different songs that have been referenced in OC ReMixes at 2,689 songs. We're definitely not going through that.  
  23. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to DarkeSword in OC ReMix on Spotify?   
    Two things: first, you're severely underestimating the amount of work involved in obtaining licensing for the entire catalog of OC ReMix. We have nearly 1000 games represented in the catalog of individually posted remixes. We're well aware of Loudr and what they do, and even relying on an external service would still require too much work to obtain licensing for every last remix. This is not a "moderate amount of effort."
    Second, and more importantly: stop invoking the site's mission to make your case. Here's our mission:
    Appreciate and honor video game composers and their music Encourage artistic expression and development through fan arrangements Preserve and promote video game music of the past and present Provide resources and connections for the game composers of tomorrow Distribute great, free music to the world The last point seems to be what you're hung up on. But here's the thing:
    We provide free direct and torrent downloads of all of our music. We have every individual ReMix posted in full to our YouTube channel (~112K subscribers). We post all of our albums to Soundcloud (~7K Followers) We promote all of our music on Twitter (~28K Followers) and Facebook (~53K Likes). We go to conventions and events throughout the year (upcoming: Otakon next weekend, PAX West and MAGLabs in Sept, etc.) to do panels and give out CDs. We're doing a great job of staying true to our mission. Would Spotify be a nice way to capture more listeners? Sure. But don't pretend for a second that not having the music on Spotify means we aren't doing our job. This is not about us doing our job well, this is about your convenience.
    This thread was made 6 years ago. We didn't forget about Spotify. We're not ignorant of the modern streaming landscape and how it's evolved over the years. We've evaluated these venues and made the determination that it's not worth pursuing. There are better uses of our limited time; time that, by the way, none of us are compensated for.
  24. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to BlueJackG in "Wet Monkeys" by BlueJackG (DKC2 - Lockjaw's Saga)   
    Original track:
  25. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to Phonetic Hero in Happy 30th Anniversary, Metroid!   
    Surprised there wasn't already a thread for this, but happy 30th birthday, Metroid!!  This series means so much to me, and Metroid Prime in particular is one of my favorite games ever.  Anyone doing anything to celebrate today?  I'm working my way through AM2R, the fan remake of Metroid 2 with my roommate - the full version FINALLY released today after years of hard work and the game is seriously amazing, highly recommended!

    Any favorite games from the series, or even more specifically, moments from games?  I probably have too many to list, but a couple for me are:
    First stepping foot in the Chozo Ruins in Metroid Prime and having the camera pan around to show the abandoned temple structures Pretty much anything to do with avoiding the SA-X when it's revealed how powerful it is and knowing you're no match If anyone's got any fan works, I'd love to see/hear them!  I've been hard at work myself over the past 6 months or so, putting together a few original tracks to try to capture what the series means to me (made a separate thread for it, if anyone's interested).  If you've made anything to celebrate Metroid recently (or maybe not so recently!), post it up!
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