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Everything posted by chriskaudio

  1. Awesome idea! Here's one of my remixes I have on Spotify:
  2. Love those textures right at the start. This has a nice natural flow, very cohesive. On the other hand, I'm missing a bit of contrast here. But overall very pleasant to listen to.
  3. Hello everyone! Just sharing my latest remix Let me know what you think!
  4. Hey everyone, I'm excited to share my new orchestral pokemon cover with you. I originally wanted it to capture the winter-feel of the Sinnoh region. Let me know what you think. I'm especially thankful for thoughts on the mixing.
  5. Hi everyone, somehow I'm not abe to save any changes on my profile. I'm getting a 403 error after I hit save.
  6. I won't stand in the way. Even though I'm not quite sure what to do with my own track yet.
  7. Consider me on board as well!
  8. Hey folks, I wanted to share a recent piece of mine with you because I thought you might enjoy it. It is inspired by the OST from Skyrim^^
  9. Hmm, was thinking to go for Somnus in a more epic way.
  10. Yeah, I really like this too! Nice how you build suspense by withholding the melody and only playing parts at a time. Drum rhythms also pretty tight
  11. Welcome to the forum! Your track is noce to listen to, but maybe try some reharmonisations, different instruments and more contrast between sections in general
  12. Yes, works now! Really like the beginning! After that maybe a little more variety in harmony, drums, instruments?
  13. Should probably fix your link, since it's not set to public.
  14. Yes, what do you have in mind? Well, maybe the Theme from Episode Ignis since he is also clever Maybe even the chocobo theme?
  15. As for the project: Since there are 13 royal weapons / kings mentioned plus Noctis and The Accursed in the game, we could at least have a 15 track album. @GSO Would you still be up for it?
  16. Well, there isn't actually anything more known about The Clever than the wiki you linked says. At least to my knwoledge. So, since he is a very smart one and "well versed in the arts", maybe something that sounds 'intellectual' would fit? Maybe something that sounds a bit like classical music, maybe even with a little harpsichord going on. But thats just an idea. Btw you should really finish that game, it's amazing
  17. I too think this would be a cool project! Would also be interested in participating
  18. Hey folks, having some trouble mixing a piano duo. Especially when it comes to panning. Normally a piano is panned corresponding with where the higher and lower keys on the keyboard are, so you hear everything from the players perspective. But how to do it with two pianos? Leaving them both centered is weird, bc it basically feels like the 2 pianos are in the same spot. Simply Panning them a bit L and R is also weird bc then it is some kind of unnatural overlap and basically the same as leaving them centered. Should I put them in 2 Mono channels and pan the a bit L and R? Would that be a realistic thing to do, if we imagine the listener sitting in front of a stage with the 2 pianos on? Or are there any other solutions you can think of? Thanks for your help!
  19. Hey Ben, really nice arrangement! You would certainly benefit greatly from higher quality samples
  20. #21DaysofVGM
  21. Hey there! Can you recommend any free (and preferably easy to use) video editing software for making music videos for youtube etc.? Would really apreciate it :-)
  22. For everyone feeling a little sad today: Sorry for poor video editing skills
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