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Posts posted by Souperion

  1. I love it. I love the concept, the arrangement, the story of the mix, and I most certainly love the picture of Dr. Ivo R. poised on the piano bench, venting a career's worth of frustration on the keys. I'm only a novice on the ivories myself, so I hope someone with more experience can come and offer the technical advice you're looking for. The driving, almost mad pace well captures the (alleged) dizzying intellect of the Dr., his doomed machinations and ambitions, and well communicates an endless frustration at being thwarted. It lends a seething retrospection, reliving inciting memories. Furthermore, if you actually played this wearing white gloves, I'm ordering you a pizza. Nice work, keep at it!

  2. Welcome to the forum, then! Your post is looking fine, don't worry about that. Nice to see another user of Eastwest products. If you haven't already, I highly recommend looking up how use the keyswitches of those libraries to liven up the performance of your pieces (This video explains it fairly well.) If you already knew about that, then excellent. Now, I am admittedly bad at mixing myself (do not go find my earlier remix post in this forum as an example), but I think that the dynamics of your piece are a little stagnant. The notation is pretty solid, but the volume doesn't change a whole lot besides the drums coming and going. Some experimenting with note velocity could help bring it to life. That said, this is a neat treatment of the source material, so don't give up on it. Try working with dynamics a bit until someone who knows mixing better comes and offers better advice. 


  3. Oh, don't worry about crushing my spirit, JulienMulard. I'm more flattered that you wrote a short thesis paper to review my little ditty. And submitting yourself to audio torture to do so. I've been needing something to spur me on to better mixing, so exposing some garbage for review has been long overdue. I appreciate the (extensive) feedback, and have just a few technical questions if you've got the time:
    - Could you explain what you mean by lib?
    - When you say double tracking for the rhythm guitar, do you mean having it play from the left and right amps at the same time?
    - What amp plugins would you recommend?

    - What would you suggest working on first? You probably can identify, but it's a little overwhelming to be reminded that just about everything needs serious work :P.

    Thanks again for your time!

  4. A rockish arrangement of Flare's level from Panel de Pon (or the Gargantuan Blargg from Tetris Attack) with some synth and orchestral elements. As the title suggests, I was going for something to tribute the burning spirit of the fire fairy, with the rock aspects suggesting the aggressive behavior of dancing flames while the synth and piano hints at a more whimsical fae nature. 

    This piece was an attempt on my part to experiment with the Ministry of Rock 2 plugin from Eastwest. Clearly, I have only a trace of clue what I'm doing, and the performance isn't that convincing (particularly the guitars, bass, drums.) The guitars still sound a bit hollow, and I'm hoping to learn how to make them blend with the other instruments without becoming muddy. Critiques, advice, tips, warnings, etc, appreciated. Thanks for listening, and happy new year!

    The original source.


    Inferno Fairy Meltdown.mp3

  5. Impressive and evocative. Chilling at the whisper section (if there isn't a musical term for those, there should be.) You convey (well) a bitter intensity with an electric spark. I love the journey of this piece, it bears a painful semblance to a hard emotional progression. My condolences for that emotional baggage, wishing you the best on moving on from that. But it seems that sorrow can beget great art. Your piece imposes strong feeling on the listener, and I'd go so far to suggest a cathartic experience as well. Good work here.

  6. Wow. I love the progression of this thing. I've heard a piece by Master Boot Record, and can hear the influence. And it's pretty grand. The introductory segment is slick, with the increasing metallic elements. Reminds me of Portal 2. The heavy, synth hit thing (I don't know what it's called) that comes in at 2:45- 2:50) seems a bit odd right next to the more rockin' instruments that come in after it. It's a good transition part, the instrument just sounds a bit weird to me. Still, this is an impressive arrangement. Nice work!

  7. Hey, I remember finding your old version of this track long ago! Really appreciate the take on the ol' Guardian Legend, I'm a sucker for the game's soundtrack. 

    Anyways. I've a (much) less trained ear than Gario, but I enjoyed this new approach to the mix. The percussion is a bit more pronounced and there is a generally more crisp feel to the piece as a whole. Very chipper. Your arrangement is fairly the same as the previous, which I personally don't find much of a problem. Sometimes, repetition with simple variation is nice. Still, there is a lot of room for more deviation in the melody. I second what Gario said about a conservative approach, and personally enjoy liberal additions to old melodies. Still, this is nice work, keep it up!

  8. Timeless, evocative, and full of anxious longing. Departure was the song that lodged my mind into the game for the first time. I distinctly remember the awe and wonder at the piece's emotional force. The SNES had some amazing tracks, but this one wouldn't be out of place as the centerpiece of a cinematic epic or similar venue. Thank you to all of you for bringing this piece and album back to life. 

    On this day, Terranigma was resurrected.

  9. Your first remix is certainly not trash, and the only thing your post is missing is a tag. More importantly, this is a sweet piece. The piano segment at the midway is breathtaking, and the mix develops nicely to and from it. The synthetic sections sound a bit hollow compared to the piano, though. Nice work, all in all. Someone remind me to get Ori and the Blind Forest sometime.

  10. It's progressing and notably better than it was 3 months ago. Keep mixing and mastering, every piece you invest in is a good learning experience.

    One other thing: please do not post/bump 17 pieces within a one week period. I can identify with the desire to get feedback and direction on pieces, and it's great that you're using the forum for it's intended purpose. The problem is that when you throw a bunch of content out at once, it can come across as spam and annoying, dissuading people from giving your tracks a good listen. Sometimes, a piece just slips through the cracks here, which I can identify with. But keep mixing and bringing songs for review, and give the feedback some time. I've had to wait weeks for some of the best critique's I've gotten here.

    Keep at it, GSO.

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