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    Kilohearts, Ghosthack, Valhalla
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  1. Thanks for the amazing and thoughtful feedback! I'll keep working on it and keep you posted!
  2. Hi all, I'm shooting for my second remix here at OC with one of my favorite video game tracks of all time, Color of The Summer Sky from Secret of Mana. It's not at the point where I would call it finished yet, but I'd like to welcome any and all feedback to help me get there. Thanks! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1I_8oDWhW1r8k_nfi2USEc6Or7iAjiJu_/view?usp=sharing
  3. Thanks everyone! I had so much fun making this mix and I already can't wait to do another!
  4. I'm going Friday and Saturday! MAGFest is my happy place. Gonna try and set up and do a DJ set in one of the Jamspaces with some of my favorite OCR tunes.
  5. Fantastic! I'll make those tweaks, get my submission together and I'll let you know how it goes! Thanks for all your help!
  6. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sTXlhCEC6UNEStcb2nIR-o_51T13TjTQ/view?usp=sharing New version: Slight low-end boost, replaced trumpet section with just a basic poly synth lead, fixed a couple clipping issues, slight volume boost overall.
  7. Here's the latest version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rJzvtzgLJNNSXb0R_0-KWFAtlfpwxM8o/view?usp=sharing I've boosted the volume of the two flutes playing the melody at 1:49, and changed the steel drum to a trumpet section to change up the back half. I also added some variation in the drum pattern in the back half, and did some overall EQ adjustments.
  8. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1F1e5AWC7-tjQaf9tZcr0smOKCngdDrjv/view?usp=sharing I've always loved Mario Kart 64 and specifically the Frappe Snowland music, but I always thought it would work better for a beach level. So I made it into a tropical house track featuring my man Toad on vox. Yahoo! Edit: Got rid of louder flute-y sound on certain chord hits, which turned out to be weird harmonic resonance from the struck piano instrument I used. Put a different drum pattern in the Bass/Violin solo and dialed back the release of the violins to add clarity. Also peppered some drum fills throughout for interest. Thanks for the feedback, @Hemophiliac!
  9. Chilltronic relaxy-type song. Feedback welcome!
  10. Hello! I'm back with another chill track for your consideration, though this one is a bit wonkier. I've always loved the Mario Party music and figured I'd do a take on the song that gets stuck in my head the most, "Play A Mini-Game" from the original Mario Party. Please let me know your thoughts, in particular with regards to the EQ. Thanks! Drive link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gk-2xbJwQoURXWNXXI7REO2QZPfJ3Sdl/view?usp=sharing Original Track: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGrWq6CvD04
  11. Thank you so much! I'll play around with the low-end. The static is a vinyl noise sample that I put in to try and make it sound more lo-fi but I'm realizing that it doesn't really work with my choice of synths so I'm just gonna cut it. Thanks for the feedback, it means a lot! Especially from a veteran of the scene!
  12. This. Particularly those last two notes Maybe really attack those notes the first time through the repeat and then dial it back once the high strings come in the second time through? Or vice versa? Just a thought. But yeah, this track is amazing. Really well done.
  13. I love it! I can absolutely hear this on Radio Cutman or some other station of the like. I was going to mention the mids getting kinda muddy about halfway through the track, but then I noticed the second version appears to have cleaned those up pretty well. I'd absolutely love to hear this with a sax solo in the middle, hope that works out. Well done!
  14. Wow. Very impressive. The transition into the addition of the orchestra gave me goosebumps. I feel like I lose the cellos around 2:04 to that kinda saw wave sound (possibly trumpets?) but they come back by the end. Super great job, I'd absolutely finish it.
  15. Hello! Brand new to the VGM remixing scene. I started this song forever ago and stalled out. Finally got around to finishing a rough cut (thank you, social distancing) and would welcome some feedback on how to make it more interesting. I'm also kinda bad at telling what needs EQing, so I welcome feedback on that as well. Thanks for listening! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aG6KfJAQRH25GYhUJvGKUKgXMqBUx5Ql/view?usp=sharing
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