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Everything posted by Steben

  1. I remember w00t. From about seventh grade. That'd place it about eight or nine years ago. Dang. I remember it was much later that it hit mainstream, but I kind of thought it had disappeared by now..
  2. Hey guys. Who's looking forward to the Data update!? You can... you can erase your game!? Wait. Actually, erasing your game is on the Options screen. Huh. Now I am interested in seeing what the Data menu's about then. 55
  3. 93 It's not complaining. If have low standards, then I won't be disappointed!
  4. (95) Yeah, I'll play the post counting game. Anyway. I'm tired, but I have to wait six more minutes at this point. I mean, I might as well stick around to find out what ultimately disappointing update Wednesday will bring.
  5. Wow. Just imagine. Super Toad Galaxy and Super Peach Galaxy. Toad doesn't jump as high (unless you crouch down long enough to start flashing), but has infinite star bits perhaps. And Peach does her little floaty thing. I want to replay Sunshine now. I know, I'm probably the only person in the world who really liked that game, but, hey, I'm not ashamed!
  6. That was my thought. Basically he took what everyone did in those situations anyway, and made it automatic, which is dang helpful considering custom controls and everything. And it'd be especially helpful if there was a Random Out option, which you can't really do by yourself anyway.
  7. This is a good point. Of course, there'll always be people who drop out anyway, but at least this might convince some people to continue playing a match they're losing because, hey, you have nothing to lose anyway.
  8. I suppose it does take time to find all those unnecessary vowels and remove them. Not to mention change all those z's to s's.
  9. I wonder why the UK/Ireland site updates before the US one, in my experience? Anyway. I'm really digging the new music. And everyone's assumption that Final Smashes could be disabled is confirmed. I'm still not sure if I'll enjoy having them in the game or not. Typically I play without items, but we'll see.
  10. http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/n64/code/198848.html - Check out the Yoshi "cheat". Talk to Yoshi in SM64 and you'll get 100 1ups, which most of us remember. What most people dismiss is the "improved" triple jump, which was somehow even more useless than a Wii Message Board post congratulating you for putting in 20 hours of work twice.
  11. So. Having completely beaten the game yesterday, I haven't turned it on since then. However, I'm informed that at some point around when you get that last star, the game adds a number to your save file, representing how many times you've died. I'm... afraid to check to see if this is true. (I didn't notice it.) Because if so, I'll be tempted to play through the entire game again, just to get a zero. :(
  12. Hey, maybe one of you guys can help me out. I've kind of started dabbling in web design over the past few months. In particular, I've gotten into using Wordpress, for my personal website and my trombone section's website. (The latter of which is linked in my signature currently.) I'm currently talking with my university's Director of Bands in remodeling our website. Our current webmaster is about to graduate with his doctorate in music, and will start band directing himself, so they need a new guy to step up, and I volunteered. So, I've taught myself enough CSS and PHP and such in order to modify the Sandbox theme to match the current site design, the results of which you can see here. So I've gotten all that set up alright. The question comes in when I consider that I'm pretty naive when it comes to security stuff. Is Wordpress pretty safe from malicious hackers? Where could I learn more about protecting my sites from this kind of thing? I appreciate any help you guys could provide.
  13. I just got (spoiler?) 121 stars. Much like getting 120 stars in Mario 64, it's a little disappointing. (At least you get a whole level, if small and slightly used, as a reward, instead of a stupid cameo by Yoshi and a useless jump upgrade.)
  14. I gotta say, my least favorite part of Galaxy were those couple Purple Comit missions that were open ended. The worst offender was FreezeFlame Galaxy, but I wasn't terribly happy with the desert galaxy either. They reminded me too much of note-collecting in Banjo-Kazooie. I definitely had 99 coins in FreezeFlame and then died in the frozen water going after the last coin (the one that floated above a pillar in the center of the lake). They take way too long, and you're screwed if you make one little mistake and lose a life. Also, you have to be careful you don't skip a single coin, otherwise backtracking takes forever sometimes. However, I have a lot of fun with the timed coin missions. Toy Time was the hardest of all the Purple Comits, but at least you didn't run the risk of investing 10 minutes into a single run, only to accidentally slip up and land in some purple goo. You also don't have to wonder where that last coin is, because there's more than you need floating around.
  15. Good thing is, even if there's a stage (well, stationary stage) that you want that doesn't come back, you can always recreate the level's layout in the stage editor. Even if it doesn't look the same, it'll play similar at least.
  16. How the FUDGESICLES did someone without Mu Training learn PK Starstorm? I wouldn't be annoyed at this turn of events if I could, y'know, play the game so as to understand how that happen. Actually, to be honest, I'm not even mad now. That's a pretty sweet Final Smash. We still need Ness, though, so I can bust out PK High 5 on people. (I'm playing through the game right now, and that's what I'm calling it.)
  17. For the first time in a long time, we're not having any family over. Well. I guess I'm the visiting family, since I'm home from college for the week. But it's all lowkey around here. Which is nice, I suppose. Dad's cooking a nice b'fast tomorrow, and then we'll all have turkey in the evening. Have a great holiday, OCR!
  18. I bet you were one of those kids who paused the game when she did her high kick, weren't you? Ah. I remember December 2001. *looks off dreamily*
  19. The hardest thing for me was that the controls were actually easier that what I'm used to. I keep trying to compensate and control Mario from his perspective, when the game has you control him from your perspective. If you're on the bottom of an upsidedown planetoid, you press up to move up the screen, which usually means toward the screen, but for some reason I always get this backwards.
  20. I must admit, I was disappointed with the Bowser battles just because I wanted to swing Bowser around by his tail with a Wiimote. So long, gay Bowser.
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDr3Ek4DTzE I desperately need an mp3 of this song. Anyway. This YouTube user (http://www.youtube.com/user/ChromeSonic00) seems to have a bunch of the music from Galaxy posted on YouTube. I can't ask what all your favorites are, but what songs from the game do you guys find yourself humming along with?
  22. I beat the game. Didn't get all the stars yet, of course, but I've gotten past the final boss. I must say, I was kind of disappointed. That was not the most difficult battle of the game. I was kind of hoping for one extra boss battle during that ending cinema scene, but I never got it. Ah well. Of course, the game isn't any less awesome. Also, I was amused to find a message sent to my Wii mailbox from Mailtoad, informing me that Luigi had gone missing, and that I needed to rescue him. Now, here's hoping that there's a level out there where I get to use the Red Star power-up to get a Power Star. *crosses fingers*
  23. I just saw a YouTube video of UC Berkley's recent halftime show with songs from Tetris, Pokemon, Mario, Zelda, and... Pong? http://kotaku.com/gaming/clips/uc-berkeley-band-subjects-sports-fans-to-game-music-322243.php Overall, the quality of their performance was mediocre at best, but their song selection and drill made me smile. Anyway, I was just curious. How many of you have seen/performed in a VG halftime show? I know Mississippi State has done one, in fact, someone from their band came to this forum for advice a couple years back when they were making the show. I also remember seeing a high school band do a BOA style show called "Game On". Tragically, every single video game show I've seen just hits the mainstream staples of our genre, namely, Tetris, Mario, and Zelda. What would you put in a video game halftime show? Although I probably should say Katamari Damacy since I've actually already arranged their main theme with the help of Rainman DX on percussion back in the day, lately I've thought it'd be fun to do one of a couple shows. - After playing Galaxy yesterday, I'd really like to see some of that orchestrated goodness on the marching field. Perhaps we take an original theme from Mario 64 (definitely the main theme here), Sunshine, and Galaxy and make those the opener, standstill, and closer respectively. However, rather than play a straight transcription, each could be arranged in order to fit in elements from the earlier Mario games, to throw a bone to anyone who hasn't picked up a Nintendo controller since 1989. - Super Smash Bros. Brawl would be the best way to give a cohesive theme (aside from just saying "it's a video game show") while still representing a bunch of familiar tunes from many different games and genres. It'd definitely still be a medley show, but at least there'd be a common element to all the songs, and it'd make since to have some familiar material to the mainstream (Mario, Zelda, etc.) and some less familiar material too (MGS, Kid Icarus, EARTHBOUND, etc.) - Speaking of Earthbound, I've always thought that selections from Bound Together would make a good halftime show. Take virt's "Get on the Bus" and give it a little bit of rearrangement, and split it into two songs (end the first one roughly at 2:15, start the second one at roughly at 2:45 and find a way to end it in a couple minutes) and you have your opener and closer right there. Perhaps the One-Ups rendition of Summers could make a good middle tune; you play just a bit of the slow part, skipping the solo of course, and get to the fun faster part at 2:00. Anyway. I could talk band nerd all day if I wanted. What about you guys?
  24. Been playing this game on and off since getting out of class earlier today (and skipped a late afternoon class to dedicate more time to the cause). Luckily, I have no shortage of roommates/friends willing to be my Co-Star, so I've played most of the game with assistance. I've also been the Co-Star, and I have to wonder why nobody thought of this before. (Well, except for Wind Waker's Tingle Tuner, which didn't count because you didn't help as much, and it required hooking up a GBA with a cable that most people don't own.) The Co-Star functionality makes it much more enjoyable to watch someone else play the game, because, well, you're not just watching. You can point things out on the screen, help out a weaker player, or just have fun OCD-ily collecting Star Bits. Or as they've been somehow named at my place, "naughty" bits. Mmmm... yeah, you're so naughty Mario. Collecting those naughty bits. Soooo naughty...
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