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Everything posted by Steben

  1. Depends how seriously you want this to take itself. If it's a serious musical, you're pretty much stuck with a love story of some sort (or basing it on Bible stories). Of course, you get a lot more wiggle room if you do a Gilbert and Sullivan-style comic opera, like Pirates of Penzance. For best results, I'd definitely suggest the latter. Perhaps a story about a young naive remixer who's attending the first-ever OCRcon, trying to get his new crappy Geurdo Valley remix accepted out of pity by the judges by meeting them in person and convincing them he has testicular cancer. Somewhere he screws up and they find out the truth, but he ends up saving the day by thwarting Protricity, who showed up to ruin the festivities somehow. After that, djpretzel himself, played by Patrick Stewart, who up to that point had not been shown on stage, shows up thank our hero for his dedication to OCR. He still doesn't post the crappy ReMix, though.
  2. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=254611&postcount=10 ^ This link has been duly passed on.
  3. I've been stopped about my OCR shirt before, but I've never seen anyone else wearing one. The only person I've met in real life from the forums here is a guy who used to post in UnMod back in the day, Castle. We both play trombone in my university's marching band, coincidentally.
  4. Watching OCR's segment on the Screen Savers made me long for a better time. A time with more Leo Laporte and less Kevin Pereira.
  5. FRICKIN A It's now past 3am. Where did my hour go?? I would pick this weekend to start actually having a social life and going out on a Saturday evening.
  6. Exactly. I'm tutoring for Precal with Trig, and that's something they like to pull - requiring you to factor trig functions in order to simplify them. Here's a similar example: (note that I use sin^n as shorthand for sin^n(x)) (sin^3 + cos^3)/(sin + cos) = 1 - sin*cos (sin^3 + cos^3)/(sin + cos) = (sin + cos)(sin^2 - sin*cos + cos^2)/(sin + cos) {by the factorization of the sum of cubes} = sin^2 - sin*cos + cos^2 {by the cancellation of (sin + cos) over itself - note that this does not hold true for angle values of 3pi/4 or 7pi/4, which cause sin(x) + cos(x) to equal zero} = 1 - sin*cos {by the Pythagorean identity}
  7. Usually teachers prefer starting with the left side and manipulating it to get the right. tan^2*sin^2 = (sec^2 - 1)*sin^2 [by tan^2 = sec^2 - 1] = tan^2 - sin^2 [by distributive law] = tan^2 + cos^2 - 1 [by -sin^2 = cos^2 - 1]
  8. This won't give you any more clarity than hooking it up to your TV, though. I've heard about converters that allow you to directly hook your monitor to your console, but I don't know where you get them.
  9. Sadly, I don't play enough real-life chess to have had an experience like that. Of course, since dropping out of OCRCL many months ago, I don't play enough chess period these days. Not that I was ever great at it to start with, but, perhaps I should join in next go-around.
  10. I suppose if you must draw a parallel, you could say that Father : Power :: Son : Wisdom :: Holy Spirit : Courage. God is omnipotent, Jesus bestowed wisdom on his disciples, and the Holy Spirit gave them courage to go out and spread his Word. But I wouldn't take this to Bible Study class, considering how Ganon, the force of evil, wields the Triforce of Power. Also, you'll look like a complete dork.
  11. Fixed. Also, I thought you guys broke up? Man, it's cool to hear how mistaken I was, though.
  12. I cannot express the pure joy this song's existence gives me. I've just recently played this game for the first time, thanks to the Wii Virtual Console, and have been digging the music. But I'm a long-time DDR fan. All this to say, this is what I'd consider a perfect aural chocolate-and-peanut-butter combination.
  13. My roommate (the owner of the Wii in our apartment) refused to download the channel because "it's dumb and takes up hard drive space". But I know he's really doing it just to piss me off.
  14. Man, I'm glad you did that for him. Pisses me off that his parents would let him pull that kind of stunt, although maybe he snuck out of the house to do it? It's a good thing he ran into someone that wasn't out for the money in his Pikachu Piggy Bank or, y'know, his anal virginity.
  15. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Naruto_story_arcs Wikipedia does.
  16. I will be very disappointed if this movie doesn't break the fourth wall every ten minutes.
  17. http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR00022/ Also, here's a better place to ask these sorts of questions: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=18
  18. Yo ho fiddle dee dee Being a pirate is alright with me If you're a pirate... la la la la lee? You are a pirate! Okay, I don't know the words. But I bet YouTube does. ... Okay. I don't think I've ever actually watched anything from that show before. (My exposure is purely through YTMND.) That's pretty creepy stuff?
  19. Thank you for posting this in ComDisc. It is my opinion that we waste way too much fuel listening to OCReMixes. Every time we get down to the Music of Our Respective Groins, that's a little more coal being added to the fire in some electrical plant somewhere. Pretty soon, we'll need a lifeboat in order to stay dry while having a Bubble Bobble Hoedown.
  20. It's really cool, all the things you could potentially do with the Wiimote. Makes me almost wish I went into engineering, just so I could use the Wiimote in all my design projects.
  21. Basically, the game works as normal, with the first player doing all the story things. However, when you enter a battle, your party members are controlled by the 2-4 players rather than using AI. It was actually kind of fun for an hour or so, but it's not good as a stand-alone multiplayer game.
  22. ? As I understand it, it's going to the DS. So, yeah, everyone'll need a DS to play.
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