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Everything posted by Steben

  1. They already make Fruit Loops. I kid, I kid. <3
  2. I personally can't get through the intro (unless I'm using both hands to push the frets and have someone else hitting the strum bar!), but I'm currently watching my roommate take it on. He consistently gets at least 80% of the way through it. Let's see if he makes it this time. ... Wow. Damn. He actually just beat it, as I sat here writing this post. Now, maybe he'll let me play enough so I can get past the final tier of songs on Expert. ^^;
  3. Yeah, that's right. If you ever forget why Ness doesn't know Starstorm, just think of this simple mnemonic. Starstorm in yo face! "Woah, where'd you get that?" Mu Training!
  4. Echoing Darkesword and others, I'd like to point out that Child's Play doesn't really take money away from charities that support medical research. I'd imagine a lot of people who support Child's Play are giving money that would otherwise not go to any charity at all. The point being, even if Child's Play didn't do anything positive for these kids, it's not like it's taking a lot of money away from charities that could really help them. But the fact is, Child's Play does do a lot to help make a kid's stay in a hospital slightly less like Hell. Check out the letters page for examples on how the charity makes a positive impact, if there's any question remaining. http://www.childsplaycharity.org/photosletters.php EDIT That'd require a lot of volunteer work from DJP and others in order to get such a project off the ground. Jerry Holkins and Mike Krahulik didn't do this on a whim - they have loads of volunteers (and maybe paid staff too?) who head up the effort. Furthermore, OCR may be big, but we don't control the fanbase that PA does. Starting our own charity wouldn't be cost-effective, arguably.
  5. I think you're thinking of Teleport. Ness doesn't need StarStorm thanks to PK Poopin' (or whatever you called it).
  6. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I refuse to believe it. I will play Smash Bros. Brawl 24/7 upon its release until Ness is unlocked.
  7. What game is that from? In Super Mario Bros. 2, StarTropics, and the original Zelda, the stopwatch just froze all the enemies onscreen. That'd be my guess - freeze time so that you can (a) deal more damage for free or ( run away to get out of danger or grab another item. Think Hiro Nakamura from Heroes.
  8. Haha. That reminds me of something that happens near the end of the game. Those of you who've played it know what I'm talking about. I won't say what it is, because I'd hate to spoil it.
  9. I guess I'm not alone in being underwhelmed by the revelation of Meta-Knight's Final Smash. Not that it isn't nice. It's just... nothing unexpected. I guess it's rough competing against a Stage Editor.
  10. The localization was pretty good with the past two games, humor-wise. (I remember Maya telling someone that they were the man now, dog, in Justice for All.) But the second one had a ridiculous number of typos, in the main story even - not just in optional dialog. The third one was much improved, but there were still some obvious errors. But yeah. There were a few laugh out loud moments in Trials and Tribulations. I definitely got a couple strange looks from my roommates when I was playing the game while lying on the living room couch, and would bust out laughing every so often. The "This is madness!" "No Maya, this is SPARDA." line was definitely one of those. It occurs to me that we do have something to look forward to, before Apollo Justice even. Capcom's releasing Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law for the Wii this February. THAT should be awesome.
  11. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_best-selling_game_consoles 2 million more, if Wikipedia is to be believed.
  12. Thanks for the tip, Gumshoe. Nah, I definitely kept up with it all. That last case... wow. That was the greatest thing in Ace Attorney history. I definitely stayed up about three hours later than I meant to last night so I could finish it. Now I gotta hope that they localize Apollo Justice sooner, rather than later. Also, I have to admit there's one point in the last case that was the most frustrating part of the whole game. I knew exactly what was wrong with the witness's testimony, but when I objected to the piece of dialog that best matched the contradicting evidence, it didn't work. I had to look up in GameFAQs that apparently I had to present it at a less directly offending portion of testimony. Ah well. So. Overall. The first, fourth, and fifth cases of the game were amazing; they told a pretty engrossing story that bring the trilogy to a proper end. However, I didn't think the second or third cases were nearly as interesting as any of the cases in the first two games. But like I said, the last hours of the game made it worth the while. Also, if Capcom wants, I'll volunteer to playtest the game to look for grammatical errors and typos. I could do a much better job than whoever they got to do the past couple games, although Trials and Tribulations was a big improvement over Justice for All.
  13. OBJECTION! Sorry for pointing out the contradiction in your statement. I just beat Trials and Tribulations, y'see, and...
  14. I want this game. It helps that I'm taking Intro to Spanish 1 right now too. (Senior year of college, bleck, I should have attended to my core classes earlier.)
  15. Huh. They are missing. Well, at least now score will be a more accurate measurement of playing ability. Or rather, it'll be easier to rack up points, if that's your goal. I'm sure they'll include a Bonus mode in Vs. or whatever, so it wouldn't be completely gone. Probably under "Rules", like on this screen for tourney mode.
  16. So. I know all you kids with your fancy shmancy imports have had this game for a couple months now, but I held out for the domestic release. I'm currently sick in bed with a bad cold, so I've had nothing better to do today than watch football and play Phoenix Wright. And for all this work, I've barely gotten past the first real case. (Mia's tutorial case against Payne actually wasn't as disposable as the first two games' tutorials, but still, I'm not gonna count it.) So, thus far, my conclusion? This game seems harder than the previous two! Which came as a surprise, but I suppose that's not entirely a bad thing - these games are meant to be played in succession, since they have an ongoing storyline, and this game has more references to the previous games than Justice for All did. My biggest complaint is the same I had for the previous game. Often I'll have the correct contradiction in mind, but the game wants me to use a slightly different piece of evidence to prove it, or I'll present them in the wrong order, or something. And that makes me sad, because Udgey keeps penalizing me because he's too dumb to figure out my argument.
  17. Wind Scene is one of the few songs I can play on piano. I based the version I play off of klutz's version, but eventually started to change it up. And I was pretty surprised to hear the way you changed your style at 1:05 - it's very similar to what I did with the song. Only, of course, you pull it off well, while I sound like some shmuck who hasn't had any more formal piano training than what you could get in a year of elementary school and a year of Music Skills in college. High fives for adding another piano rendition of 600AD!
  18. YOU SHUT YOUR FILTHY, DIRTY MOUTH I will cry if Lucas completly replaces Ness. Unless they provide Lucas with a alternate costume that includes a Power Glove. That'd be so bad.
  19. EA wants just one vg remixing site. http://games.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=05/04/01/221247
  20. Surely I'm just completely retarded and can't find the thread on this game. But since I cannot... Who's picked up the new DS Zelda game? I heard a mediocre review, citing the touchscreen controls as totally different from a real Zelda experience. To which I say, psssssh. I picked it up and figure out all the controls intuitively. The dungeons seem a lot different from your typical Zelda fare, though. I've only played the first two regular dungeons, plus bits of the Temple of the Ocean King. I guess it's because you see entire floors at a time, rather than individual rooms. And then, the rooms are much smaller than your typical dungeon rooms in previous Zelda games. Also, I'm addicted to the multiplayer game on Nintendo Wi-Fi. What's my friend code? Glad you asked! 3050 5535 8455 Feel free to hit me up. Do you have to mutually have each other's friend codes to connect?
  21. So why is this under the original Zelda and not Ocarina? Just curious how these things are handled when they have sources from two different games in a series. EDIT: Oh, I'd be remiss in not adding that this is a fun arrangement, by the way. High fives all around!
  22. So, what time of day do they make updates at the Dojo? I know it's not midnight (Eastern or Central), and it's usually before noon (Central, at least).
  23. My guess was a bad pronunciation of "So long, King Bowser!"
  24. I really hope they keep PK Flash. I definitely play as Ness just so I can embarrass people by hitting them with it. (Actually, I've found it pretty useful for preventing your foes from barely grabbing onto the edge, by setting a PK Flash to go off at that edge at just the right moment.) PK Rockin' would make a great Final Smash. I wish there'd be a way to name it. Of course, there'd be no way to have Ness say the name of his attack if that were the case. Which of the other Mother 2 characters would you like to see? I think Jeff would be pretty ballin'. Pulling out his various machines and bottle rockets. It'd be weird if they stuck a Mother 3 character in there. Unless, y'know, Nintendo wanted to translate the game real fast and release it before December. What's the status on the fan translation?
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