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Everything posted by Steben

  1. 'Reminds me of that ringtone that went out a few months back, that was identical to a chiptune or something or other somebody made many years earlier. Maybe someone who knows what they're talking about could remind me what I'm thinking of?
  2. Wouldn't it be more appropriate to list this song as Pokemon RB or R/B? Or something? Since they had identical music (and were basically the same game with some numbers switched around), and were released simultaneously. Not that it's a huge deal. This is fun stuff. He took what was probably my least favorite song from the game, and turned it into something I could actually see myself putting on a playlist sometime.
  3. Even if I lived in Miami, I wouldn't go to this for a few reasons. 1) Lime green text. Owwie. 2) Huge link to another forum. 3) Join date: July 2007. If it was a more personable post, that'd be fine, but this is obviously a cut-and-paste advertisement. Sad day.
  4. That Chrono Trigger/Dancing Madly arrangement you did for drum corps is pretty sweet. I'm halfway through it now. Now if only the Blue Stars played that instead of back in 2005. Hearing this show was going on tour would probably be enough to get me reinterested in DCI.
  5. I should really arrange more vg stuff. Heck, I should arrange more stuff, period. But, boooo BOA. I always had more fun watching the bands who didn't have all the money for the expensive props, and generators for their amps, synthesizers, and electric saxophones. It was all about the music, baby. But yeah. Rainman DX and I put together the arrangement of Katamari on the Rocks you can find in my signature. I've also done the Metal Mario theme as a pep band piece, along with a crappy version of the Water level music from Sonic Rush. In non-vg-related-material, I did the theme to Snakes on a Plane. Unfortunately, I've only posted the one Katamari piece on my website, because I'm lazy.
  6. I dunno about that. If she wanted to, Rowling could write three or four books about what happened to the other characters during the course of that seventh year. For example, I'd think a book from Ginny's perspective at Hogwarts would be pretty interesting. But I imagine that the only way I'd get that perspective is if I had the stomach to ingest some Harry Potter fanfiction. And I'm too afraid of accidentally stumbling across Harry/Draco slash to do that.
  7. I loved the book and am happy with how it all turned out.
  8. If they improve the multiplayer, it would be perfect. My friends and I played through the first couple hours of the original game using multiplayer at a campus LAN party once upon a time. It was actually pretty fun. Now if they made the camera follow all player-characters, ooohh yes.
  9. Torin's Passage I need to play it again. It was swell.
  10. Judging from the official site, the creator seems to want to provoke discussion, not celebrate the actions of the shooters. Nonetheless, I'm really not sure how I feel about this. I mean, it has a right to exist as per the Freedom of Speech. But I'm not sure what ethical value I could put on it, personally...
  11. Two years ago I had the Half Blood Prince spoiled for me by Unmod. Someone had it in his or her signature. Of course, it's probably my fault for clicking on a link that said "DON'T CLICK ON THIS IF YOU DON'T WANT TO SEE A HARRY POTTER SPOILER". That being said, I'm definitely not visiting YTMND until after the 21st, and for that matter, I bet I should stay away from this thread, too. (But can I resist?) EDIT: OK I LIED. I visited YTMND right after making that post. But I didn't let it load all the way I swear.
  12. I'm hardly an expert on copyright law, but it's my understanding that you have an implicit copyright over anything you create. Perhaps that could include a brand, such as SoundTempest?
  13. Natural Gift http://www.serebii.net/games/naturalgift.shtml Fling http://www.upokecenter.com/games/dp/guides/fling.html Gyro Ball and Punishment http://bmgf.bulbagarden.net/showthread.php?p=388143 I found the latter two links via Google. As for Natural Gift, that was on the front page of Serebii.net.
  14. FAL-COOOOOOOOOOOOLN! ... PUNCH! Also, my favorite character for pissing people off is Game & Watch. My strategy is flawless. Run away, and then keep hitting the taunt button. This will force your opponent to come after you (or go insane), and you can take advantage of that to send them flying with a Smash attack.
  15. I think LARPing with Paper Rock Scissors sounds a lot more enjoyable than with foam swords and full body armor, at least.
  16. Or they could sell Classic Controllers by forcing you to use one.
  17. More like, drawn into it. I think the difference is that in the books, he fell into death by going through the black veil (which was sadly missing from the movie if you ask me), but in the movie he was killed, and therefore was sucked into death, which lay behind the gate?
  18. The Psyducks won't be cleared out for a while. You're looking for Gym Leader Crasher Wake. I believe he's in the town in the middle-south area of the map. Gamefaqs is your best bet for more detailed help, though.
  19. Heh. I understand that too well, actually. (Math is my major.) However, the chances of getting 20 males and not a single female when there's a probability of 12.5% of getting a female every time you breed, is roughly 7%. Of course, that's before you start. Once I hit 19 males, there was an 87.5% chance the 20th would be male as well.
  20. Well, one finally popped up, eventually. Now, I'm about at the point where I'm going to start EV training the team I want to compete with. 'Don't suppose anyone wants to share the Pokérus with me?
  21. Any of you have a female Chimchar? I've bred twenty of them already, and they've all been male thus far, despite the 1/8 probability. Math must hate me... there's not even a 10% chance of that happening, but guess what. It did. Anyway, I'd be glad to make some sort of trade. I have access to LeafGreen/FireRed if anyone needs any of the first 150. IM me at CornerianGuard.
  22. Ah. So what I really need is any female Pokemon of the type I want, and then a male that can breed with it that has the nature I want. Give the male the Everstone, and I'll increase my odds. That about right?
  23. Ugh. Breeding to get the exact natures I want is tedious. By the way, as far as breeding/raising Pokemon, as I understand it, I need to pay attention to the Nature, so that it boosts a stat I want and hinders a stat I don't care about. Also, battling certain Pokemon give you Effort Values which boost certain stats to a degree. Is there anything else I need to pay attention to? Also, once I get those EVs maxed out, does it matter how I level up the Pokemon? (Such as by trading and getting boosted EXP, or using Rare Candies?)
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