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Everything posted by Soma
DMC4 needed more scenes with Lady/Trish and that other scantily clad chick. I enjoyed DMC4 while going through it but in retrospect it wasn't all that special but if it ain't broke don't fix it, I suppose.
Top 10 Zelda songs on GamesRadar - with lots of OCR links
Soma replied to richter's topic in General Discussion
Tomonobu Itagaki is most certainly not gay. He's the most pussy getting-est mofo. It's all in the leather pants and the shades. -
I don't like phoenix wright games. I think I'm the only one though. I really enjoyed Hotel Dusk but I just can't really stomach Ace Attorney. I've given it a bunch of chances because the story and characters seem cool but I can't get into the gameplay.
Xbox hard drives are ridiculously expensive. The tard pack AKA the Arcade is pretty shitty. If you're even semi serious about gaming I would say pickup the pro (or premium whatever its called). Unless you're going to download a shit ton of HD movies off the marketplace or put your mp3 collection on the HDD then i would say stick with the pro instead of Elite. I've had a pro since launch and it works pretty well for me, At any given time i have about a gig free. and I've got some music and a lot of DLC on it. Pro systems also have HDMI ports now. But so do the arcade ones (possibly?)
I might pick that up I didn't know it was out. I saw it on some Gamespot show the other day. It looks very interesting. I played the demo just now and it seems pretty cool I'm just wondering if there are unlimited continues on the full game? Because i'll probably die every 12 seconds.
I think you would enjoy Blue Dragon. I finally beat Eternal Sonata a few weeks ago. Such an amazing game but i had a problem with the japanese language track during the ending. There's a part that's voiced in Japanese ( a flashback from something earlier in the game with polka I think) but it isn't subtitled for some stupid reason, kind of took me out of the experience. Eternal Sonata has messed up achievements too, i have like 17/22 but only have like 300 points. Also the New Game+ thing is BS, you keep nothing at all.
That list is lacking Crackdown.
I barely lived through that bird boss battle, I think I was lucky. The second boss gave me a lot of trouble but it was easy once i learned some much needed skills.also for anyone who is playing L.O but wants a guide (spoilers ahoy). It's safe to use as long as you don't scroll down too far. http://www.wikicheats.com/index.php/Lost_Odyssey_(XB360)/Walkthrough
I don't really listen to OCR much anymore. I rarely ever download new tracks either unless it's from a game that hasn't been done to death or it's a mix of a song i really like. I say every week i hear at least one, but I don't really listen to it that often.
I can't see myself paying to play a wii game online. If it makes friend codes die and voice chat a possibility then that's all well and good. But there's very little coming out on the Wii besides Brawl that i want to play. So hopefully if they're going to revamp the online stuff then there's going to be a shitload of games announced at e3 that take advantage of it.
The wireless xbox360 controller is even a behemoth next to the Dual Shock3. I use the DS3 with rumble turned off rather than the six-axis just because it feels more like what a controller should feel like (weight wise). If you're wondering i hate rumble, it hurts my hands. So i got the achievement in Lost Odyssey for the 500 perfect combat ring attacks. Also in Lost Odyssey I didn't notice it at first but it has a dungeon level cap. Every new dungeon you visit you gain levels like crazy at first, then the Exp drops to shit after about 2 levels preventing you from over leveling. It's a cool feature I guess but i spent one too many hours leveling with very little progress before i noticed.
I like the PS3 controller more than the 360 one but it's just personal preference. Lost Odyssey OMG so I'm on disc 3 now (almost 4) about 30 hours in near the Burning Cave. I wasn't expecting it to be this great. It's wonderfully traditional. Storyline is suprisingly fresh in some ways but not in others.
I used to say the same thing about the DS. The best DS games don't have stylus control though it's highly debatable. I think more developers should treat it like a suped up GBA than this new input interface that's going to radically change gaming as we know it. I feel the same about the Wii but to a less extent. It's nice to have the options though. Back on topic I don't think i have another Mario Kart left in me. I was down on MK wii until i watched the video and it does look sorta cool. I own pretty much every mario kart game but it just looks like more of the same. I guess if Wii online gets its shit together and my friends buy it I'll probably get it.
I've seen mention of Batman so Pokemon is definitely in. The best part of Pokemon was how Charizard never did shit because Ash didn't have the badge to control him. That and Brock, he has to be like the most pussy gettingest mofo in the Kanto region.
If you're going to recommend Trust and Betrayal you might as well recommend Reflection. It's not as awesome but if you like the Characters of Rurouni Kenshin you might as well watch what happens in the end.
I'm about 10 hours in also, Crimson Forest. This is the first time that I've actually cared about characters in an rpg. Like really feel for them. I guess that's something.
The game was made by Hironubu Sakaguchi's new game studio, Mistwalker. He's the dude responsible for Final Fantasy. Microsoft approached him long ago and basically said "we need a title like dragon quest and one like final fantasy." At least that's my take on it (OMG moneyhats confirmed!) So thus was born Blue Dragon and Lost odyssey. Though I've heard Blue Dragon did way better in japan and that L.O. flopped. Though neither can really be championed consideriong the xbox360's abysmal adoption rate in Japan. None of that really answered your question but no i don't think it was designed with an american audience in mind.
I bought it today. My friend recommended it with great praise. He's a jrpg fan (as am I) and he said it was in his top 5 rpgs ever. Though I'm not sure why yet, but that sold it for me. All i know is that the packaging is very shitty. It's 4 discs so it's 3 stacked on top of each other with the 4th disc in a plastic sleeve. WTF?
I finished watching GTO and I'm left feeling unfulfilled. It was good while i was watching it but it never quite peaked. I was just waiting for something to happen that never quite did. I hear the manga is better and I've got that but have yet to dig in.
I like Yuji Kajiura the most i think. He (she? probably) makes awesome music including .Hack//sign, Noir and the Xenosaga soundtrack (the game not the anime that i know of, maybe that too.)
I've been learning the Okkusenman version of the Megaman themesong. It's really pretty fun, though the alternate (tremolo?) picking in the beginning is weird. You can see the song at this youtube link and in the description there's a link to the background track and the TAB.
The first volume of Najica Blitz tactics has some white cotton panties if you get the boxset. Think i gave em to an old girlfriend.
I didn't mind the install. It was one of the factors that contributed to me getting it on ps3 instead of 360. It could become troublesome in the future if you own the 40 gig i suppose. But isn't the data compressed like it is on Warhawk? it only uses the 5 gigs while you're actually playing it right? I assume because Warhawk is the same way i think.
Speaking of Bleach is anyone else fucking sick of it? I still watch it occasionally.. but they're always still in mexican hell (or whatever) and Ichigo is still getting his ass beat all the time. After the soul society Arc it was downhill. (at least for me). Also speaking of Evangelion i hate that show, though i own all the original DVDs. While i was still watching and buying it I was enjoying it alot. Looking back I can't see what really compelled me to keep watching.
Glad to hear that Olimar is working out. I've heard comments about how you just can't see how Olimar can be effective at first. Does PKMN trainer really suck that bad? I was looking forward to trying him out. Here's a cool video of Pit Vs Marth