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Everything posted by Soma

  1. i wanna get BD but I have way too many games on my plate right now. The demo didn't really do it for me either. Still playing persona3 and bioshock, i haven't even opened Jeanne D'arc. Very excited for Eternal sonata's release though, isn't is still September? Glad the 360 is getting some rpgs, and jrpgs no less.
  2. I hate to say it, but i would probably rate the Halo series above the metroid prime series just for lack of replay ability. depends on if the reviewer counts value aka price per hour. Halo multiplayer is pretty much infinite fun. whereas I'm sure metroid prime3 is a great single player game. I don't want to start any flame wars or whatever, but 8.5 is a pretty good score. I haven't picked up Prime 3 yet, but i will before the end of the year probably. I bought Shinobi 3 off the VC, it's not as awesome as i remember it being. I suppose that's why there are no VC game demos.
  3. crying wolf has a hot ass. i dunno if it had been mentioned.
  4. after the demo came out, i ran around saying " is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow!?" in that really silly voice. that's probably one of my favorite bits of dialog in the game.
  5. I'm probably about 80% in the game. I've been harvesting all but like 3 of the Little sisters. It affects certain parts of the storyline, and apparently saving them is the "good" ending. I wish i had stuck with saving them.
  6. yeah i was glad i didn't get the "special" edition either. I'm kind of stuck on one part of the game. I'm in neptunes.. whatever it's called neptunes bay? And i was leaving that section for the next and i didn't fight any big daddies and it advised me to get more adam before leaving the area. so i went back and fought a big daddy but theres no little sister in sight. Can you defeat a big daddy and not get adam from his little sister? i have no clue where she went.
  7. The only DS game coming out soon i want is Jam Sessions. It's like a guitar sim. More info on their nifty myspace http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=173422344
  8. I was having a conversation about the demo with some friends earlier tonight. SLIGHT DEMO SPOILERS That one lady that had the cradle? there was no baby in the cradle i think it was a gun or something in there. but as soon as i saw her i pumped her full of lead (or wrench probably). My friends all sat and listened to her to see if she was a good NPC or something but i blew that bitch away. It was an interesting contrast.
  9. i went to TRU to see if i could snag a copy for my brother. Unfortunately ran into the one guy there who knows games. He said "technically i can't sell it but we do have it." so i was like "so what you're saying is i need to come back when you're not working?" and he kind of gave me a dirty look. It seems like a cool game though. As far as game of the year is concerned it's very possible, though i think "OMG ROCKBAND" is more likely.
  10. I remember the orange, I've been here quite awhile, mostly lurking. I liked the blue, but the grey works for me. It's streamlined and accessible.
  11. just to chime in on the whole HD debate. I bought a samsung 32in LCD screen 720p/1080i widescreen from Brandsmart last december for $999. free financing for 9 months, i have to pay it off this month >_<. It's got 5000:1 constrast ratio (possibly 6000, manual isn't specific to one model so i can't remember atm) It's got "game mode" which makes everything nice and pretty. It works well and i can say that it was more than worth it to me. Ive got my wii/ps2/360 all going through component and my PC in the VGA port. Everything works well though ps2 games that aren't progressive scan tend to look just OK. also since it's widescreen most of the games are stretched (they still look good) but you can play in their orignal aspect ratio if you choose. I've rambled a bit off topic, sorry. so in summary HD>SD oh and not that it matters, but there are only so many companies that manufacture LCD screens and most of the companies use parts from other manufacturers so you're mostly paying for brand name. I believe Sony manufactures the Samsung screens though i could be mistaken. I've heard great things about Bravia's Sharp Aquous' and samsungs...
  12. I dunno about you guys but i was always partial to looking up daisy's dress.
  13. The stranglehold demo is pretty cool. I enjoyed the eternal sonata one a lot but i hated the Blue dragon demo. Bioshock plays well but it's just not my cup of tea.
  14. Yeah i was going to mention that, several of my friends didn't even know about the tiny switch on the component cables. Which i can't really blame them it's kind of odd. About the warranty refund thing, i must have a fucked up sense of time, but i suppose it has only been 6 weeks, cuz i remember them announcing it around E3. Apparently Bioshock has gone on sale today (some stores broke street date). Some Toys R Us's i guess, it was reported on kotaku or joystiq (i'm too lazy to look again) but it's up on digg under the gaming section. I'm probably not gonna buy bioshock but it almost made me want to visit TRU.
  15. Has anyone gotten their refund from Microsoft yet? For paying for their broken 360 before they extended the warranty. It said you would recieve a check in 10-12 weeks but i haven't gotten shit.
  16. when i play VC games with the CC i usually end up putting the wiimote in my pocket. or my lap like most people here.
  17. holy crap? some old guys must be really excited! Kidding, though Van Halen was never really my bag, that's cool that they are touring again.
  18. Those are some good points. The stacking system from SM should be a welcome addition. i'll probably pick it up at some point. But Persona 3 is coming out, and jam sessions is soon too.
  19. Those 2 videos weren't that impressive to me. I like metroid, i beat prime and own 2, but I'm just not sure i want to get corruption. What's so new and exciting about this one besides the control scheme and the dark samus thing?
  20. With Marlon Wayans and Cameron Diaz!
  21. The demo for Fatal Inertia hit the marketplace today. It's a futuristic racer, think f zero with tracks like motorstorm (At least the one from the demo looks motorstorm-ish) It's pretty neat. So in regards to Rockband. I've pretty much chosen rock band for my faux guitar video game needs. (over Gh3) Today they anounced 11 more tracks from Guitar hero 3 and it made me curious. The Strokes' song Reptilia is in GH3 AND Rock band, i thought that was kind of queer. Though i've been waiting for that song in GH since the begining, i even submitted it to that GH3 contest they had a couple months ago. EDIT: GTA4 got delayed. one less game we all have to buy this year. woot
  22. I'm hoping that when Clare finds that kid, that he's not useless anymore. My buddy thinks the kid is going to be a new male claymore, which i guess i could see happening. I refuse to read the manga at this point because i know if i do I'll enjoy the next 9 or so episodes less. When this season ends at 26 I'll likely pickup the manga.
  23. Does anyone know when the new SF2 is coming out? The "HD" version of turbo that Udon is doing the art for? I'm looking forward to that on the arcade.
  24. nothing wrong with this list. but if you had to choose one rpg (from what I've played) go with eternal sonata over Blue dragon, lost odyssey is a whole 'nother argument. also ROCKBAND!!!!1
  25. I'm running Xp sp2, and recently when I've started hitting "Shutdown" all my icons on the desktop will disappear then reappear and windows explorer will crash and it'll ask to send error report and blah blah. but I'll still have to hit shutdown again for it to go off, and then sometimes a message will pop up saying " some program is not responding click here to end now or lose data" or whatever, but the program doesn't have a name i think it's shown as all asteriks or *'s or some weird ascii symbols. I I've checked my running processes and it's not in there. I've also been trying to modify my starting programs under Run/msconfig and whenever i hit Apply it says i should log onto an admin account, but as far as i know this is the admin account, i've never had more than one windows logon. so is there something i can do to check? like under control panel maybe? While I'm looking at things, i have like 6 instances of svchost.exe running. and i've heard that if they aren't all stemming from the same windows folder then it's probably a virus. I checked that a long time ago, but any advice on what i should do about that? I'm thinking i have some weird virus going on. But i'm certainly no expert and any help is greatly appreciated! EDIT: it says I'm the Admin, i think it does make the changes but it's odd that the error message would still popup.
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