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Everything posted by Soma

  1. The Uncharted demo was pretty sweet. The graphics are impressive and the voice acting seemed really good from what little was shown. It plays a lot like Gears of War meets Tomb Raider. There aren't any puzzles in the demo so I'm a little curious if there are any. The gun play feels pretty solid. I find myself hitting the cover button trying to stick to a surface but then clinging to an altogether different surface facing the wrong way but i had the same problem in Gears. EDIT: My favorite part of the whole demo is at the end of the opening cutscene when he's like "Oh Shit!" because prior to that he had said crap like 4 times and i was wondering if they were using that to kind of get a lower rating (e10)? but then he said shit and it made my day.
  2. sorry for the double-posting. The new update was today, PSN 2.0 anyone? They added a news ticker in the top right of the XMB and they gave the playstation store it's own section on the XMB. Also the Uncharted demo was released today. The store has been broken for most of tthe day, but it's working now (for me at least.) Impressions to follow..
  3. This might've been mentioned already but Toys R Us is running a sale when you buy Galaxy you get a 25 Dollar gift card.
  4. I just hope this doesn't affect the story. I had heard that the last episode of heroes was in early December and they were repackaging it into a season finale.
  5. One of my friends called me and asked me this today. But he was refering to Rockband. That's kind of a fun coincidence.
  6. I finally beat Heavenly Sword today, the end boss is such an annoying bastard. I figured out the save file thing, you can copy savegames onto memory stick pro duo's (if you have the slot, another reason i'm glad i got the 60gig). Thanks for all the responses. Did anyone download the new Uncharted trailer? Holy shit it's looking sweet! DEMO for uncharted comes out on the 8th for anyone interested,
  7. I love how this thread degenerated into "OK i got a ps3 now what?" but seriously folks I have an actual question pertaining to PS3 save files. I want to visit my brother tomorrow and bring along my heavenly sword file and i have a memory stick duo and a psp (if that helps). I was wondering if you can transfer them that way? Since there's no ps3 memory card how does that work? Can you never transfer saves to your buddy's ps3?
  8. I visit the OCR boards everyday. Everyday this thread is always on the front page. I had no idea people liked Smash brothers this much. I rented 64 and unlocked all the characters in Melee but never played it much after that (lack of friends maybe). I would say I'm a fan and am going to purchase the game but I can't get excited over a new final smash/ support character being announced. I didn't know Smash fans were so hardcore. In conclusion Brawl is going to sell a shit-ton of copies, maybe more than Galaxy?
  9. QFE. though it's not horrible for video podcasts. i catch diggnation or the 1up show occasionally while I'm on the go. I wouldn't recommend watching any TV shows or anime on it.
  10. I've had 2 ipods. A 3rd generation (i think?) 15 gig and a 30 gig Ipod video. My first one broke and wouldn't charge anymore so i ordered one of those replacement batteries off ebay, and that worked for a couple months but then it died again. The ipod video is really nice, it doesn't do much other than play music and videos but that's all i need it to do. I've thought about getting a zune before my i already have an ipod and at the end of the day they both just play music. The ipod might not be anything flashy but it gets the job done. (at least until it dies and apple wants to charge you 300 bucks for a new battery)
  11. well the six axis controls suck IMO. Same with Warhawk, everyone told me the only way to play warhawk is with the sixaxis controls enabled.. but i can't fly shit with it on.I ended up buying the 60 gig ps3 for 499 with heavenly sword thrown in. The end boss on heavenly sword is a little bitch, it's frustrating. I'm torn between ratchet and clank and Folklore as my next game. I know ratchet got way higher scores but I've never been all that into the Ratchet series.
  12. From what i remember yes. I fell asleep during a couple of those parts. about him being in frankfurt or fleeing from somewhere or another. That part is so very boring (at least to me). But yeah it's all just text and still pictures usually.
  13. So i got the 3 red lights again. Got home from work turned it on, got the lights reset it and it seems to work ok for the time being, I refuse to turn if off. It won't die unless you power it off and on so It'll probably burn my house down.
  14. I'm going through this same dilemma too. I was waiting for the 40gig ps3 to be released before i took the plunge. The BC doesn't bother me all that much but it would be nice to have. I have an older bulky ps2 that still works OK. I wish the 60 gig got another price drop to 450, it would make this so much easier. The hard drive space is pretty much a non issue. Having only 2 USB ports on the 40 gig bothers me considerably more than the BC. Is there an instance where you'll need more than 2? I'm thinking about the Sony eyetoy thing and then charging extra controllers?
  15. Soma

    Halo 3

    You had Perfect Dark in between Goldeneye and Halo and maybe timesplitters though that was pretty crap but it did have the dual analog (didn't it?).
  16. Soma

    Halo 3

    His name is Marty o Donnell actually, I was rereading my post and noticed it. So does anyone think the Peter Jackson Halo game that bungie is working on will be on 360 only? Time wise I'm thinking by the time that rolls around Microsoft may have announced the next Xbox. I'm assuming Gears 2 will be the big first party game for next year and maybe the Peter Jackson game the year after?(2009).
  17. Soma

    Halo 3

    My friends hate the Meta game. Their all a bunch of pansies. I like to charge in Rambo style when I'm on campaign but apparently I'm "stealing" all of their kills. I Thought that was the cool aspect about Free-for-all Campaign scoring but apparently not. I found all the skulls and beat it on Legendary with 2 friends. I still haven't gotten the achievement for getting all the marathon terminals though I know I've found them all. I also enjoyed the OST a shit-ton. I hope they release an actual soundtrack soon ( i think it was mentioned on the bungie podcast awhile back). It's awesome that Marty Mcdonald (the composer? i dunno the halo music guy) wrote the Flintstones Vitamin jingle.
  18. The slowdown is pretty bad. It's even in the very first battle in the game with gafgarion's sword attacks and all. I don't think i like the new translation, where's my hokuten knights or death corp? I can understand some of the changes but complete name changes are strange even if they are correct. The story seems way more confusing to me so far, the whole medievil speak is more appropriate for the time period but i don't care for it.
  19. My EB didn't get this in today, crap. Suppose there's always tomorrow. Lots of new screen caps and videos out since most people have it though.
  20. I'm probably gonna get a ps3 when the 40gig comes out here. The backwards compat thing doesn't really bother me, i have a ps2 already, sure it's on it's death bed, but I don't see me playing ps2 ever again. The 2 USB ports bother me more than the lack of BC.
  21. I went and reserved my copy of this today. I was thinking whether or not to get it since I'm supposed to be saving for a ps3. I think FFT is my favorite game ever though, I hadn't really thought about it before this. Looking forward to Tuesday/Wednesday or whenever it comes out.
  22. did someone say my name?
  23. hopefully there's going to be a second season because ep 26 sucked. I like the manga more so far which is rare for me. Everyone's going ape shit over claymore and at first i didn't get it. It's a pretty decent anime that i didn't expect to like.
  24. Soma

    Halo 3

    I suppose he is a cyborg, my bad. I played through legendary with 4 friends up until the 7th level tonight. Wasn't that difficult but still looking forward to finishing it. Has anyone found all 13 ( i think?) skulls? I have all of them but 2. I'm trying to unlock the Hayabusa helmet. I have everything but the helmet now.
  25. Soma

    Halo 3

    He's not a cyborg. He's human.. sort of.. he's a spartan which I believe are Humans that have had their DNA played with. Bones like steel.. amazing agility stuff like that. I was hoping the Spartan III's would make it into this game or for that matter anything from Ghost's of onyx or First strike (the books).
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