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Everything posted by DrumUltimA

  1. pwned i never got to hear this regardless nobody knows better than me the devastating effect the ego has on the music making process. Critique is gold, don't refuse it.
  2. actually, you know what? I have a track I did for dod once that you can totally throw on as a bonus track! Halc, IM me some time and I'll send it to you if you want.
  3. http://drumultima.googlepages.com/volcanojuice.mp3
  4. what ANOTHER GIRL ON THE INTERNET??!!?!?!?!?!?!/1//1/1
  5. it could be cool to make that last track a completely collaborative track.. have everybody contribute something. after all, it is just a medley of the rest of the tracks...
  6. what else do you need for the arrangement? It honestly sounds pretty complete to me...
  7. I have a friend who's a really good artist and a big sonic fan. I bet I could get him to do some stuff!
  8. nice! I really like what you did with the end! Very cool. Definitely helps with the source usage. As far as eq goes, I don't hear anything that sounds particularly bad or messy. The only thing I might change is your main snare drum sound--perhaps something a little tighter. The one you have now is good, but it's a little low and floppy for my tastes in this style. Another thing I'm noticing is that there isn't much panning in you mix--I hear the drums pan a lot, but most of the other instruments are pretty much centered in the mix. Maybe mess around with that a bit? The source usage may still be a little too libral, but now I think you have a fighting chance. Good luck man!
  9. I like what you've done on the production end! As a piece of music this is really great, I do want you to understand that. But I'm almost positive that if you were to submit this, the judges would blast you for source usage. I know it can be hard to drastically adjust something that you get as attatched to as a piece of music, but I'm pretty sure that's what you'd have to do here. The B section of the rt 1 theme is much more present this time around, which is good. Lemme do a breakdown: :22-:36 modified rt 1 theme :36-40 rt 1 b section :43-:47 rt 1 b section :50-:53 walking theme :56-1:10 modified rt 1 theme 1:10-1:22 modified rt 1 accompaniment 1:50-1:54 walking theme I didn't count the stuff at 1:37 as source because, even though it sounds inspired by the source, I don't think it's similar enough. So 15 seconds of pure source content, 40 seconds of modified source theme. That's less than a minute of source on a 2 minute remix, with most of it being heavily modified. A little harmonic/melodic/rhythmic variation on a source melody isn't going to keep it from counting, but I think considering how simple the source is that you're using, there's a very fine line between altering something and writing something original. Also, I still think this could be longer--more explicit moments of source means more time you can have to do whatever you want. Production values have definitely improved. I still think the drums can be louder. Snappleman once told me that the loudest tracks in a mix of driving music should be the kick and the snare. Take that as you will of course, but if the snare and kick are louder, it will make the music move faster. I want to reiterate that this is an EXCELLENT piece of music, and my criticisms apply to OCR only. You can try finding a way to make the source more present, or just leave it as it is. I don't think this will pass if submitted though, just because of the source usage. Don't let that bum you out though, if you really feel like you can't add any more source to this there's nothing wrong with that--it's your music, it should sound the way you want
  10. I'm terrible with projects, but I think i might want to do this...
  11. Every 3D sonic game I've played (perhaps with the exception of the first sonic advance) has just been a disappointment for me. I LOVED the genesis games. Hell, I have sonic mega collection, but still bought a genesis just so I could play them on genesis again. The levels had a great element of exploration to them--something that they're missing now. It seems sonic team wants to focus less on gameplay and more on guns and electric guitars...
  12. cool man. I'm totally down with the idea of pushing the boundaries of liberal, trust me Just make sure you make it super clear what you're doing! Also, as much as I hate to admit it, the 50% rule is a good one to follow. Some of the judges (aka larry) will blast you for source usage if it's under 50%. So make sure you account for everything you do! Good luck, can't wait to hear the next version
  13. but don't you just listen to it in bork bork bork anyway?
  14. Hey, this sounds really cool! I really like the groove on this one. I do think the arrangement here is too libral for ocr though, I'm only hearing fragments of either theme. You can DEFINITELY weasel the rest of the themes into both of these though. First off, on the rt 1 theme, you only ever use the first three notes of the riff. You should try to find a way to get the rest of that in there (F# F# G F# F# G E). Also, as cheesy as it is in the source, anyway that you can convey the change from I to V (D major to A major) will help. Also, getting that thing at :14 from the source will help too. I heard a LITTLE bit of the B section at :17 of the source, but i had to listen SUPER carefully. There could definitely be more of that. 1:10 of your track was a really creative way of utilizing the accompaniment, I liked that. I also noticed that there really wasn't much harmonic variation. I think you could get some more source out by incorperating a B section, or a bridge of some sort which would employ a different chord progression and would highlight a different aspect of the source. On the production side, things sound too soft to me overall. the drums sound GREAT!! Maybe bring out the snare a LITTLE more, to emphasize 2 and 4 a bit more? But I'm find with how they sound now. Your instrument choices sound really good to me too. Everything sounds a little too distant to me though, I would love to have this a little more in my face. So yeah, bring everything forward a bit more. More than anything else, this track needs better source usage to be a good fit on ocr. Based on what I've heard so far, I know you can be really creative about this. But remember, according to the sub standards, Therefore as creative as you are with your source usage, the listener needs to be able to easily discern that this is a pokemanz track. On my first listen, before I listened to the source, this track did not jump out at me at all as a POKEMAN track. And I've played that game over and over, I definitely know both of those themes well. You def need to increase the quantity of source in the track, and I think at points you can make it a little more obvious. But doing this will also help lengthen your track a little bit, and give it a bit more substance. It sounds really great so far, good luck!
  15. holy GOD LOOK AT THAT SIG btw you're welcome
  16. yo yo yo b boy this shits fo real mothafucka! shit! bitch! fuckin ass and blat blat http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qh8qzD6DpkY
  17. it may not be this magfest, anso, but if you and aeroz ever land at my pad, i SWEAR TO GOD i will download a recipe, buy the ingredients, and COOK YOU SWEDISH MEATBALLS.
  18. There is a CHANCE i could host you two after mag. I don't know how long I'm going to be down there for, but you all could hang out in my apartment in Baltimore. Let's see who else is around then too, but that could work. Also I don't have a car so <<<
  19. hey man, the two vids that I uploaded to youtube are all I've got so far! Perhaps I will make another take of it some day...

  20. OKAY actually my rooming/transportation/group discount status depends on whether i can con any of my ct friends into going. If it's gonna be jan 1-4 again i'll prob be coming from connecticut. balls. Anyone driving down from connecticut? (like dragonavenger?) (i will make you go dragonavenger)
  21. it's 11:05pm and it looks like i'm ready to submit! EDIT: i totally hesitated and just submitted at like 11:55 lol
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