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Everything posted by DrumUltimA

  1. Dude, I've said it before but I'll say it again--I really like this track. Way to give justice a run for their money!
  2. hey, i can start wearing my vgdj t-shirt in public again! (even though it's 2 sizes too big)
  3. wow... that blows ass. The whole article kinda had a weird tone to it...
  4. OKAY that barrel was NOT easy to figure out. I never did figure it out as a kid, and my parents eventually got me a game genie so I'd stop throwing temper tantrums. It wasn't until high school I found out how to get by that. edit: emphasis on FOUND OUT. I was never able to figure it out on my own.
  5. OH I FORGOT! Once I was at the gym at JHU, and when I walked into the weight room the speakers were playing snappleman and braincell's scrambled eggman. afterwards it went to snap's malicious fingers, and then jivemaster's raaw battery remix. I was trying to find out who's cd it was, but I never did
  6. hah, same here! I just downloaded it. Pretty sweet so far
  7. So I don't know if any of ya'll are familiar with this project, but a while back Andy Baio on kickstarter got a ton of people to back this project. It's a chiptune tribute album to Miles Davis' Kind of Blue album--each track is done as a chiptune cover. It's called Kind of Bloop. Well, it's done now! Artists represented include virt, ocr's own Shnabubula and Chris J. Hampton (ast0r), as well as chiptune artists disasterpiece and Sergeeo. Backers (like me!) get to hear it first, but it will be available to the public on August 20. I'm SUPER EXCITED to get my copy!!!! I've been waiting for this for a while--I'm sure all the tracks are going to be amazing. I'm especially looking forward to hearing virt, shnab, and disasterpiece's tracks--I'm a big fan of all of them. check it out!! http://www.kindofbloop.com
  8. well, i liked this when I first heard it and I like it now! Congrats man!
  9. Well, the reset generation contest results have been announced! Meaning I can start whoring this out! This was my entry, and I remixed a few tracks within it: "Reset Generation Anthem (Dexter Mix)", "Bubble Twin Bonanza", "Micro Anthem 2a03", and "Dungeon Derivative". You can download the original soundtrack here: http://music.ign.com/articles/862/862384p1.html Props to mom for doing the live strings, Prince of Darkness for doing the rhythm guitars, snappleman for mixing and audiofidelity for mastering! djp mentioned something about direct posting it to the site sometime, but it'll also be released in an EP release with all of the entries on it. http://tindeck.com/listen/kwvx enjoy!
  10. at one of the ny ocr meets we went to nintendo world and they were playing oc remixes there
  11. I will also say that for the past three or four nights I have had dreams about this contest. lol
  12. My turn to post here! While everyone's entitled to their own opinions, I will say I am surprised that so many people found this album "disappointing", or an example of a "decline in quality" on ocr. This album actually exceeded my expectations. There are a few weak tracks in my opinion, but I'm pretty genuinely enjoying everything I hear. I've been listening to it like crazy since it came out. Call me silly, but I don't think my standards are particularly low either... I'm also surprised at how many people aren't picking up on the humor in some of these tracks. In fact, two of my favorite tracks are Rhymes with Elixer and Zeromus the Serialist for that reason. I actually thought Zeromus the Serialist sounded really cool the first time I heard it... but I was probably biased knowing the guy who made it is not likely to have produced something like this out of inexperience
  13. OMADGKJALKF OMGOMGOMGOMG I AM FREAKING OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111 omgomgomgomgomgomg
  14. not bad dude! like I said online, watch out for timing issues, that's what happens when you play keyboard drums without quantizing. Other than that, pretty good! nice work
  15. DEFINITELY like the change in groove! My only reccomendation with that transition is leave like, two beats of silence or something--let the listener have a second to think "uh, is it done?" and then BAM! Really nice way to end it. nice work
  16. quoted for emphasis. oh yeah, be warned--at around 1:46 or so of your mix, your bass had a drop out!
  17. it's not done? Because when I listen to the link you posted, it seems to just cut off suddenly at 4:12. Maybe you need to put a few more seconds in there so the sound has time to decay, I guess. I'm honored that I helped inspire a track! Yeah, check out that compressor, and make sure you're not compressing the reverb! That's probably why it sounds so extreme. Be careful about comments like this: two things: of course you don't see a problem with it--if you did, you wouldn't need external feedback If you don't like somebody's feedback, I HIGHLY recommend you don't say anything. I get feedback I think is terrible all the time, but the minute you argue with somebody's feedback, the message you're sending is "your input is not valuable to me". Just take note of the feedback, decide whether you want to use it, say thanks, and move on. Arguing with feedback is a great way to burn bridges, trust me.
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