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Everything posted by DrumUltimA

  1. I am currently sitting on a train going to baltimore with my laptop in front of me, putting the finishing touches on my remix. I'll be submitting soon!
  2. just trying to make it look like it's straight out of a korean love drama
  3. A. yes. Everything I know about the technological side of music I have learned via ocr.
  4. Awesome! I remember hearing this on the wip boards. It sounds great man, it's come a long way. Congrats!
  5. Yeah, I can't make it down, I have conflicting plans here. Wish I could come, though! Have fun you guys!
  6. I'm really sad about this. Michael Jackson was an incredible talent... one we may not see ever again. RIP MJ
  7. I'm listening to your youtube post, the only really "japanese" sounding thing I hear is the third track, and that's only because it sounds like yasunori mitsuda composed it lol. I generally think that harmonically speaking, anything based around a minor i-VI-VII-i progression has been stereotyped as a japanese sound... which is stupid because I absolutely love that. Oh, fifth song in has a japanese sound to it, i guess. But it's not even that bad! I guess I can hear what they're talking about, but for that to be a COMPLAINT is silly, I think. I mean, it's clear that you've been heavily influenced by, well, japanese video game composers. But, who on this site hasn't? Who in the industry (other than howard drossin...) hasn't? If you really wanna chance your style for this silly reason, just imagine everything you ever liked about yasunori mitsuda or nobou uematsu and try to remove that from the element. Sometimes I think that the idea of something sounding too japanese is them saying "hey, this music is too good, could you dumb it down a little? Take out some of the really nice sounding elements and replace it with more generic sounds?"
  8. Quick get in the car

  9. wow, this is absolutely beautiful. Absolutely BEAUTIFUL. I'm extremely impressed. Your voice is beautiful! The emotion in here is definitely real, and I think it's a good reminder for all musicians on this site that if YOU ARE NOT THIS EMOTIONALLY INVESTED IN YOUR WORK, YOU'RE DOING SOMETHING WRONG. Fantastic work. Great playing too! Fantastic work.
  10. Analog, i'm not sure if all will be available to hear afterwards... but don't feel shy about posting in the WIP forum! I know MattInc posted his wip there, perhaps you'll get a few critiques from people.
  11. uh oh, looks like i'm not the only one going for an industrial kit sound! Sounds great so far matt, really like the synthy stuff going on. Some of the string stuff sounds a little choppy, maybe eq the highs down a little bit? Not sure. Great work so far! may the best man win
  12. Wha... I thought this was about people who literally eat grass!
  13. I will be armed and ready! But, will the scheduled downtime on twitter affect this at all?
  14. I know you're already married, but can we get hitched?
  15. well.. okay, maybe not so steady. i sequence from 10pm-3am and forget to sleep lol
  16. i'm working pretty steadily on mine... i'm really excited about this one
  17. Uh buh... which doug are we talking about? as for my take... i'm not gonna lie: very frequently, when making a remix, I am custom tailoring it to ocr's standards. I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing, for me the boundaries present a challenge. That's why I do things like improvisations, the all percussion mix, this all vocal mix I'm working on--I like to see how well I can fit those standards while doing something different. There's a lot of stuff I do for fun that I would NEVER submit to ocr, just because I know it doesn't meet the standards. But in the end, i do see po's point (but with not as negative of a light), I do consider OCRemix to be sort of it's own macrogenre of music. As the bar continues to raise, well, it becomes difficult to see it--or rather, define it. It's important for remixers to realize this. A good arrangement doesn't mean a perfect balance of source and original content, and if you wrote an amazing arrangement that sounds like a midi you still have an amazing piece on your hands. The only reason it didn't get on OCR is because it wasn't right for OCR.
  18. Yo yo yo B-Boy, that shit's for REAL mothafucka! Shit! Bitch! Fuckin' ass and blat blat! They don't have stuff like "penis", but i get the feeling they covered everything. I mean, dl a couple dictionaries, set a team of people to cover everything over a period of time... it can be done!
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