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Everything posted by zircon

  1. F'in awesome!!! The concert was outstanding. 99% of the performances were all absolutely world-class caliber, with maybe a couple musicians at MOST performing below everyone else, but even then, no one was even close to "bad". It was all excellent. I can't recommend the show enough... I had a huge grin on my face the entire time and many of the arrangements sent chills up my spine - especially the Final Fantasy VII opening Jill and I did get a photo op with Uematsu and Arnie Roth (the conductor). Two, actually, with the second being in a bigger group. Earlier in the day I gave the man himself a copy of VotL, thanks to Michael Gluck (Piano Squall) who was able to communicate what it actually was. We then prepared a very formal, polite letter explaining what it was and who we were, which we presented to him during the meet-and-greet after the show. We also gave him a CD of arrangements we had personally done or participated in. Here's hoping he listens and writes back to us!
  2. Not to derail the thread too much further, but let me just lay out exactly how Jill and I met/"dated" so there's no confusion We actually MET and interacted for the first time in person, at the 2005 NYC meetup. After that, we spoke online to each other on a fairly regularly basis. We started doing VGDJ together several months later which required a lot of talking via phone/skype and IM. In the process we met up in person four times for days at a time. We didn't consider at any point that we were "dating", but the effect was definitely the same in that we were really getting to know each other. We spent a good amount of time alone together, went out to eat, etc. But again, the (unspoken) understanding was that it was non-romantic, and that we were friends & co-hosts. The fifth time (total) that we met up in person, Jill was up in NY visiting for a "host-only meetup". Prior to this my feelings for her were definitely growing beyond just friends, but I didn't think it was realistic, so I didn't act on them. Of course, as it turns out, she was feeling the exact same way. She ended up hinting at it over lunch one day, when she seemed unusually happy in response to a comment I made that "it would be great if we [people on OCR] could all move to the same area after college." She refused to tell me why she was smiling so much after I said that, but at the very end of the day I worked up the courage to say "Did you mean you and I... dating?" (word-for-word) The rest is history. When we look back at it, we look at that day as the point where we actually became a couple, because in a sense we really had been "dating" before that, just without any romantic overtones. I wouldn't change a thing, even if given the chance. It was great for us to get to know each other and have fun doing VGDJ without any sort of pressure. We felt really comfortable with each other by the time I officially "asked her out" (so to speak.) So, I don't know if this really validates or invalidates what Larry is saying, but that's the abbreviated story for you
  3. There have been a number of remixes that have used Garageband... it's a very capable program. But analoq is right that if you have the money, Logic Express 8 is a fantastic value. If you're a student you can get Logic Studio 8 (the full version) for a paltry $150!
  4. Yo, so we'll be at the concert 30 to 60 minutes early. I'll be wearing a long sleeve, black shirt with grey dress pants and white sneakers. Jill will be in a black dress. My cell is 215-531-0798; probably won't have time to do anything much before the concert but it should be fun to meet y'all!
  5. I'm not advocating it... I was responding to the person who said this: They thought they needed an Elite for that. I was pointing out that you don't.
  6. Right, the Firebox doesn't have a loopback like that built in. When I called Presonus they pretty much said it's a problem with the video software, which they said should be able to support audio busing/loopback features. *sigh* I think I'm just going to need to do dual 1/4" male to dual 1/4" male, from my two line outs on the back of the firebox to two of the line ins. I'll set FL to output to the Line Outs... which I think it can support...
  7. My machine has on board sound, but the physical setup of it would make it very difficult to connect my mic (XLR) and headphones (1/4"). It seems like a physical solution, sending line outs into line ins, is really the only way to do it but there really should be a software solution....
  8. I meant HDMI cables not component.. the Pro definitely doesn't come with those. Crackdown is definitely REALLY fun. Some people say it's too easy, but honestly I've died dozens of times. It's pretty challenging even at the lowest difficulty level (where I'm at) - and most of my skills are max or near max!
  9. For audio I would go for a faster dual core over a quad core. I believe the best on the market is: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819115037 Also, your storage is weak.. get more!
  10. Fractured Mechanics is pretty promising. I like the sound design of the lead and the 'shape' of it. Chord progression is nice. Drums could use some work - more intricate sequencing, new hat sounds, maybe a different snare.. but really, just keep at it. This reminds me of the kind of stuff on my first CD.
  11. Awesome! So we won't be among completely unfamiliar faces. Sleazy, should be fun meeting you
  12. I don't think you need an Elite for HD. I'm pretty sure you get that with just the Pro... it might not come with the cables though.
  13. I am trying to do one simple thing: record video of a program on my computer (FLStudio) while also recording my computer output. I have Presonus Firebox as an audio interface. Here's the problem, I'm using CamStudio and it simply won't let me record from my Firebox's "Main Out" (which would be all the output audio from my computer). I can select it from the list, but then it says the interface isn't found. Uh, what? Presonus insists it's a problem with the video software, and Camstudio has no tech support, so I'm completely stuck. Most software I've used doesn't even detect the Firebox outs as a possible record source...
  14. Other things to keep in mind.. When playing chords, real players do not usually hit all notes at the exact same time, or at the same strength. They can emphasize a certain note in a chord (and often do), and 'rolling' the chord is a common technique, particularly in very expressive music. It adds emotional effect.
  15. For anyone else interested in Prominy LPC... www.zirconstudios.com/music/random/gtrtest2.mp3 www.zirconstudios.com/music/random/gtrtest5.mp3 Wait a few months. :3
  16. We've gotten submissions from it, but all have been rejected.
  17. Another vote for Penedulum. All of "Hold Your Colour" as well as "Granite"!
  18. We have a remix of this waiting to be posted actually...
  19. Yeah, honestly it was really hard to find a way to smoothly transition back to the original key of the piece. I guess it still sticks out a bit, but I can't really think of anything better. Glad you liked the rest
  20. Physically modeled trumpets have already been done... http://wallanderinstruments.com/ There's another PM piano also; http://www.truepianos.com/ As well as a semi-PM orchestra; http://synful.com/ etc.
  21. "Metal Gear May Cry" only had one source, it was just in the style of DMC. For any remix with sources from multiple games, we generally pick the game with the most dominant source usage, as far as I know. The vast majority of the time, I believe he just direct posts his mixes. I think there may have been one time when something of his got rejected, but I can't remember the situation.
  22. Nah, I disagree Gecko. If you're doing any kind of music where you need realistic piano - eg. any sort of solo piano piece, concertos, soundtrack music - the difference between free and higher quality samples is pretty obvious. Plus the advantage of Pianoteq is that it's physically modeled... it has virtually no RAM requirement and can be tweaked in tone. The same can't be said for samples.
  23. What exactly is the problem? An error message? If so, what error? Please be more specific. Remember that you need to load an actual instrument (nki) not WAVs.
  24. Whoa, he was behind Crackdown? OK, my opinion has changed I love that game!
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