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Everything posted by Aninymouse

  1. Ah, so only polite criticism is tolerated on the interbutts, huh? I hadn't realized I had hurt Sephire's feelings. In that case, let me E-L-A-B-O-R-A-T-E. Even considering that I am a lifelong gamer by choice, having played them steadily since 1994, I found the TONE. and DELIVERY. of your dissertation to be quite a bore. It was fine for the first two minutes, sure; but by that mark your tone of voice cause me to stop paying attention and start wondering, as an audience member, what you were on about all this "artistic medium" jazz. I woke back up when you uttered the word "Ico," and you held my attention for the most part for the remainder, but if I were to simply not look at the edgy, cut-away imagery and concentrate solely on your delivery... Honestly? You tried really hard. And who knows, maybe your real voice would have made things much worse. Doesn't matter -- you have an issue with tone and delivery that shows a greenness to public speaking. Listeners pick up on this instantly when your tone and delivery start to waver in odd ways or your voice, all the sudden, starts to l o w e r i n p i t c h a n d b o g d o w n. When YOU get tired of talking about something or explaining something, people are trained to start losing interest in paying attention. A noble effort. With the video, it seems passable as a school video project. I'm sure you did fairly well in marks without having too many people spend the duration with their faces pointed elsewhere. I, personally, thought it was boring. That is all. Now fuck off, JCvgluvr; I took time to pander to your smart ass.
  2. This is one of those Gamecube games I wanted to buy reeeeeeeally badly back in the day but never did. Wonder if I could track down a copy...? Same boat as Eternal Darkness, really. Bought it & Soulcalibur II at a hobby shop for $5 each, played E.D. for a few days, and then someone borrowed it ETERNALLY HAR HAR...
  4. I gotta give you credit, this is a pretty involved project. Character design is too beltan zipper for me, and the story isn't terribly intriguing on the surface, but I'm a total sucker for RPGs so I'd definitely give it shot once it's done or nearly done. Good luck in finishing it :]
  5. Fuckin' signed. I would wear one.
  7. I will admit that I actually bought the official soundtrack. I have only watched 3 episodes. I am such a basement dweller ;_;
  8. Not sure, but probably not. Zel altered all the trade evolutions to trigger either by level or stones instead, anyway, so there's no point unless you just want to trade over to a legit rom.
  9. I think it's actually funnier that most people won't understand what kale is.
  10. While we're on the subject of Pokemon hacks, anyone here ever hear of Pokemon Shiny Gold? Basically, this guy Zel took the Fire Red game and made a really eloborate hack for it that turns it into a "high-def" version of Pokemon Gold. For the most part it's an exact copy, but there are a few differences: The only items he has to work with are the slots for the ones already programmed, so there isn't any Pokegear. Instead, you have a Town Map, a Phone Card, and a PokeBeeper. Basically, you register people's numbers on your Phone Card, they leave you messages on your Beeper, and you call them back at these coooooool phone booths that he's programmed into the game. They're pretty numerous, about one to most landmarks, so it's never a hassle to find one. There's Apricorns, but their sprites are random item sprites. There isn't any day-to-night progression, and it's always raining in Ecruteak. All the time-based events, like wild Lapras, Apricorns & Berries, Kurt's Pokeballs, day-of-the-week children, etc. are all on a steps-based system, so that you have to take X number of steps after any of those events for it to "recharge," say, and you're free to do another event. Wild pokemon like Ladyba, Zubat, etc. are found at all times of the day... He's inserted all the Hoenn pokemon in the wild or through events, but they're pretty rare (like, 1 - 3% in the wild) or are through events. You're only forced to take a Clampearl from Lance because there isn't a Whirlpool HM. You could alternatively fish for a wild Wailmer. It's... a lot of fun! You could always go back and play the real Gold & Silver if those kinds of changes bug you, but there's just enoughof a twist to this version that I think it comes off more like a "Fire Gold," if you know what I mean. There's also an "X" version that ups the difficulty quite a bit if you're looking for a challenge. I'm playing that one. http://www.pkmncommunity.com/showthread.php?t=100537
  12. Here's a mindfuck: Sportacus created LazyTown. Or at least the guy who plays him. This... completes me ;-;
  13. Do what you want, ‘cause a pirate is free, YOU ARE A PIRATE! Yar har, fiddle di dee, Being a pirate is alright to be, Do what you want ‘cause a pirate is free, You are a pirate! You are a pirate! Yay! We've got us a map, (a map!) To lead us to a hidden box, That's all locked up with locks! (with locks!) And buried deep away! We'll dig up the box, (the box!) We know it's full of precious booty! Burst open the locks! And then we'll say hooray! Yar, har, fiddle di dee. If you love to sail the sea, You are a pirate! Weigh anchooor! Yar har, fiddle di dee, Being a pirate is alright with me! Do what you want '‘cause a pirate is free, You are a pirate! Arr yarr, ahoy and avast, dinky-dink-dink-a-dinkadefast! Hang the black flag At the end of the mast! You are a pirate! Hahaha! (Yay!) We're sailing away (set sail!), Adventure awaits on every shore! We set sail and explore (ya-har!) And run and jump all day (Yay!) We float on our boat (the boat!) Until its time to drop the anchor, Then hang up our coats (aye-aye!) Until we sail again! Yar, har, fiddle di dee. If you love to sail the sea, You are a pirate! Laaaand ho! Yar har, fiddle di dee, Being a pirate is alright with me! Do what you want ‘cause a pirate is free, You are a pirate! Yar har, wind at your back, lads, Wherever you go! Blue sky above and blue ocean below, You are a pirate! Hahahahaa! You're a pirate! tl;dr: YES
  14. I lived in Japan for all of July 2004, and I can vouch for this firsthand. Hell, one guy let me borrow his Fire Red, start it over, trade all the stuff to my Leaf Green and just start it back over for him while I was there. You think hardcore Pokemon players are rare geeks in the US? Well, they are. The problem is that the US is a big, big country, and Japan isn't. That's why it's rare to see "pro" Japanese Pokemon players.
  15. I see what you did there. And I lol'd. Then I curled up and wept openly ;-;
  16. Okay! Let it be known that ANinyMouse makes good on his pokemon promises. Heh. Anyone else want sumthin? If not Imma train this Trapinch now
  17. it's a clusterfuck, though. people running request bots and whatnot... cobalt, Imma be on from now 'til midnight or so, so catch me! Brush, pm me your code and I'll see if i can't hook you up with something nice, okay?
  18. Graaaaaah... now you tempt me with hopes of legit movie Darkrai. Maybe once my router's speaking with my Nintendo hardware once more I could hit up Smogon if you're fresh out of extras. People there tend to have all kinds of junk... for a high price :/
  19. I about creamed my pants at the Link video.
  20. You need Shroomish and Misdreavus? YOU HAVE FOUND YOUR MAN. Call me tonight @ 4510-6963-8933 Post or PM your code. Or if you're stubborn, tell me to get on IRC... but I prefer not to. You snooze, you wait until tomorrow night!
  21. Oh man oh man. Time to gear up for some win :]
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