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Everything posted by Aninymouse

  1. This is music, though, not Duke Nukem Forever. So long as it comes out period it never really loses relevance over time, unlike how a game may.
  2. I saw this last night on /v/ and I ROFL'd heartily. Then, I checked out the guy who drew it @ his website and ROFL'd all night long.
  3. This thread gave me something more to look forward to in my life. Sadly. Nice Work, Yahtzee.
  4. Nice work! All the little details like the sound effects and lighting were really indicative of the level of care that went into the project. The voice acting, too, was exceptional. Hope to see more from you in the future.
  5. Fan'd. The website is actually pretty fun! Here's hoping you guys get the big one! I'll have to explore a bit more...
  6. Huh? Uh... huh. What? Semantics? In MY video game discussion?
  7. Your private life sounds needlessly complicated. You're an interesting one, grasshopper.
  8. This is an "old" post by now, but... THIS is how I got decent at Melee in 2005. I would advise everyone to do the same.
  9. Romance blossoms in the heat of battle.
  10. I still suck pretty bad. Working 7 days a week sure doesn't afford much time to play, either. Nevertheless, if I can move my Wii into a room where it communicates with my router at speed (anyone else notice the Wii seems to have shitty wireless reception?), then I'll pop back in #clanocr and get my ass beat a bit. You guys play with Skype? Never used it before, but I've got a headset for it.
  11. This is an amazing concept album. And when I say "amazing," I don't mean "good," "cool" or "shocking" (though it is all those things); no, I mean that it inspires amazement. I was amazed. Speechless. It was not because you did something that I'd never seen attempted (Snoop Dogg vs. "Gormet Race" is a good example) or that the source material wasn't familiar (I had heard all those 'pieces-parts' before), but because you made it work in a way I never thought possible. Not only was the quality there (and you even made the original hip-hop sound better at times), but you kept it up throughout the album. Here's hoping we'll see more from you in the future!
  12. Haha, wow. I've just been playing way too much. Who knows what I'm doing on OCR instead of playing. Must be 'cause you guys are so neato.
  13. Okay scratch that, trial period's up. There a free IRC client out there that won't crap out on me in 30 days?
  14. Looks like it's time to re-download xchat!
  15. With brawl, if you just have each other's Wii code and WiiConnect24 enabled, it'll automatically exchange Brawl codes for you while on standby. Just FYI.
  16. What's with all the college talk? Am I the only person around here who's trying to make it work in the real world? Whatev I am SO ready to wreck some shit with DK. I don't even care if I win or not, but mostly because I don't think it's very likely. I stopped playing melee around the same time I finished my short tenure @ local community college #36547, ya see. Ran out of friends to play because they all fucking moved away or got lost in a dorm for the rest of eternity. So, Mr. working man's pretty eager to get back up in that saddle, let me tell you. Online, here I come.
  17. Kyogre and Palkia. Almost nothing can stand before you.
  18. I kind of agree that competitive battling isn't the be-all-end-all of the Pokemon metagame. Still, they're not all a bunch of dickweeds. Every competition has dickeeds, though. Leave them to their weedly ways, I say. BTW Vaporeon isn't a smart switch-in because of that 65 base Def. Even if it's fully fattened up, you need some SA to KO dragons an' stuff. Then again, I didn't run any numbers, really. Just memory. I have no further desire to "run numbers" after all I did last year, though... I just realy like special-attacking Lucario. There isn't anything that walls it besides Cresselia, really, but it's so frail and it's not all that fast, so it seems pretty fair to me. IMO, Lucario is one of the best DP Pokemon by far, in utility alone. Great resistances, passable defenses, superb offense, moderate speed, astounding movepool...
  19. Hey, nice day of birth!
  20. Sounds like a cool idea, actually. Lots of monolithic monuments to their own untouchable greatness, the ReMixers can be at times. Can't count how many of them I wish I knew better. I'll be sure to drop by eventually and say sumthin'.
  21. Happy b-day, d00d. Normally it is customary to give gifts on this day!
  22. Oh crap. I would so edit in a "happy birthday!" but it's almost 1AM so what the hell. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the woman with the golden pipes!
  23. I AM THE SAME AGE AS JILL! It feel'd kinda funny.
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