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Everything posted by Aninymouse

  1. Honestly, I'm not a fan of the brass/horn sample at all. I'd much rather you just use that area to expand upon the way the other instruments play off one another. Overall this seems solid, but it's way too conservative on the mix. You'll be told to supplement your mix with greater arrangement.
  2. Looking forward to the final version getting posted!
  3. Sephire, your voice still is made of ether cooties.
  4. Shit, can it be monday yet?
  5. I've been playing Vesperia, so if I had to pick up a new game I'd go with Kirby Super Star Ultra for variety's sake. I'll probably get Dawn of the New World after a while, though. Honestly, I never thought they'd actually make a game like this, you know?
  6. This is simply, in a word, "incredible."
  7. Hopefully his sister makes another appearance; that was a pretty awesome cutscene.
  8. Mostly depressing, though. I had a cool idea for Diddy Kong, actually, but I just don't see the point in even doing it if Bleck and atmuh both are gone. That's just me personally, though.
  9. Seriously, people who say they don't like Poochy are either soulless or 16.
  10. My sister and I are still excited for Project Runway sometimes. Then I remember that it actually annoys me and I quit watching mid-season.
  11. I'm open to bunkin' with ya, overcoat. Not that I have any definitive plans yet, but jus' sayin'. Always could use a reliable place to crash instead of wandering around asking where I can sleep at 2AM.
  12. Shit man. Look, if you change your mind, I still plan on going. I already have my hopes up that it's going to be fun, and it might be the only chance I get to get away from the daily grind for a long time, so... If you don't end up going for whatever reason, though, I guess I'll talk to you online every now and then at the least. Take care of yourself.
  13. It's been fun, man. Thanks for being there. I'm gonna stick around this compo, though. I still have to prove to myself that I can do this.
  14. I hear a lot of promise in this one! Now, I'm not one to really get into the science of music, but if I may offer one small bit of advice? The ending is too abrupt for a peice that's so downtempo. Try a fade out at least, or perhaps spice it up with everything sputtering into a messy fuzz or what have you.
  15. That's a pretty awesome sig, Bleck.
  16. I leave town for days at a time, so no dice here.
  17. If I don't see ANY energy attacks or ANY flying... or if I see ANY indication of a "secret government organization," I will not go see this. Otherwise, I will. EDIT: Okay, so I saw one wimpy fireball. NOT ENOUGH. Need moar.
  18. What in the hell. I leave for four days to work in Culpepper and the internet drama button gets hammered on. Man, fuck. Bonzai, it's so wierd... I was doing pretty much the same thing! Although, computer coloring or no, yours would have been way better than mine, anyway. Instant favorite, man. ...shake shake...
  19. Well, with the 'rents out of town my two younger sisters begged me to get chinese takeout and watch movies with them. Sorry atma, but that cut my time down by about 4 hours... and I had to work today, which I hadn't planned on. I could turn what I have in, but honestly I'd rather stick with it and let you see it when it looks something like I'd want it to... contest or not. But back to (virtual) reality, I've flaked out twice in a row, now. I think it's time I stopped making promises I'm not sure I can keep before I make a reputation for myself... yes?
  20. I'll probably get this next month when I'll have some extra cash. Hooooo-ray credit cards I'll never pay down.
  21. I would own this game already if it didn't cost $50. I love it, I really do, but that's a bit much when similar games sell for $30 or $20, hell, even less on XBox Live Arcade.
  22. Everyone tackle Nekofrog and hit him with tazers!
  23. Nintendo would make it into an action/platform game with simple RPG elements, though. That's their current trend. Whether it would end up more like an X-Men game or FF12, there are things they could do to keep it interesting and intense. The problem, however, is that Nintendo does not make hardcore blockbuster titles anymore. Thus, the difficulty would be too low, the controls would be oversimplified, and the graphics would likely be less than inspiring. Le sigh. Why did I buy a Wii again?
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