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Everything posted by Ferret

  1. Is that work-safe? Because I doubt it...
  2. C is for Civilization and no I'm not going to post an image of the title screen.
  3. I could fill this thread up singlehandedly but I'll save just the juicy tidbits. Like the dream I had this morning (dreams are already weird enough as it is) where I failed at sex... The details of it aren't really GenDisc-appropriate but suffice to say that my half of the house stopped outside the bedroom...
  4. Yesterday I was out shopping and tried to go in through the out door...twice...
  5. Cooking Celes? What the crap? Oh well. you just lost the game.
  6. I'm not drawing for this one because anything I tried to do would wind up as a bizarre cross between Batman and Metroid.
  7. Explain granary in this context, please. Also, snipers are the main reason that Command Point maps suck. Totally seriously they are....well that and sentries perched on ledges above tunnel exits where the only possible way you can shoot them is to turn your back on a posse of rocket-wielding RED and get greased anyway.
  8. The last time I played a Dreamcast was ...well it was more than 5 years ago, and let me tell you Trap Gunner is a weird-ass game...
  9. No, doing things to make your teammates mad is called being an idiot. If you look it up you'll see things like spawncamping and such as being primary elements of griefing.
  10. That's funny...I always thought it was Red Hot SKILL...
  11. You know what griefing is? TOSSING GRENADES INTO THE EFFING RESPAWN. Atmuh being butthurt because people want to goof off and melee only is not griefing.
  12. Hey Abadoss I have Wind Waker if you want it. Don't know that I'm going to be playing it much anymore...my brother still has my copy of Twilight Princess though.
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