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Everything posted by Ferret

  1. No, I don't think so. Jessica Alba should not be portraying a Japanese woman.
  2. Between you and me, I've always pronounced McVaffe as "oh, this guy."
  3. If memory serves shawnphase is a hell of a lot more active on IRC...which networks/channels I can't say but I seem to remember as much.
  4. I'd make friends with you but OCR won't let me :(

  5. JEALOUSY! Rage and other futile expressions of same.
  6. Gollgagh it so happens that I have to manually type in the member.php?u= portion of the profile page or it 404s.

    Which is weird as shit.

  7. any OCR flag would have to feature the logo.
  8. 'cause shit sucks, yo. I mean everything.
  9. It's not a classic meme until a year after it's died out and some douche who reads ED tries to revive it.
  10. Got directions? (and I do mean broke. So broke I actually have anti-money. In the red, negative balance, etc etc)
  11. I'd like to go but unless someone wants a completely broke dude depending on them for everything there's not really much chance of me showing up. Miracles do happen, but not usually when I'm around...so yeah.
  12. you'd think, but then you remember that there are griefers and achievement whores and just plain idiots. And Pyros.
  13. To be honest I really don't know what to say about this one...well the judges liked it so I guess it can't be that bad. I'd definitely have to complain about the length, personally (I prefer 12-minute-or-longer epics), but it's technically sound. Being that it seems primarily to be a percussion piece I can suppose that the length is appropriate, and though I don't quite agree with the Mel Gibson stars-and-stripes comment on the remix page I can definitely view this as the sort of thing you'd hear in a montage of some sort. Great first post, keep up the good work, hope to see more.
  14. You had to /10char that one didn't you
  15. Man, when does it stop? Oh, right...it doesn't...
  16. Friends (and enemies) have been made through this site... Although I don't really think of myself as having any enemies, jut people I've walked on a few too many times. Yeah, you know who you are and yeah, I'm sorry but all in all I think I've had more good times than bad since I joined up in 2003...
  17. Brain bleach! Where is the brain bleach?!
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