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Everything posted by Ferret

  1. Okay, fine, I'm in. If people know where they're sitting already I'll try to get my seat as close as possible. At least there's gonna be pre- and post-show stuff...right? BTW Harmony you up for ferrying my ass around?
  2. I may or may not still be going; if I haven't said anything by Wednesday assume I'm not going. I just...you know...really prefer doing things like this as part of a group, it totally improves the experience.
  3. Well it IS just orchestrated final fantasy music I'm sure a torrent of the performance will be up within ten hours after the show... Hell, it's not like this could be your one and only chance to see it live. *shrugs*
  4. Meh, I've got nothing else to do this saturday. Might as well go.
  5. Movie soundtracks. I just picked up Hook and E.T. so I'll be listening to those for the next couple of days now that I've finally got Tales series music out of my head. For the record, though, Symphonia's Gamecube opening is far better than either one for the PS2.
  6. Have I posted this in this thread already? http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/CrowningMoment/VideoGameBosses?from=Main.BestBossEver There's some links to music (lol youtube) that may be inspirational enough, and if not maybe peoples' boss picks... Hey, look, over there! *flee*
  7. The turnaround on this is that it's also the smart people who could be a benefit to society that are jumping into this anticompetitive lifestyle. It's happening here, too, although differently. I don't see it being as big or as drastic a social change for us in the near future as it seems to be for Japan. Granted I'm not an expert on sociology and I haven't got any clue what this could end up as but...well actually I don't know, really. From what I can understand this is only partial to blame for the panic. If they're really that worried about it then the Japanese government should begin a nationwide counterindoctrination program. Offer incentives to married couples and families. Shift the economic focus somewhat. Give penalties for people who spend too much time at the office. Anything to reverse the trend. And having longer-lasting sports matches being broadcast wouldn't hurt either. Football (both types), baseball, hell, I'd even suggest LaCrosse or hockey to them, as long as the role models that were generated from such endeavors inspired people to, you know, not be such pussies. But then again from all accounts an average day in Tokyo makes a week in San Francisco look like a year in a Norman Rockwell painting...so I dunno.
  8. I've got the money but like I said before I'd need a ride up since I have absolutely no goddamn idea where I'm going if it's not a giant landmark.
  9. This is, what, the sixth time it's back? Or something like that anyway. ARX (because Anime Remix doesn't go abbreviated as well as Overclocked does) needs more support! More remixes! More fans!
  10. I mention this in every "obscure whatever" thread Dr. Muto
  11. While I'm sure that it is robust and rather enjoyable...I have to admit that it went right past me when I listened to it. Kind of like lobby music, I guess. It's not that it isn't good, it's more that it's not memorable. In short...it's generic, and I don't consider that a good thing.
  12. Angry Video Game Nerd, Eulogic. But you knew that already.
  13. Shut up, Luke, nobody's asking you Anyway whether people think a game makes sense or not isn't the real issue. THE ISSUE IS, HAS BEEN AND ALWAYS WILL BE WHETHER PEOPLE ENJOY PLAYING THE GAME ENOUGH TO NOT RETURN IT TO THE STORE THEY BOUGHT IT FROM. It doesn't matter if a game makes sense or not. Its plot can be thinner than a paper plate but as long as it's fun to play then people will play it. It's about time people started remembering that and stopped dividing into camps based on title, console or parent company. It's ridiculous the extent that some will go to in order to hate on something just because it doesn't fall into their circle of acceptance.
  14. Well I guess we'll find out someday. Will we care? Who knows?
  15. I'm sure more people than you and DarkeSword liked FMA, but they unlike you don't have to trumpet their opinion every five seconds. Excuse me if that sounds like a flame, Luke, because it is. I simply think most of us feel that it's absolutely unnecessary to list everything we like down to the episode number, name, and timestamp. A lot of us enjoy watching stuff a lot more than we enjoy talking about watching stuff, yes?
  16. Currently Playing: Stephen Malcolm - Sonic 'Final Boss Collision' OC ReMix (4:10/160 kbps/44 KHz) But the damnedest thing is that I can't find it in the list. It's like Tic-Tac-Toe on the WOPR. And it's not on OC Removed either. Is this a ghost or something?
  17. Of course not! Han turned him into Kamino Fried Rodian! I know some of you are going to rail on me for invoking the Prequels, but honestly, is it any better than the original idea for the Clone Wars? At least this way we get a sort-of basis for the Stormtroopers.
  18. I'm trying to send you a PM and I keep getting a 404...so basically I'm looking for help building a computer on a budget of $450.

  19. What about the one pilot in Bravo Squadron? And that one guy in the Battle of Endor? And another one in a fighter...oh wait, he got blown up.
  20. I fail to see the logic that says that an axe-wielding barbarian would also be wearing a hockey mask.
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