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Everything posted by Ferret

  1. I'd like to, but I don't think I can. There's just too much going on this time around... :/ (by the way, if you could convince 50 people to each give me $10...that'd be awesome )
  2. I wonder how long until random google image searches generates results including some of the ideas posted in this thread, sparking a flurry of psychotic fanboy posting on unrelated forums about the "leaked photos of the generation beyond next" and prompting massive outcry to get said nonexistent consoles... It'll be Duke Nukem Forever all over again.
  3. Wow... OCR should double-bill itself as a dating (and eventual marriage counseling) service.
  4. I can't believe nobody's gone for the Okama Gamesphere yet.
  5. As far as I was aware auto-aim didn't exist in multiplayer, and it's not so much auto aim as it is nudging the reticle in the direction of the nearest target... Anyway, I have to disagree, in that the Halo: Combat Evolved pistol was one of the most broken weapons in gaming ever. The sniper rifle is a close second but it's balanced by the fact that you can only carry 24+4 rounds and every time you take a shot there's a contrail announcing your position to everyone... And then they gave you the fuel rod gun and flamethrower in the PC version. God I hate the fuel rod gun almost as much as I hate those jerks who do nothing but run people over. Sure, it can help you win but it doesn't make the game fun for other players WHICH IS PRECISELY WHY THEY CHANGED THE PISTOL IN THE LATER GAMES IN THE SERIES.
  6. No project name yet...those are the most fun parts of the projects! I suggest "Modular Upgrades"
  7. Another ten years from now after the site has gained self-awareness we'll be getting messages about "those whippersnappers always playing on my bandwidth".
  8. I see from the artwork that Mega Man has gained the ability to shoot things he's not pointing at.
  9. The internet is 80% porn, 19% rumor mongering, and 1% bash.org quotes. The rest is just filler
  10. I dunno...I don't really like Raocow that much.
  11. Damn. This is, what, the fifth big-name OCR wedding this year? Good luck, don't kill each other.
  12. In before this gets moved to PPR... It always seems to me that people always pray when they want something or they're in some sort of trouble, never just for whatever (or, you know, to sound thankful), and the prayers they do give are all recitations.... Beyond that, someone I speak with on a frequent basis said recently that all land is holy. While naturally I disagree with that I do subscribe to the idea that any structure can become a place of worship whether it's an actual church, a football stadium or someone's house. Growing up the way I did I hold most religious tenets and concepts in contempt, especially the idea that you have to believe in one particular faith or another in order to live by writings that were set down to govern a bunch of nomads marauding around the Tigris river valley. So the news of this...game, if you can even call it that, kind of pisses me off.
  13. Like a lot of other people in this thread I don't really care one way or the other under most circumstances, especially if it's not going to change any of the important dialogue. It usually comes down to who looks the most bad-ass or has the best head model.
  14. Now I don't really have any experience with the Darius Gaiden series but I was clicking through TVTropes recently and came across THIS. I'd appreciate it if someone would at least consider doing a remix of this track, though anything from the Darius series would be quite fine by me and I'm sure a lot of other people as well. Back to offtop for me...
  15. We skipped Z because we've probably listed all of the games that start with it, but if you want I'll give you Zoop.
  16. That's your opinion, you're entitled to it, but your opinion makes you a huge ass.
  17. Yeah well when you get people all trying to do their own thing or just be retarded about following the established guidelines that the thread originator hopes they'll use, then yes, things turn to shit faster than Ted Williams' bid for immortality.
  18. That's about half the userbase right there that can't play it. Including me
  19. Melee was fine, but they had to go for a third, and that's what killed it. Also fuck trying to find people to play with :/
  20. Super Smash Brothers: Melee: I'll get right to the point: This game almost singlehandedly defined what people expect out of a character-driven crossover brawler. It's fun, it's challenging, and it uses plenty of classic Nintendo names and a few that people might not have heard of but will now that they've played it. Too much bitching about tiers and too much Final Destination No Items matches, however. 5/5
  21. World of Goo: It's an interesting concept to be sure and it garnered a lot of interest at first but it's starting to look pretty boring. The premise behind it is to use a limited number of goo balls to build a structure to reach a pipe to suck up a certain number of goo balls which gets pretty repetitive after awhile. They try to change things up a bit with balloons and different kinds of goo and stuff; while the music is nice and the animation/graphics will probably run on a 486 (not that I would try) I'm beginning to doubt that it was worth the money I spent on it. Final Verdict: Fairly interesting at the start but the repetition sets in way too quickly. If you want a good puzzle game, go play Lemmings. 3/5
  22. I went as...nothing, because I stayed home.
  23. Screw you, dude. Tales of Symphonia: If you haven't played this game go out and get a copy now, goddamn it. But get the Gamecube version for better music during the teaser. Not that you'll spend much time watching the teaser. 100/100
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