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Everything posted by Ferret

  1. It's just too bad Gumpei Yokoi isn't around anymore to help govern the Metroid mythology.
  2. Right around 3:27, am I imagining things or is that really Protoman from the western Mega Man cartoon?
  3. Somebody probably already lambasted Radical Dreamer but I have to throw my two cents in: Metroid/Zero Mission: Two Ridleys: Given that you can't stretch Ridley's skin over Mecha-Ridley I can only guess the latter was built for outer space operations and use the "Ridley" image to strike fear into Federation crews. Metroid Prime: The Orpheon is the frigate whose distress signal that Samus responds to. It is most certainly a Pirate ship (in-game scans and events support this claim) and they were rebuilding Ridley or attaching the leftovers to a cybernetic frame. No Ridley in Metroid Prime 2, or Metroid 2. I haven't played the third Prime past the introductory areas, but I can guess that if there's a phazon-infused Ridley that corruption would end when Samus destroys Phaaze (which I'm assuming she does; she has a habit of blowing things up). Super Metroid: Either a clone or the restored original. Phazon survivors are granted an accelerated healing rate among other things. Mutated pirates dying when they stand on it notwithstanding. Metroid Fusion: since it's possible that Ridley's leaving his DNA all over the galaxy (especially considering he keeps getting killed by Samus) it's entirely possible that the B.S.L. has a clone of him in cold storage for study. As for who originally thought of using Metroids for power and weapons? The pirates.
  4. Okay, so, it looks like I'm going to have money for MAGfest after all. I can probably swing taking the metro down to Alexandria, but that leaves the problem of rooming. Anybody who can put up with me, I'd appreciate it.
  5. fix'd also what the hell, is there a minimum number of letters you need in posts now? Quotes don't count towards it?
  6. I was halfway through a drawing but I got bored and decided not to finish it :/
  7. Hey, if anyone wants to pay my way this year I'm accepting donations with the promise to pay you back as soon as I can
  8. I know this isn't the best game in the series but it still needs a little love. I'm posting the source material for what I'd like to be remixed, though it's not as if I'm telling you guys what to do. http://blue-bomber.jvmwriter.org/media/music/BattleNetwork/src_exe_bcc/MMBCC%20-%2011%20-%20Navi%20Clash!.mp3 Bye!
  9. Strike one. I'm gonna get started on it later tonight, most likely. And no, despite my love of Halo it is NOT the Arbiter.
  10. I have the Perfect idea for this one...and you're not going to guess who it is. Nope, not even close.
  11. I'm suddenly reminded of Paper Cut's paper saw. <3 Pete and Pete. Too bad that anyone born after 1995 won't get anything that good.
  12. I'm still reeling from some of the challenges. I was only able to complete Target Smash level 1 in under fifteen seconds by watching a video on youtube and even then I still took three extra seconds over the vid because of poor execution. Finishing anything--ANYTHING--on the Intense setting is going to be nothing short of a miracle, especially the boss battles.. On the other hand I seem to have figured out that you can trick the Alloy Fighters into suiciding in Cruel Brawl, but that damn Blue alloy fighter keeps using the Heel Kick before I can goad the essential fourth and fifth fighters into falling. Patience and Perseverance. And Jigglypuff.
  13. He means OCTOBER third, right, not august? Anyway, vote for me plzkthx!
  14. Oh well since atmuh's banned again here's mine... Proto Armor Final Fantasy VI baby.
  15. Yes, but how are people to vote on what they can't see?
  16. So where are they? In a list on another page?
  17. Vote for me, I did submit an entry BEFORE atmuh got banned
  18. I don't know why people were posting their entries in the thread when they were clearly instructed to PM them to atmuh.
  19. I didn't notice. Random IRC /msg from atmuh led me to believe it was tonight.
  20. How's this supposed to work without its coordinator?
  21. Prediction: It's going to be either DLC or a new game focusing on what happened between Regret's carrier leaving Earth and Master Chief's return...
  22. Super Metroid, 2 hours 13 minutes (if I remember correctly which I probably don't).
  23. This is how flamewars get started so it's important to shut the damn up before someone gets offended
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