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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Might be relevant to your interests Seph. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=33466 We're having a discussion about broad, baseline game features that should always be included in all video games. Sort of a standardization for things like volume controls, cutscene/movie playback controls, control customization, etc. Not sure if there's a topic here for a future show, but it might be interesting to put a call out to the gaming community at large, see what people have to say.
  2. Yeah definitely! Where is that guy? SEPHIRE POST IN THIS THREAD
  3. Epic Yarn was an original IP that starred Prince Fluff. Good Feel hit a bit of a wall in the development of the concept of the game, so Iwata suggested "why not make it a Kirby game?" That idea clicked for them, so they teamed up with HAL Labs to continue what they were working on and worked all the Kirby stuff into it. DESPITE all that I think it's got that light, Kirby feel to it. Low stress, relaxing music, very cute, and a good looking game to boot.
  4. Yes on both counts, especially on the latter. Live A Live's soundtrack is one of my favorites.
  5. Super Star Ultra has more stuff than Super Star. It's not just a port, it has extra "games" in it. It's worth the purchase. Nightmare in Dreamland is an excellent game. Take it from an obsessive Kirby's Adventure fan: buy it. Epic Yarn is good times; very relaxing. It's quite different from classic Kirby though, so YMMV.
  6. On the topic of sound: I'd like to see adjustable volume levels for music, effects, and voice. Some games only have music and effects, rolling voice into the latter. This isn't good because sometimes effects are very loud and voices are very quiet, and when you turn up the volume to hear voices you get bombarded with really loud sound effects, and when you turn down the volume on those, you have to strain to hear what characters are saying.
  7. Again, this isn't really a baseline/standard feature for video games.
  8. I don't think so. If you can pause a game like Uncharted which has tons of scripted action sequences, it's no different than allowing a pause during a cutscene with quicktime events. "Fun" isn't the kind of feature I'm talking about, and you guys know it. I'm talking about more objective things. Local multiplayer for games with a multiplayer component is something I agree with. I think it's more of a resource issue than a game design decision, in which case I think devs should figure out how to make it work.
  9. This is also not a standard/required feature request. Please try to actually contribute something that's in line with the topic. (—___—)
  10. This is more of a game design/choice issue, and not really a standardized feature issue. While I agree to an extent, waggle vs. button is a matter of taste. I think the transparency of stat systems in RPGs is also a game design choice, rather than a baseline feature issue. Let's try not to get too specific and just talk about gaming pet peeves; we should focus on broader issues across a lot of different types of games.
  11. Was playing some games this weekend and I ran across an issue that I see in a lot of games that pisses me off to no end. I'd started Enslaved (great game, btw) and was about to start the second chapter. My dad called me over for noontime prayers, but the game was in the middle of a cutscene. I tried to pause the cutscene but couldn't; I hit START and nothing happened, so I hit SELECT and the cutscene ended up skipping. What the hell? I see this so often in games that have cutscenes; you can't pause them and if you do touch the controller the cutscene just ends. No warning, no prompt, nothing. Just, BAM, story gone. Had to reload the chapter to watch it again properly. So here's my first REQUIRED FEATURE for video games: If your game has cutscenes, you need to allow your player to PAUSE that cutscene, and then give them the option to RESUME or SKIP. Next thing: I read an article on RPS earlier today about how Visceral is patching Dead Space 2 PC to allow greater control customization for disabled gamers. This is great, but why isn't this a baseline feature in the game already? My second REQURIED FEATURE for video games: Controls in every game should be customizable to the fullest extent possible. There's no reason for this feature to not be available in every game. Let the players map their buttons, axes, triggers, and wheels! Those are the only ones I can think of right now. What about you guys? What kinds of features do you think all games should have as a baseline? What kinds of features exist where it's inexcusable to leave them out? Quick-save/auto-save? Level select? Let's put together some kind of list, spread it around. Maybe it'll catch the attention of devs and we can finally put a rest to the silly lack of no-brainer features in games.
  13. That's a pun. Anyway to get back on topic, I don't think Kirby games were ever really edgy to begin with, western marketing aside. There's probably two "lines" of Kirby games. The first one is the Dream Land series, which has Dream Land, Dream Land 2, Dream Land 3, and Crystal Shards. These games are kind of "lower key" than others, and they're similar in feel too (music, art). Crystal Shards' power combining is right along the lines of Dream Land 3's power+pet combos. The other line comes from Kirby's Adventure, which was further refined in Super Star, and continued into Amazing Mirror, Squeak Squad, Super Star Ultra and probably that new Kirby game coming out for Wii. These are the "edgier" games but even then they're still pretty cutesy and not really edgy at all (or all that difficult).
  14. Well my point wasn't necessarily about micspam; it was more like if you're playing on OCR's servers, show some respect to OC ReMix by not insulting the site or the music.
  15. Had to ban some folks last night, one for obvious reasons (being a complete and total asshole), and another for what may seem less obvious. I'd like to remind everyone (or in this case, preach to the choir) that OCRTF2 servers are the official servers of the OverClocked ReMix community, which means that if someone is playing remixes over mic (with the permission of the admins), don't sit there and shit all over the music, calling it "fucking micspam" or other things like that. OC ReMix is not just a gaming community; it's a music and gaming community. Also if you play on the servers and haven't checked out the remixes...check out the remixes, guys. There's a lot of great music here.
  16. Well you know, here's the thing. If you're a Tales fan you should know by now that Sony is the system to be getting Tales games. Any other company's console always gets the half-assed version.
  17. Yeeeeaaahhhh I'm just gonna echo what those joojes said. Overall this is pretty damn awesome, but it just needs a couple of EQ adjustments and some fixes to that cymbal stuff near the end; definitely some funky compression stuff happening on those crashes and open-hats. Arrangement is awesome but I'm not feeling that ending. It's a stylistic choice though, so I'm not really faulting you for it. Love the synth stuff in the first half, and the guitars are pretty tight. Needs a few fixes and we're good. NO, resub plz
  18. I was kind of interested in Rift actually but I just started on WoW so I guess I'll skip it.
  19. Man this is like....THIS CLOSE. || <-- THIS CLOSE!!!! I gotta agree with my fellow joojes. There's some balance issues going on, especially with the percussion. Over-compression maybe? I feel like the percussion is too prevalent in the bigger sections; not really sitting well in the mix. Aside from that this is pretty jawesome. Nice interpretation, love the tribal feel. Let's get some polish and go go go. NO, resub plz
  20. Great percussion stuff. Fantastically slick. Other stuff, not so much. Melodic elements are pretty conservative and mechanical. Gotta play with it a little more, get some more interesting sounds going. Percussion is solid, everything else should be too. Love the piano bit at the end, but what happened? Need MORE of that kind of thing dude. You start riffing a bit and the song just peters out. Some great ideas here, but I think you should work more on integrating the source song into it. Right now it's really riding all on the percussion. NO, resub
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