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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Remixes are generated on the fly, so you'll have to use the ReMixinator to generate each permutation manually.
  2. You do not have it "on good authority." We don't have any kind of deal in place with Konami, and we haven't been talking to them about anything. Please don't spread false information.
  3. Luke, there isn't a Judges Panel anymore. There's no need for us. The judges panel neural map is built into the ASS.
  4. I see a lot of people bringing up issues of their favorite source tune or style of music not represented in ReMixinator. You guys need to remember, programming this kind of stuff is pretty difficult. It took us a long time to figure out all the algorithms to make everything work properly; I'm talking 2-3 years. This has been in the works for quite a while. Right now we're content with what we've managed to accomplish. Dynamic generation of ReMixes is a huge feat, especially ones that conform to the NJM (Neural Judge Map). Adding new sources and styles is going to take a LOT of time for us. We can't just slap some crap together; we're trying to approach this as scientifically as possible. In any case, don't worry. We do have plans to expand ReMixinator, and there are more exciting things on the horizon that I can't really talk too much about. All I'll say is that our Algorithmic Synthesis System might have caught the eye of a couple of very powerful people in the industry, and that there could possibly be an ocarina and a green hat involved. But you didn't hear that from me.
  5. Read the manual? Play around with it on your own? Asking for 'tips' won't really get you anything useful, because there's no easy way to answer such a vague question.
  6. I have never used Reason so my advice is kind of general here, but if you find that FLStudio has a nice interface and sufficient tools to make your style of music, just stick with it. Despite what some people may think, FLStudio isn't some rinky-dink my-first-DAW software. It's very powerful and versatile and you can do a lot with it. Why is your friend switching to Reason? What kind of music are both of you writing?
  7. It's a Nintendo thread. God forbid people stay on topic.
  8. Picross DS isn't a casual game. It's a puzzle game. Why don't we call them puzzle games anymore? That shit is not casual at all. Some puzzle games are mind-bending.
  9. What do you think I'm saying, and why shouldn't I be saying it?
  10. Your sig is too large. The combined height of images in your sig cannot exceed 250px. Please resize your sig in accordance with the 250px limit.

  11. guys my nintendo wii doesn't have a slot for all my old NES games guys nintendo wii SUCKX
  12. Albums by non-posted artists go in the Post Your Originals! forum.
  13. what are you talking about i don't even
  14. New thread: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=28382
  15. Hey guys. Battlefield: Bad Company 2 is available on Steam in one of their four-for-the-price-of-three packs. I'd like to get it, so I was wondering if anyone else wanted to jump in on it. I've already got Vimk and sixto so I need one more person.
  16. What does this even mean? It's not another DS iteration, it's a new system. How is this the same as DS > DSLite > DSi > DSiXL. Also, when in recent history has Nintendo ever not made their handheld consoles "right" and "well?" It's like complaining about Nintendo making the Gameboy Advance because you were just about to buy a Gameboy Color. Stop whining and buy your DSiXL.
  17. Because Sega wanted money fast and rushed the development, so they chopped Sonic 3 in half and released it in two parts.
  18. We certainly live in exciting times.
  19. How the hell are you making this about Offtopic? Furthermore, why?
  20. I finished mine. It's kind of a world/contemporary instrumental fusion.
  21. Making your own birthday thread? Bad form.
  22. No worries. Also, Abadoss is taking a shot at this.
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