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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Your sig is too tall. Please resize your signature graphic in accordance with the 250px limit.

  2. Final Battle is up. Revenge details posted tomorrow.
  3. We'll be distributing the mixes as an album in the future, so I'd ask that you hold off on doing it that way.
  4. Alright, so you don't like Sonic games. Why are you posting in this thread? Because all you're doing now is just posting to rile up people.
  5. Don't say someone "sucks at video games" just because they have an opinion about the difficulty of video games. It's rude, and a poor way to argue your point.
  6. http://battleforge.com/ So BardicKnowledge and I have decided we're going to start playing Battleforge. It's a fun online TCG/RTS hybrid game that features online PvE and PvP scenarios. It was a retail game when it launched but it didn't do too well in retail, so EA decided to make it a free-to-play microtransaction based game; however, you don't really need to buy any "boosters" to go through the campaigns. There's a lot of content in this game: single player maps, multiplayer co-op maps, vs. maps, tons of cards/units, etc. The art direction and graphics are fantastic, and the music is really good orchestra stuff. It's also not a really difficult game to get into, so it's good for guys like me who are pretty terrible at RTS games (i.e. there's not a lot of resource management; more focus on battle tactics), and difficulty is adjustable as you go through the game. Anyway if anyone wants to play a little I'm always up for some co-op PvE; just hit me up on IRC or something in the evening.
  7. Goddamnit, that is the entire point of Sonic Rush. It is a speed run game. You're supposed to memorize the level layouts and blow through them as quickly as possible. The entire meta-game revolves around figuring out the absolute fastest way to get to the end without getting hit once. Don't call the game terrible just because you don't get it. Memorize the goddamn levels.
  8. Crap I knew I forgot something. I'll put them up later.
  9. Sonic Rush and Sonic Rush Adventure were great 2D Sonic games. I think Dimps will do a good job, so long as they figure out how to do good boss battles. EDIT: I forgot I had this
  10. I like the topic so let's just take "favorites" out of the title and post awesome logos, okay? Okay.
  11. Sorry. This basically is a favorites thread.
  12. We'll be making actual private forums for approved projects. SGs didn't work out the way we hoped, so we'll use those for something else. For now, just use your thread, and we'll get you the details once we get all the private forums set up.

  13. Pretty sure that old sonic games (1-3&K) were quite good and not "poop."
  14. Exclamation points make everything better. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Revenge 2 mixes are up. Neblix vs. Cyril is the only battle you need to vote for this round. Txai's and Ralphis's mixes are included. Ralphis's is marked DQ for Disqualified.
  16. What exactly is the point of this post? "I was thinking about donating but I decided not to donate because you guys keep waiting for the last two tracks." Seems kind of catty.
  17. According to this review, it does indeed have "lock-on." http://vc.nintendolife.com/reviews/2010/02/sonic_and_knuckles_virtual_console
  18. You need to read the latest issue of Batman & Robin; it very clearly spells out what the deal is with the body that was put into the Lazarus pit. I'm refraining from posting spoilers because this is stuff that is going down right now in the comics. The latest issue of B&R just came out.
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