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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. When joining a new forum, it's always a good idea to look around a little before posting. Merged with the Newbies thread.
  2. I have heard Zircon's song and I have Willrock's and Neblix's.
  3. Just get whichever one you can get a better deal on. A lot of the great games coming out these days are multi-platform, and both consoles have exclusives that are "worth it," regardless the genre.
  4. Let's try this again. http://kotaku.com/5450692/tekken-voice-actor-dead-police-investigating-suicide Let's try to show some respect with our comments, please.
  5. Video game threads belong in Community.
  6. Don't post flamebait.

  7. Man, Crisis Core was such a good game. Any of you folks out there reading the joojes decisions, if you haven't played Crisis Core, you really should. If you don't have a PSP, get one. Don't give me that "there are no games for PSP" crap. Anyway, onto the mix. This is a fairly conservative take on the source tune; I feel like it covers a lot of the same ground in the same way. But at the same time, I think there's a more delicate take here; the piano is lighter and moves more. The orchestral embellishments are a great addition, especially when they really fill out the space around the piano, like around 1:48. Very nice. YES
  8. Nabeel asked me to lock this. He'd like to do some more work on his own--off-forum--before running this in the public sphere. If you're involved with this, I'm sure he'll contact you.
  9. Those beats+bass are wicked; makes me wanna get up and dance. Awesome gating and rolling kicks. I love how this sounds really old school with the SNES style strings around halfway through. Lots of old console sounding synths, but still a lot of great effects. Awesome. As much as I hate the phrase, I see this becoming an "instant classic" on OCR. YES~
  10. This song really lacks a substantial bassline. I feel that with so much attention payed to the percussion work, a bassline that locks in with it would have really helped this piece. This mix sounds top-heavy to me; it really needs a stronger bass element. Sequencing is a little mechanical throughout the piece; it could do with some humanization. The arrangement is cool. The development of the themes is really nice; good highs and lows. I think this needs some work on the production end. NO, resub
  11. Just gonna echo Larry here as I pretty much agree with his vote. I'm cheating! I was with you until the bassoon came in at :54. It had a really muffled, mechanical sound. Pizz strings and drumkit lent the whole piece a kind of clunky sound. Orchestral percussion would've been a better fit, I think, because your drumkit had no strong bass element to lock in with (in this case I mean something analogous to bass guitar). Arrangement is okay; the variation was nice, but I felt like the whole thing plodded too much. All of your melodic elements are really soft strings and winds, but there are parts of the composition that demand a stronger sound; 2:40 in particular stands out. There's no energy, no power there; I feel like that should be a big climactic moment, but I get nothing. Needs work. NO, resub
  12. Can we get a source breakdown on this? This doesn't sound anything like the original to me. :\ -- Production-wise I have no qualms. It's got a really great spacey-jazz sound. Synthwork is nice, guitar is nice, and there's a good balance. I'm going to tentatively vote NO. I really don't hear a strong connection to the source here at all. There are bits where DA starts singing which sound like the melody from the source, but then that melody deviates. The harmonic color of the chords has also changed completely. If someone played this song for me without telling me it was a Xenogears mix, I'd never be able to tell, and I listen to this particular source tune a lot.
  13. This mix has a really great atmosphere. I love that pulsing beat and the bassline. A lot of the background writing is really subtle, which is nice because there's a good balance between all the different elements. I like how you carried over the overall mood of the source without making the whole thing sound like a sound upgrade/adaptation. The development of this piece with the rising and falling tension is great. I like it! YES
  14. Thanks to the hard work of OCRE and TheOtaku, we've managed to tally up and verify all the results. Visit the Tournament page over at Challonge for the latest scores and next week's match-ups. A note about voting: there were about five people who didn't vote in every battle, so their votes were discounted. In addition, there were three people who voted twice, clearly by accident. Please make sure that when you're voting, you vote in every battle, and that you only vote once. Each battle ended up working out to 64 legit votes in total. Concerning the Revenge Bracket: I haven't decided how it's going to work out yet; all that I know right now is that match-ups WILL be scrambled before starting. The mixing stage for the Revenge Bracket is also going to alternate with the normal bracket, so if you lost this round, take a week to regroup and get ready. As for the winners, the match-ups are live, so feel free to start remixing! Round Two: FIGHT!
  15. Making mistakes or not voting in this round does not preclude you from future voting. A big thanks to OCRE and TheOtaku, who are helping me with results verification and vote tallies.
  16. In case anyone asks, yoozer was given special permission to complete his votes because of timezone issues.
  17. Now that I've added my votes to each battle, voting is closed. I'll be tallying up the votes today. Remember, if you didn't vote in each of the 8 battles, your vote will not count. Since votes are publicly available, I'd appreciate it if someone else who is not a competitor could do an independent verification and also tally votes. Remember, don't count anyone who hasn't voted in all battles.
  18. Oh man I love that bassline; it gets me groovin'. This is a great laid-back take on the source that still manages to have a lot of energy. Brass stabs are hot. Nice riffs on all the elements of the source in the solo sections. There might be a little to much reverb, but I guess it contributes to the spacey quality of the soundscape. Totally diggin' this. Great variation, great groove, great sound. Awesome. YES
  19. This starts out as a pretty fun dance track that ends up losing steam about halfway through. I hear maybe two minutes worth of material looped over a five and a half minute track, which is fine for something in the club, but we're looking for more of a standalone piece here with more development. I'd like to see some more variation in the arrangement. Maybe try switching gears around the middle and break down the beat in some kind of halftime pulse; anything to break the monotony. Regardless, the take on the source is pretty nice, so you're on the right track there. It's got a sweet pulsing quality with lots of cool dreamy sounds like the softer synths and piano. I think there's something weird going on with your compression though; things start sounding squashed whenever the vocals come in. I think the other joojes are better qualified to address the more technical aspects of the production, so I'll leave it at that. NO, resub
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