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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. My only complaint is that Street Fighter IV lacks Third Strike.
  2. Dave if you miss the music from those Disney movies, go see Enchanted.
  3. Stop putting "bitches!" in the titles of the threads you make in Community.
  4. The buzz thread on VGMix for that mix was pretty legendary. The best part was when someone found out that he ripped the whole thing off of someone else's MIDI.
  5. Hey guys listen to my Earthbound piano arrangement that I performed with Claire in a real english pub where everyone spoke and clattered their dishes at a different bitrate than the recording of my piano that my uncle in the recording industry did for me.
  6. how about unicorns and rainbows!! fucking diablo iii the graphix are too much colors they should be dark browns and blacks and red blood!! :evil::evil:
  7. If you actually read Judges' Decisions, you'd know that I don't make my votes large-texted, just bold. Plus, what judge has ever written out their single-word vote in title-caps and punctuation. "No." Seriously?
  8. Oh BTW, when signing up for XBox Live, I discovered that someone else is using DarkeSword as their gamertag, so if you play with DarkeSword, that's not me. My gamertag is something else.
  9. It's a very straightforward fighter. I wouldn't call it particularly deep; not on the level of something like Street Fighter; it's more of a Street Fighter-lite. Still very fun. Graphics and art are very pretty and the music is wonderful. Controls are tight, and characters are varied enough. They all fit the old anime-fighter clichés; movelists are standard; lots of QCF/QCB/etc. Overall it's a really nice package. I like it a lot.
  10. People will try to get banned just to get on the banlog. And it's not really anyone's business why a person gets banned.
  11. Yes, you can. And you know, if you really want to use automation clips, just change the curve to a stairs curve. Hooray for step functions.
  12. Finally got my 360 hooked up to LIVE. Gamertag is shariqansari. I have Street Fighter IV, but really, I'd love it if there were any Battle Fantasia players out there to have a match with.
  13. It's common sense to provide a link when advertising a website.
  14. I never understood why people think like this. It's okay to talk about the guy. Nobody really cares if you do.
  15. The Friends feature adds more granulization to your privacy settings.
  16. For refunds please contact either Microsoft's or Sony's customer service. I'm sure they can help you out.
  17. Don't double post, and don't use chatspeak on the forums. Also, phrasing your request as "post some better ones" isn't going to get you anything. Try asking for remixes without insulting the ones that are already on here.
  18. Nice work, Mr. Pretzel. In addition, I want to point out that there are some new features available in vB 3.8 that you will undoubtedly discover, and that some folks will undoubtedly complain about. I'd ask that people please peruse their User Control Panel and look at what's new and what kind of options you can change. For example, you can now send people friend requests, similar to Facebook and MySpace. It's a fairly harmless feature and there's no point in disabling it, but be aware that email notifications for friend requests are automatically enabled. You can easily change this in your User CP! Make sure you poke around and look at all the options available to you before thinking about posting a nasty complaint.
  19. Mr. Pretzel. Nice work. :)

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