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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Hydro does suck, because there are only two possible outcomes: one team gets rolled hard, or the round ends in stalemate, thereby initiating sudden death, which is stupid.
  2. Already looking into it; can't do anything until we upgrade to vB 3.7.
  3. Have you tried browsing OCR on an iPhone/iPod Touch? It's like dialup. Mobile devices have a long way to go before browsing the "real internet" becomes viable.
  4. I write in D minor/E minor myself. Sometimes after completing a song, I'll transpose all of it into something else like F# Minor.
  5. Just wanted to address this. Using Putty to connect to a UNIX machine is not using a Windows machine to do your programming. You're not developing anything on the Windows box. You're doing all of your developing on the UNIX machine.
  6. A wintry remix of Ice Cap Zone from the PC version of Sonic the Hedgehog 3. This is a finished piece. Not intended for submission to OCR. Happy Holidays. Sonic the Hedgehog 3 PC - Polar Crush [4.47MB MP3]
  7. How much is it? I have iPod Touch, so I can play it.
  8. I'd rather you didn't. This thread has already gotten to nowhere. You've made your point, time to let sleeping dogs lie.
  9. I'm a mod. I kind of have to keep tabs on active threads.
  10. The point is that you're barking up the wrong tree. Or preaching to the choir. Point is, pretty much everyone here can understand why Nintendo did what they did. And they can also understand that yeah, you think it's wrong. So just lay off now. You made your point. Fair-use is ambiguous. Oh no.
  11. Stop that right now. I've seriously had enough of your bullshit with shit like this. Quit it with the insinuations. I gave this thread a shot because I thought people could discuss stuff nicely, but it looks like you can't do so without making insinuations and assumptions. Thread over.
  12. Memorization is a big part of speedrunning a game. Hell, think about old sonic games (and the sonic rush games); memorization is key.
  13. I'd rather have a good game with good graphics than a good game with bad graphics. And if a bad game has good graphics, you can be assured I won't be playing it for long.
  14. Why not? I love retro looking games. Also: stop double-posting. Don't use threaded mode.
  15. How is that highly jaded? I play a lot of games that have ok graphics. I just prefer them to look good enough to play. For the record, I'm not talking about TFC. I've never played that game; I don't know what it looks like. I'm just talking about stuff in general. EDIT: Also, stop double posting. Don't use threaded mode.
  16. They're called video games for a reason. Bad graphics can ruin the experience and peripherally affect gameplay. If something looks really generic and dull, I know I'm less likely to play it for a long time. It gets boring, and bad art direction can really kill the experience. Nobody likes looking at brown blobs all day.
  17. Seriously? Out of all of 2008? Think back to January. Somehow I doubt losing a campaign in L4D is your greatest video game moment of the year.
  18. He's a good guy in real life. Something about the internet turns him into a fucking moron.
  19. Of course a judge will have a vested interest in not getting a song he believes shouldn't pass not passed. We do it all the time, if not publically. We don't judge in little boxes and then read what everyone else said after the fact. We're a panel of judges. We discuss, argue, disagree, and try to convince. He was, and there is nothing wrong with that. No, idealistically and realistically we judge a track on its own merits and faults and also take into account what our fellow judges say about it. Sorry, but no. If you construe that from what he said, you're an idiot. Plain and simple. Oh sorry, was that unprofessional? Grow some thicker skin and don't cry on other peoples' behalf. Lurk more.
  20. They pick and choose what they want to shut down; perhaps they don't see either game as a dilution of trademark or a threat to sales of a future product.
  21. Aaaand we're done. When you start trash-talking about your skillz in vidja games, that's where I say "enough." This argument is really going nowhere. Here's what you do alt.slack. Make a TFC server. Post the info in your sig. Go review some remixes and help out on the WIP boards. If anyone wants to play with you, they will. Capice? Have a nice day.
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