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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Difference there is that SF2HDR's music was all derivative works of music already owned by Capcom in a game being released by Capcom. To get OC ReMixes on GH/RB, you'd have to run around to all the respective owners of the original works and pay the licensing/clear the copyright issues. Chances are it'll never happen.
  2. I like it! What is the purpose of the id number in the URL though? Any chance URLs will eventually be something like ocremix.org/artist/darkesword?
  3. Yeah, real hysterical. Quit being an ass. This thread is done.
  4. I have them on my computer at home. If you hit me up any time after 6PM EST I can send them to you.
  5. Unfortunately the only person they could get to play me in the OCR movie would be Kal Penn. Because he's like the only Indian actor in Hollywood.
  6. Been waiting for this for a while.
  7. Duke Nukem. THE ORIGINAL Duke Nukem. None of this 3D shit.
  8. If you want to make a hard tempo change, don't bother with automation clips; just go to a new, blank pattern, right click the tempo marker, and hit "edit events." Here's a poorly made movie that illustrates how to do it. xD http://www.darkesword.com/forumpics/2009-02-10_2358.swf
  9. Oh also, big tip: remember that you're making a game, not writing a novel. Yes, people remember the story from FFVI, but look, its the game that people really experience. Make sure your game is fun and not just something to slough through just to get to the next story sequence.
  10. This is kind of out there, but one thing that always sets games like FFVI apart from their RPGMaker brethren is that the towns don't have massive amounts of open space with the one same grass tile repeating over and over again. There is something about the Feng Shui of FFVI's towns that does it for me. Homegrown RPGs always suffer from bad design; towns are always boring affairs with wide open spaces; often looking like brown blocks on a sea of green. There's an artistry to FFVI that can't be matched.
  11. Seriously! Submit the actual finished version! >:\ Anyhow; I think this is pretty cool, but I'm siding with Anso and Larry; there's a lot of original material here, and while the soloing and stuff is good, there really could be more overt source usage. As for production, I feel like your guitars, synth, and organ are all too loud compared to everything else; it feels a little unbalanced. NO~ but resub
  12. I was really digging this until the drums came in. Sounds like you've got sequenced drums layered over a drumloop, which ends up creating a lot of booming kick sounds that jump out. Everything kind of loses coherence around there, and the guitars just sort of do their own thing without regard to anything else. It's kind of messy sounding with that booming kick just popping out. :\ Everything's mixed kind of quiet too, when it sounds like it should be louder. Like a big sound coming out of small speakers. Needs work, IMO. NO, resub
  13. Mechanical piano right off the bat, and sets the stage for more mechanical sequencing as everything comes in. I realize the source tune has that waltzy-music box feel, but you really can't get away with stiff playing like that. Percussion around 1:25 is a little too loud, but I like the ideas with the synths. Honestly way more interesting than the "live" section in the beginning. Good ideas, but needs a production look-over. NO
  14. Guitar never really matches up with the percussion, does it? :\ Some wonky note choices around :46; not sure what's going on there. The section starting at 1:25 really doesn't capture the strength of the melody at all; I can see what you're trying to do by just playing the phrases, but the timing is constantly off and it just doesn't work. Drums are repetitive and dry, and they don't mesh well with the guitars, which sound really messy. It's too bad, I really love this source tune. :\ NO, but keep at it.
  15. Mmmm...nice sound. Love the dark tone on the piano; nicely played. It's short but still manages to develop. Very emotive. YES~
  16. Those hats are so hot you could iron your clothes with them. Not in a good way. The hi-freqs on the hats combined with the lo-freq sound of everything else really unbalances the sound. Vinnie's right, good energy, and great use of sound effects, but the texture sounds smooshed together. Gating effects might help too with some of the rhythmic blandness. NO, but lets hear a fixed up version
  17. Vinnie, I can hear Flowers in the end, and the Maw is there, it's just kind of faint and buried harmonically. I'd have to say, this is a very pretty piece of work; very relaxing. Great textures. I feel like it's very liberal in its interpretation though; kind of a rhapsody on the themes. I'm really borderline on this piece, but I think I'm leaning towards YES. I want to wait and see what other joojes say, but put me down as Y for now.
  18. The synth just kills this track. It's such an uninteresting, buzzy sound that doesn't jive with the rest of the texture. The soundscape gets really crowded, but at the same time, it doesn't feel like there's much there to support it. You've got everything shoved into the mid-range with very little foundation. 1:12 is particularly messy. Arrangement on the other hand is imaginative and really nice. NO, resub
  19. Mazedude brings the groove once again. Love that factory percussion; really heavy and lays down a solid foundation for the rest of the synths. Fantastic sound design. YES~
  20. Really interesting harmonic ideas. A great cinematic take on Kraid's theme. Samples are a little iffy in terms of humanization, but not so bad that it kills the piece. I think it's good to go! YES~
  21. It's a similar sound, but it's not sampled. I like this! The soundscape is really nice; big and airy without feeling messy. The sound really evolves nicely. Not a groundbreaking trance track, but it's the genre done right. YES~
  22. Gotta agree with Vig's points. Things get a little messy with the overlap with the violin and oboe. Add to that some obnoxious clipping in the oboe something like twice in the song, and it's a no go. I'd work more on humanization in your sequencing too. Think about velocities and how each individual note would be played by the musician; successive notes are rarely played at the same exact velocity. Downbeats (or upbeats, depending on the style) will be emphasized. NO, resub
  23. Not feeling the medlyitis aspect of this mix. I feel like you did some pretty straight up genre-adaptations of a load of songs, without much thought into developing and arranging the ideas. I can see some people thinking the vocals are hilarious or something, but they're seriously out of place, especially when they're so exposed. The playing and percussion are great, but I don't see a lot of arrangement value in this piece. NO, but definitely resub
  24. I don't think there's anything wrong with the samples. This is a pretty groovy, piece of work. I love that timpani roll; it's like "HEY LISTEN UP, WE ARE DOING SOMETHING BIG HERE." Piano section does a nice job mellowing things out. Double-time section right after gets me dancing. Very cool stuff. YES!~
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