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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Nobody's getting livid. The problem is that you don't really have a point. You're trying to justify EE's actions with some pretty weak arguments. You did compare what EE did to what OCR does, trying to draw parallels and then doomsaying the future of OCR, saying that you're very worried; and yet we've shown you that they are very different things and that OCR isn't in any real danger because of those differences. What it boils down to is that EE was doing something that--whether intentional or not--promoted piracy. They got called on it. So boo hoo, no modded smash for anyone.
  2. Please. It's not activism. Most of the people who are up in arms about this couldn't give two shits about copyright law; they just want to play Smash Bros. with custom textures. There are no noble intentions here.
  3. OK, so what do you suggest we do? Save us, oh wise and learned Kieser.
  4. Because they're making profit by selling those arrangements. Of course not, but it's still different from what ]EE[ did, because--legality aside--they are using game textures and directly modifying the game; the only way the product they put out WORKS is by engaging in some kind of infringement/piracy and as such it promotes that. OCR doesn't require you to pirate anything to make or listen to remixes. Yes, it's still illegal, but it's also not the same as what ]EE[ does. Art in the upper right is no worse than any other fansite anywhere else in on the internet and does nothing to dilute the trademark of any associated company. We're not putting out a product based on the direct modification of those images OCR is also a registered non-profit organization. We don't make any profit, express or not. No there wouldn't, but keep in mind the game industry does know about us. One of the biggest game developers out there just put out a game with a fully remixed soundtrack by us. What it really boils down to is that what we do here at OCR is far more analogous to fan-art and fan-fiction than what ]EE[ has done.
  5. What's your point? Are you trying to get everyone here to be all indignant about it? It's not the same as what we do here at OCR. We don't use copyrighted media in our mixes. We frown on sampling and we promote the purchase of game soundtracks. We take a hardline stance against piracy here. A texture mod inherently promotes piracy and/or infringement. You can't use the mod without getting an ISO of the game and you can't play an ISO of the game without modding your Wii; and let's be perfectly clear here: the majority of people out there that use a modified Wii run pirated software. The people who mod their Wiis for noble intentions are few and far between. Average joe sees this mod and says, "hey I wanna do that," so he does the research and figures out how to run ISOs on his Wii. Then he figures "hey i can run ISOs on my Wii, why bother buying any games anymore?" It's a no-brainer. You can say they did everything they could to discourage piracy, but what does that really entail? Just posting "Please don't pirate the game" on their website? "DELETE THESE ROMS AFTER 24 HOURS." Yeah, ok.
  6. "Oh I don't need to buy Chrono Trigger DS, I can just play Chrono Trigger Ressurection on my PC for free."
  7. Everything. Once you make a sequel to a game, everything prior becomes completely invalidated.
  8. The composer of the soundtrack was kind enough to come here and let us know that it was being released to the public for free. Instead of saying "oh thanks" and just reviewing the music, you decided to be a dick and start editorializing and making unfounded claims about the intentions of the developers, the publisher, etc. Also, "pulling punches" means holding back criticism. The expression you want is "pulling no punches." What the hell are you talking about? Why are you using this thread to editorialize about people who "thing [sic] video game music should suck?" Nobody here has said anything about video game music having to suck. You have absolutely zero reason to believe that the developers are just tacking on bad music to any game, so please stop posting your poorly written crimes-against-grammar.
  9. I have both, and let me tell you, if I had to pick one or the other, I think I'd just kill myself instead. Both systems are fantastic, but I'm just gonna say that DS just slightly edges out PSP in terms of game library; it's such a joy to play. My library of purchased DS games is pretty big; so many hours dumped into playing that system. I can't even begin to name all the great games. D: PSP is no slouch though; games like Crisis Core and Jeanne D'Arc are essential to my existence. Don't forget about Final Fantasy Dissidia coming next year; fantastic game. Also, PSP actually is a Playstation Portable; once you hack it with custom firmware, you can rip your PSX games and load them as ISOs and (after some file conversions) play right off your memory card. The emulation of PSX games is flawless.
  10. I can't believe you just called his music shit. You're a horrible person.
  11. Wow! This soundtrack is great. I love that big orchestral sound in these pieces. Nice beats too. EVERYBODY DOWNLOAD THIS!
  12. You can critique the work without being a dick. Knock it off. Thanks for posting this Gene. Always nice to see folks from the industry posting here.
  13. “And in the time of greatest despair there shall come a savior and he shall be known as: THE SON OF THE SUN.” —Journal of the Whills, 3:12
  14. Just an FYI, Soundtempest is fed into OCR's Twitter, so you can keep up with it that way too.
  15. Heh. Thanks for the zip mirror. My point about digg and slashdot is less about bandwidth and more that I don't want non-OCR people listening to the tracks by the newbies that contributed to the project and basically just saying "there are a lot of shitty tracks on this album ocr sux." They're not shitty tracks, but there are some on this album that you can tell the artist is still new to the craft. The point of this project was never to create a super-awesome-end-all-Super-Metroid-remix-bonanza. It's a well-wishing album from our community where the sentiment counts more than anything else. I don't want to take that away from everyone who tried their best by subjecting them to the criticisms of assholes who simply would not get the point.
  16. Oh Jill. You poor thing. I mean seriously. THIS GUY?
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