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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Scare you out? Grammar atrocities aside, the account was most likely still logged in and someone on Reuben's computer just visited the site. In any case, let's try to avoid conspiracy theories.
  2. Please don't ever say "same difference." That doesn't mean anything. The phrase is "same thing."
  3. MAKOTOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooo SHOBU-DAAAAAAaaaaa -- Honestly though, I am also kind of miffed at the lack of SF3 characters in IV. I absolutely love 3rd Strike and its wild and wonky cast.
  4. I would love to see a new Zelda game for DS or something in the style of Zelda II.
  5. Do the bumpty bump. Let's get some more desiiiigns.
  6. Yes, of course, because DC Comics is one guy making all the comics. Marvel too. You know that different writers do different things with comics, right? Frank Miller vs. Grant Morrison, Alan Moore vs. Geoff Johns. How many times has Superman's origin story been revisited? Original Earth-2 Pre-Crisis Superman, Byrne's Post-Crisis Superman, Waid's Birthright Superman, hell Geoff Johns is writing SUPERMAN: SECRET ORIGINS this summer! Hell look at the entire run of Ultimate Spider-man; Bendis takes key points throughout Stan Lee's Spider-man's history, starting from the origin, and reinterprets them into a tighter, more focused, more cohesive story. I mean come on, the original Clone Saga lasted over three years; Bendis does it better in something like four issues. And you can bet your ass Bendis will never resort to "It's MAGIC!" to nullify 20 years of wedded bliss between Peter and Mary Jane Parker. As for fan-fiction and fan-art being nothing but kids fantasies, those kids fantasies are the very basis of most modern fandoms. Nothing ever comes of them? Just because they don't get packaged up and sold means they're worthless? Just because it isn't "mainstream?" Bullshit. There is plenty of worthwhile fan art and fan fiction out there. And doujinshi isn't mainstream? Clearly you've never even heard of Comiket. And you know what? Where the hell do you get off saying this? I'm sorry, but you don't know a damn thing about the intentions of any of the remixers here. So quit being so presumptuous.
  7. I know what you mean, but I am being serious.
  8. You want examples? You've never seen fan art or read fan fiction? People are always taking something that they didn't create and redrawing, rewriting, reinterpreting it in a different way. I mean seriously, look at any fandom of anything. People are constantly putting their own spin on something that exists, and they've been doing it for decades. Music hardly has a monopoly on this phenomenon. Hell, off the top of my head: West Side Story is Romeo and Juliet. Wicked is the Wizard of Oz. Rosencrantz and Gildenstern Are Dead is Hamlet without Hamlet. Disney movies are Grimm's Fairy Tales; sometimes Hans Christian Anderson. That new Friday the 13th movie is coming out soon. It's a remake. The Ring is a remake of Ringu. The Grudge is a remake of The Grudge. Mere Yaar Ki Shaadi Hai = a Bollywood version of My Best Friend's Wedding. DC Comics' "Elseworlds." Marvel's "What If?" Etc.
  9. Probably a good idea to just get all of Joshua Morse's remixes and throw them on there.
  10. You know there are torrent clients for Mac, right?
  11. They resort to it because they want the praise without doing any of the work. They want to look cool.
  12. I used to use VLC but I switched to CCCP/MPC for vids. Winamp for music.
  13. RSS feeds for individual forums are not broken. vB's RSS is based on threads, not posts. A new post in the Projects forum will not be syndicated. If you want to keep abreast of all goings on in the Projects forum, you can subscribe to the entire forum by going there, scrolling down, and finding the Subscribe to This Forum link in the forum tools box. This will have the forum software send you an email whenever the forum is posted in. You can set up alerts to be per post, a daily digest, and other options.
  14. It's not a matter of how active it is. My point is that PC is where you get patches, class updates, etc. for free. TF2 on the 360 still hasn't gotten any of that, for various reasons, and once it finally does get it, it'll cost money and it'll be a long time after that before the next update pack hits.
  15. While I know that Bleck already has TF2 for PC, I just want to jump in and say I don't know any good reason to play TF2 on 360 over TF2 on PC.
  16. Best way to handle this stuff is to PM the appropriate people on Newgrounds. I just sent one to the guy who handles removals, hopefully something happens.
  17. Rocket Knight Adventures. Give me some 3D jet-pack action.
  18. Metal Slug is a punch in the face, and the fist is made of awesome.
  19. Disabling smileys has to do with the editing mode you use. Go to User CP > Edit Options and scroll down to Message Editor Interface. Change it to Full WYSIWYG.
  20. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is pretty good.
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