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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Doesn't that go against everything that defines the Hunter? He's pouncing on you to kill you. An AI controlled hunter would never get off of you to go around and pounce other people. You pounce, you do what you can to kill the guy. Playing infected isn't about staying alive; hell that's why the Hunter achievement is just getting two pounces in a single life. It's considered an achievement to manage two pounces before getting killed.
  2. There's something oddly sinister about this statement. Like... Enjoy life. While you still can! muahahahahahahahahahhahaha
  3. It doesn't have zyko's track, which is partly my fault, because the tracklist I posted didn't have zyko's track.
  4. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=19974 Kind of relevant. Happy wedding/marriage.
  5. Super Metroid: Reserve Tank ~ VARIAtions ~ A Get-Well-Soon Community Album for bLiNd ———————————————————— http://reservetank.darkesword.com/ ReMixer bLiNd was pretty sick. We wanted him to feel better, so we did a remix album of his favorite game, Super Metroid. Veterans and newbies alike participated. I think it was a great success. Please don't post this to digg or slashdot or anything like that. It's not meant to be a big OCR Project release. It's a small project just for the community; also, I don't want to have to pay extra for bandwidth/hosting issues. The quality of the tracks also covers a broad spectrum; like I said, veterans and newbies alike participated, and it shows—though I think everyone here will enjoy the music regardless. I could still use some help for mirrors. If you can help out with that, please get all of the files and upload them to your webspace and provide me with a URL. It's very easy for StarZander to add a mirror, so the more the better. Also for the artists who didn't provide a write-up: if you still want to, we can add that in. Just PM me. Before anyone asks, no, there isn't a torrent, and there are no lossless versions of the tracks. Enjoy.
  6. The groom takes the bride's garter and tosses it to unmarried men. The person who catches it will be the next to marry. The bride throwing the bouquet is actually an offshoot of this, not the other way around. Anyhow, congratulations.
  7. Talking to djpretzel right now; should be implemented today, unless Larry decides to be a poopyhead. EDIT: Larry is not a poopyhead. OPs can now rename their threads by changing the title of the first post!!!!
  8. No they weren't. xD The entire point of the previous lockdowns was to go through the catalog of OC ReMixes and get rid of all the stuff that should never have been posted in the first place, based on the standards at the time they were posted. There was no qualitative revote being done, comparing mixes of old to standards of today. The lockdowns were getting rid of stuff that were violations in the first place that hadn't been caught when they were posted.
  9. Except that's not the intention at all. It's taking stuff off the site that shouldn't have passed in the first place. It's not about making OCR look better, it's about fixing our mistakes.
  10. Except it doesn't come close to being douchebaggy. It's just being snippy/irritable. There's a difference between just being an asshole for the sake of it, and getting annoyed when someone takes crap out of context and blows something out of proportion.
  11. Don't you mean increased body count? For me, body count implies death. Maybe headcount is more appropriate?
  12. That wasn't people leaving. That was people getting kicked out.
  13. I have always said that I want more inter-class teamup mechanics. I'd love to see the Engie build a little level 1 portable sentry that he can give to the Scout, who can carry it and drop it places the Engie wouldn't be able to get to. It'd only fire after the Scout dropped it and it couldn't be moved.
  14. It wasn't for the quality of his votes either.
  15. How does that make any sense? In the context of the timeline of the game (~3500BBY), it's important to have a lot of Jedi characters. Jedi in the Old Republic were plentiful; hell, Republic armies were usually headed up by the Jedi. Sith were also abundant; it wasn't until around 1000BBY that Darth Bane instituted the Rule of Two (i.e. one master, one apprentice). A Star Wars MMO set in the Old Republic era can't work without playable Jedi.
  16. Help & Newbies. Feel free to post your mashups in the WIP forum. Just make sure you say, "this isn't intended for OCR submission," otherwise people will be like "oh hey the joojes won't accept ur mix cuz of sampling."
  17. Welcome to OCR. In the future, please post your threads in the proper forum and give them a relevant title. Mash-ups are not accepted to OCR.
  18. Zircon also does music for the Brazilian adult entertainment industry. And I'm not talking about Neo Geo roms.
  19. It would help if you provided a link.
  20. You don't need natively developed plug-ins. You just need a Winamp Input Plug-in Wrapper. That's how foobar2000 supports VGM formats; it just uses Winamp's plugins through a wrapper. If someone writes that, then you're good to go.
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