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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Post videos of yourself performing in the WIP forum.
  2. Not really playing on my phobias, but I have to say that zombies/undead in shooters bother me; the Ravenholme sequence in HL2 is not something I should have played at 11:30PM right before going to bed.
  3. Nothing. I know you can make other stuff into the cart. I'm more expressing my surprise at someone using a strider as the cart.
  4. Moved from community. Also, TheDamned, don't make posts like this: Spamming implies multiple posts. The guy made one thread.
  5. You != everyone. I'm pretty sure most people liked Super Mario Galaxy. It got good reviews from gamers and the press. It was a successful game. This Wario game isn't an "admission" of anything.
  6. Nobody got offended. I just moved it to Offtopic. Maybe I should have left a redirect... .__.
  7. FYI atmuh's ban is lifted on Monday night, 11PM EST.
  8. You will never be as cool as me.
  9. You know what? Please stop being such a gushy fanboy. You like DT, we get it.
  10. There were SIX Classic series games on the NES. FOUR of them had charging and sliding.
  11. Who cares? This is our server and if they want to play on our server, they should play by the rules. Our rules say no stick spawn camping. Period. You don't play by the rules, you don't play on our server; it shouldn't matter who you are.
  12. Four strikes and you're out? One week ban on the first offense. Do it again? Permban. No mercy.
  13. It's a nice sentiment, but we don't really know the guy. It's a little odd to do such a huge tribute for someone like that. And nobody grieved for bLiNd. That was a well-wishing project aimed at lifting his spirits. It wasn't a tribute-album.
  14. Nobody deserves physical injury for doing things on the internet. What the fuck is wrong with you?
  15. Mega Man games aren't designed to be played through. They're designed to be played OVER AND OVER AGAIN.
  16. I have Freedom 2 for PSP; I haven't really gotten too far into it, but from what I've played it's a lot of fun. I know that Portable 2nd G in Japan is like a cultural phenomenon or something and is a PSP killer-app/system-seller. The production values (graphics, music, gamplay) are all pretty great. I think that the series coming to Wii is an interesting move and I'm excited about it. Monster Hunter is one of Capcom's key franchises, so there's going to be a lot of care going into MH3. Let's hope they push the system a little.
  17. I'd recommend against that. You'd be better served going through your mix and adjusting velocities and timings properly. Aside: IMHO, a mechanical sound has less to do with timing and more to do with note velocities. Think about how upbeats and downbeats need to be accented in relation to each other. Four 16th notes in a row are never going to be played at the exact same velocity; some are going to be slightly stronger than others.
  18. Easy there. No need for name-calling.
  19. No, pretty much all the music I do is for chicks.
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