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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Really, how is that any different? Are you saying I can only recommend my stuff if the OP asks for remixes without saying the words "really good?" Again, the OP didn't ask for the best. He asked for good ones. I think my music is good, and you know what? I'm allowed to say so, and that's not egotism. Here's why: while I happen to think that my remixes are good (oh no! heaven forbid!), plenty of other people do too. It's all sitting there right in the review threads. So maybe if lots of other people like those remixes, the OP will too. I don't think that's a stretch, and it's not egotism to point that out. Jeff Lorber doesn't make video game remixes. If this kid asked for just regular good orchestral music, you think I'd even think about pimping my own stuff? No. I'd recommend stuff like Copland, Williams, etc. Now you're just over-analyzing my intentions. I can say with 100% certainty that I have never received a blowjob because of my staff position here at OCR. And don't you think it's possible that maybe when people praise my music, they actually like my music? I'm pretty sure I'm well aware of the amount of shit I get from people these days because of the jobs I have to do, and it heavily outweighs any kind of proverbial blow-job or ass-kissing you think I'm getting.Maybe this is just my horrible, inflated ego talking, but I think that when someone gives me a good review for a remix I've done, they've given me a good review because they like the song I made, not because their remix will come under my scrutiny one day. And plenty of people who don't care about getting on my "good side" give me negative reviews. I always take those in stride. What this really boils down to is a lot of uninformed conjecture on your part. You and I don't interact that much anymore; you don't visit #ocremix often, you don't really post on these forums that much, and you don't really even converse with me via IM anymore (not that we did that much in the first place). You're basing your opinion of my character on the fact that I am a staff member on this site and that I posted a few links to my remixes in a thread where a guy was asking for some good--yes, good--orchestral remixes.
  2. He asked for orchestral remixes. I linked mine. That's not bragging. That's answering the question. Obviouslythe first ones that spring to my mind are the ones I made. If someone asked you for some smooth jazz style stuff, wouldn't the first thing that sprung into your mind be your music? If somebody asked bLiNd for some trance music, don't you think that he'd at least think of his own stuff first? I don't place my arrangements above others. My orchestral remixes pale in comparison to a lot of other stuff linked in this very thread. Does that mean I'm not allowed to mention them? No, it doesn't. That's just bullshit. The guy didn't ask for "the best ones." He asked for orchestral remixes. I made some orchestral mixes. I'm gonna link them. Of course people do it for a reason. People think that because I'm a judge and a mod, I have a superiority complex. People claim I have an ego because they want to cut down the big-bad-judge, knock him down a peg or two. I wouldn't get half as much shit from people if I wasn't a judge or a mod, and I know that's true because after I quit a few years ago, people stopped giving me shit.
  3. It's not a favorites thread. It's a thread about a specific genre. It's no different than the threads we've had about vocal remixes, or piano remixes, or remixes to get you relaxed, or remixes to get you pumped up. We've always allowed threads like this before.
  4. Wow, what's your problem? And why would any mod have a problem with you linking remixes outside of OCR? Sorry, what ego? I don't brag about my stuff anywhere, and I hardly ever plug my own music. I also get plenty of reviews from people who don't like my music, and I take those in stride, only asking for clarification, never retraction. The guy asked for some orchestral remixes and the first ones that sprung to my mind were the ones I made that are posted on this site. Did I say, "These are the best ones?" No. I just posted links. I'm getting pretty tired of people claiming I have some kind of big ego, especially when it comes to my music. I don't. I let the music speak for itself.
  5. http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01079/ http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01591/ http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01095/
  6. Pretty neat stuff; it's kind of a meta-search engine that presents results in different views. http://www.viewzi.com/search/cronotron/overclocked%20remix This is the timeline view, showing stories from left to right over a timeline.
  7. It's a bot. It doesn't read what you say. Don't reply to it, just PM one of the mods to take care of it.
  8. The general public doesn't have access to the wiki. It's staff only. As for the OP's question, generally speaking OCR only links pertinent and useful sites, not just random stuff. What's your link?
  9. Welcome to OCR, glad you enjoyed the panel. I moved your thread to Requests because that's where it belongs. Also, it might help if you provide more details as to how these musicians are supposed to collaborate. I mean it sounds like you're looking for band members, but you haven't even provided a location.
  10. It also stands for Dancing Nitro Fairweather. What's your point?
  11. It's probably a better idea for you to actually post some details about what you're trying to do instead of just a title.
  12. Speaking of Spies, here's a little story. Last night we were playing Dustbowl, and in the third round we (BLU) took the first point, so everyone fell back to the second point. You guys probably know that RED engies usually hide a teleporter in that little room that leads to their spawn so that they can still get to the first point after the spawn door locks. Usually a BLU demo will go up there and get rid of that crap, but I guess none of our demos decided to check. So everyone (RED and BLU) was pretty much concentrating on that second point, and I got killed and respawned back at the BLU spawn. Everyone knows I almost always play Pyro, and whenever the coast is clear I like to fire off my flare gun for fun/target practice. We've got no teleporter, so I'm making my way to the second point and I decided--on a whim--to shoot a flare into that room that leads to the RED spawn. All of the sudden, someone lights up. I hit a cloaked RED spy. I had no idea he was there. I quickly backburnered him as he ran away and then starting laughing my ass off.
  13. I've been noticing lately that people have been posting YouTube links in the WIP forum to share their music, creating a quick video with the song in it. The problem with this is that sometimes YouTube will downgrade the quality of your audio and make it sound lo-fi and muffled. Mixers also using MySpace can be a problem: MySpace's flash player sometimes recompresses the audio and adds artifacts. It also requires registration for downloads. I want to stress the fact that it's always best to post an actual audio file (preferably MP3) of your remix that people can download and listen to. This allows the people giving feedback to hear an accurate render of your song and pick out any production issues that might be present without worrying about whether or not it's just YouTube or MySpace that's responsible for the crappy sound. There are a lot of options available for music file hosting that don't require the listener to register. Here's two:" FireSlash's WIP Uploader http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/ FireSlash wrote up a little uploader script where you can temporarily house your works-in-progress. There's even a nifty little flash player for the files. Tindeck http://www.tindeck.com/ Allows both downloading and streaming, as well as download stats and other stuff. I don't use it myself, but other people swear by it. If any other frequent WIP posters have some good suggestions for WIP-hosting sites, please post in this thread following the simple format laid out above. Sites that don't require the listener to register are preferred. Thanks, and happy mixing.
  14. After my own mix for the project, this was definitely my favorite. Seriously though, this was an amazing piece of work; Xenosphere is one of my fave mixes too, and this really captures the feel of that track. Amazing work.
  15. You guys should really contribute to the community and do some game remixes before asking for support from here. :\ edit: keep in mind I'm not trying to be rude or anything
  16. I've never been a fan of the DKC games.
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