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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Agreed. Also: http://www.thebigshot.com/ WHERE HAVE U BEEN?!
  2. I just finished up a php script that parses a ReMixer's RSS feed for all remixes and redirects to a random ReMix by that artist. Examples: http://darkesword.com/randommix/?remixer=danielbaranowsky http://darkesword.com/randommix/?remixer=ziwtra http://darkesword.com/randommix/?remixer=darkesword If you don't put a ReMixer name it'll redirect you to a random selection from the most recent 10 remixes. http://darkesword.com/randommix/ http://darkesword.com/randommix/?remixer= Enjoy.
  3. I've seen all of Magiranger, Boukenger, and Gekiranger. While Magi is by far my favorite, Geki was just an amazing show. Jan (GekiRed) was pretty annoying in the beginning--I'm generally not a fan of the fiery-screaming-Red--but he got a lot better as the series progressed, and was less pissed-off than he was happy-go-lucky. Geki is really all about the villains though; Rio and Mele trounce every one of the rangers. As for Go-Onger, I've seen what T-N's subbed, but to be honest, I'm not really getting into it as much as I want to. I'm always prepared to give a new iteration of the series the benefit of the doubt, but Go-Onger's characters just aren't doing it for me. I'll stick with it for a while and see how it turns out. As for Kamen Rider: that series is always hit and miss for me. I tried watching Ryuki and Blade and couldn't get past the first few episodes of either one, but I ended up marathoning Kabuto. Den-O I dropped after a few episodes, but I'm sticking with Kiva right now. The dual-timeline storyline is pretty interesting, but to be honest, I'm mainly watching it for Nana Yanagisawa, who plays Megumi.
  4. 1. http://www.google.com/search?&q=samurai%20champloo%20OP&sourceid=firefox 2. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=2636 3. Opening Theme: "Battlecry" by Nujabes feat. SHINGO2 (eps 1-25) Next time just use a search engine.
  5. Metroid Metal saved my marriage, put my kids through college, and saved me a load of money on my car insurance.
  6. This code is absolutely terrible. You are a terrible person. edit: ...
  7. Except that it really wasn't a valid point. It was actually pretty uncalled for. Look at the thread. It's for showing appreciation. It's not for someone to come in and act like a hotshot and say "Yeah well just saying that he did stuff isn't good enough for me etc." That's being a jerk, and I pointed that out. Going further than that, why is it so hard to take on good faith that what I said was true? Do I have that kind of reputation where I'll lie about stuff just to garner praise for myself and the rest of the staff? Do you have any idea how ridiculous that sounds? Dave, Larry, Andy, and the rest of the staff do enough where I don't have to lie about anything. If you don't want to show your appreciation, then you don't post. If you want to know what Dave did, before you say "Hey, thanks," then just ask nicely. Don't be a self-important douche about it. EDIT: Yes, I realize the irony of my trademark smiley following that last statement. I've earned that right. Bite me.
  8. It's not a problem. Too conservative means just that. Too conservative. You're over-thinking it. Mixing is muddy is the simplest, most general way to phrase it. Bad EQ implies a more specific problem. Yes, wrong. Get a new dictionary. Coherence is under the structure heading and refers specifically to the structure of the song. A coherent structure implies flow. It's not a problem. You're over-thinking again.
  9. While Dave said it best, I'd just like to add that this thread for for the purpose of SHOWING APPRECIATION for the specific hard-work he did. He mentioned late that night before going to bed that he'd spent something like 6 hours coding things. I figured I'd mention it to everyone, even if such things were invisible to the end user, so that we could all just collectively say "Hey, thanks." Dismissing my post as "he did some stuff to the site, trust me" insinuates that I'm lying about it. Why would I lie about it? Can't you people just show some appreciation without overthinking things just once? Sometimes I'm baffled by some people here. Anyway I just wanna say that I'm glad a few people understood the point of this thread.
  10. Which of course is a totally subjective criticism that deals more with the arrangement and structure of the song itself, which can, of course, be covered in the COMMENTS section at the bottom of the list. It's pointless to have a checklist item specifically for bad ending. That's part of the arrangement. "Abrupt ending" is very specific; we've see a lot of submissions where the song either cuts off or ends without any kind of resolution. That's a specific, fairly objective problem that's easily identifiable. Poorly written endings are not; you have to think harder about how they fit with the arrangement of the song, etc. etc. etc. Look. I didn't want to have to resort to this, but I'm going to: I've been visiting this site for 6+ years. I've got 20+ remixes posted. I've been rejected by the panel something like 5 times. I've been a judge for 3 or 4 years now, and before that I judged for IronMix Challenge. I've been the coordinator of a Site Project that had approx. 9-10 artists on it. I like to think that when it comes to WIPs, I know what I'm talking about. And believe me, my fellow judges also have a good idea of what they're talking about. We're not new to this deal man. We know what's going on here. We've known what's been going on here for years. People have the same problems with their WIPs now as they did 5 years ago. Just because we're not active in the WIP forum now doesn't mean we never were, or that we have no idea what kind of problems an early WIP suffers from. Most of us have been there. Hell I can tell you for a fact that my own early music has suffered from at least half the stuff on this checklist. I certainly appreciate your candor, but please: stop insinuating that we Judges are out of touch.
  11. I'm sure we're all well aware of the problems people have in the WIP stages. Come on man, we Judges don't live in a vacuum here, and just because we don't post in the WIP forum doesn't mean we don't hear them. I get requests to listen to WIPs all the time. Don't forget that most of us have been around this site for quite a while and we've been through this whole deal before. Oh, and most of us are artists too. Give us a little credit. And I'm not sure what you mean by an ending that never ends. Are you talking about a fadeout ending? Because those aren't bad if they're done properly. edit: larryjacked.
  12. Yes they do, because we get submissions that are too quiet or too loud. You think its expected for people to compare stuff, but you know what? They don't. Look, we didn't just think of things to put on the checklist out of the blue. This checklist is based on problems we, the Judges—the guys that actually have to listen to the final products—see in submissions. If there's a problem on the checklist, I guarantee we've gotten at least five to ten submissions that have suffered from that problem.
  13. He hasn't been disbarred yet. The ruling from that case is still pending.
  14. Hey guys. Dave worked really hard on a lot of backend shit today. You won't really see any differences, but its a big deal as far as behind the scenes stuff goes. LETS SHOW SOME APPRECIATION RIGHT ON PRETZEL MAN RIGHT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mrgreen::mrgreen: edit: god its late i should sleep
  15. I feel like you guys are just over-thinking things here. Here's the deal in very simple terms: We judges have identified common problems with submissions. We've compiled a list of these common problems in checklist format. We'd like for a listener to use this checklist when listening to a WIP and formulating their feedback so that the problems we usually see in submissions are addressed at the WIP level. That's pretty simple. Nobody's saying you can't write extra comments, positive or negative, that have nothing to do with the checklist, but the point of the checklist itself is to guide listeners towards giving feedback that improves a submission's chance of acceptance. Positive reinforcement is great, so go ahead and use it if you want. You don't need the checklist for that.
  16. Yeah, no doubt. xD At least until the planned Princess Tomato remix blitz happe-- OH SHIT HAVE I SAID TOO MUCH!?
  17. All they really need to do to make me happy is make a movie about Makoto from SF3.
  18. Lookin' great, Dave. Any chance we could get RSS feeds for remixes from specific games/developers/etc.? We already have them for remixers (albiet cached, but still). Might be a good way for game fansites to get in on the action.
  19. I don't mind people asking questions; that's what this thread is for. But we do have a whole mess of articles written by judges and judge decisions for people to read as well all over this site. It doesn't hurt to read up on that stuff before asking basic questions like "Am I allowed to sample?" That is covered in the Guidelines, and to be honest, I don't think you interpreted Nicholestein's question accurately to begin with. And I maintain that a question that's worded vaguely like the one Nicholestein asked cannot adequately be answered in this thread; it's a very generic question about a very specific idea. The best way to get an answer about that kind of submission is to just make the piece of music, submit it, and let us look at the mix itself and judge accordingly, rather than grasp at trying to describe a very specific type of conservative mixing.
  20. Why do you guys ask questions like these when the answers are right here? http://www.ocremix.org/info/Submission_Standards_and_Instructions I mean seriously, this thread is for asking questions of the judges, but come on: I mean it's right there. Anything beyond that you can't really ask about; you just submit the piece and look at the decision.
  21. You're right, I don't think anyone could manage to be that incoherent.
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