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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. How is that ironic? Your name is Brushfire and you like playing as a pyro. that's not ironic. That's appropriate, or coincidental. Not ironic.
  2. My problem with your roster, Coop, is that it's Bat-heavy. There's a wealth of characters to draw from beyond Batman villains and heroes. Something more balanced is JLA oriented roster; Supes, Bats, Wondy, GL, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, and Flash. That's your original 7 right there. Then throw in some villains, maybe some JLI folks (Beetle, Booster, Fire, Ice). But having 5/16 of the characters Bat characters is just too much.
  3. Ristar is totally worth the price of admission alone.
  4. Mega Collection is a better value.
  5. Yeah it's a great comic. Apparently Jim Davis is a fan of it too.
  6. I maintain that the big WHOLE GRAIN sticker up top is the best aspect. I mean everything on the box is altered or changed in some way, but the fact that the cereal is WHOLE GRAIN is so important that Marcellis left it untouched is hilarious.
  7. Countdown pretty much over and it was a terrible comic to the point where it's hilarious. DC has essentially acknowledged that Countdown did not accomplish what it set out to do (be the "spine" of the DCU). And even so, Countdown is an ensemble book; to be honest, Kyle was just along for the ride and not really one of the movers or shakers. That honor ( ) goes to Jason, Holly and Harley, Mary, Solomon, Darkseid, Jimmy, and near the end, Ray. GL is one of DC's strongest, most important titles right now, and Hal is the focus of that. Hell the current storyline is a retelling of Hal's origin story. If we're talking about going with current events, Hal Jordan is definitely the GL to go with.
  8. Eh, not so sure about that. Hal's the number one GL these days considering it's him that the GL main series focuses on. Kyle's not really a solo/focal character anymore; I mean he's a main player in GLC, but that's really an ensemble book. If any GL is going to show up in MKvDC, it'll be either Hal Jordan or John Stewart. Hal because he's the main GL right now; John because he's more well known to non-comics DC fans who only really know the cartoons. I doubt they'd pick Roy over Ollie. Green Arrow is a classic hero; Speedy/Arsenal/Red Arrow isn't as well known. Wally over Barry I could definitely see.
  9. Sorry, but seriously, what is hilarious about Aquaman? He's the fucking King of Atlantis and he's a goddamn badass fighter. He's got a hook for a hand, a trident, and a sword. I'm really tired of people crapping on Aquaman just because they watched Superfriends on Cartoon Network and think his super-power is talking to fish. And that's not an orange shirt he's wearing, it's orange SCALE MAIL armor. Aquaman will kick your ass. They would. DC is really trying to push Jaime's incarnation of the Blue Beetle. He's got his own title (which does well in trades), he's a regular in Teen Titans (though not as an official member), and he's showing up in Tiny Titans in July. He's also the version of Blue Beetle that's going to be in "Batman: The Brave and the Bold" animated series next year. Not that I'm complaining; I'm a huge Beetle fan.
  10. I can't believe it took someone this long to actually make this point. Bravo Drack. Bravo.
  11. No. Capcom hasn't had the Marvel license in years.
  12. This isn't really the place to discuss this, but look at any review of a vocal or symphonic song by him; they're all tirades against the genres, not reviews of the songs, and the tone of these reviews is consistently abusive. Anyway let's get back on topic, shall we?
  13. Black text + dark gray background = unreadable. It's all so very low-contrast, and the stylized, messy font doesn't help.
  14. Hey I finally bought it today. Steam's got a 33% off sale on TF2 this weekend. steamid: DarkeSword
  15. We totally should though. We should have a joojes meetup and do a Live Judgement Session. We can sell tickets and make money for the site that way tool
  16. There's nothing grammatically incorrect about "Blade of the Exiled."
  17. Sorry, but nothing we do here at OCR is considered stealing. It's perfectly fine that you don't like lyrics in video game songs, but you know what? Other people do, and other people choose to show their appreciation for video game music by interpreting it in a way that inspires them. If that inspires lyrics, well then that's what they're going to produce. You have every right in the world to give an artist a negative review but you have no right to call anyone here a thief. That is out of line and it will not be tolerated here. You don't have to really have to "legitimize" your reasons for not liking something. Just say you don't like it. But the really issue becomes apparent when you start calling the artists "theiveing bitches" and accusing them of using the game music as a "platform" in order to build themselves up. That's not what anyone is here for, and if that's what you think then you're sadly mistaken. And the review forum is for reviews, not accusations and insults. Do it again and I will permanently ban you from these forums.EDIT: Nevermind. Looking at your review history, I can see that you're an incredibly closed-minded individual who doesn't review songs on their own merits, but based on your opinions of their respective genres. They're incredibly abusive that don't provide anything constructive at all, save for "do it better next time" and "don't remix in this style." No place for that here. Bye.
  18. Bump! Looks like this game got delayed until Q2, which is almost here, but still. They also gave it a new name: Black Sigil: Blade of the Exiled.
  19. None of their main characters anyway. I mean there's quite a bit of gore and dismemberment in their comics, but that's reserved only for b-level and c-level characters.
  20. Finally, another shot at a DC fighting game, but it just has to get shitted up with MK characters. Fail.
  21. Purple Stuff has seen a sharp decline in consumption since the introduction of citrus drink Sunny Delight, or as it is more colloquially known, Sunny D, into the American market.
  22. How about you leave the moderating to the moderators?
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