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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. I read a lot of manga. Hell I buy a lot of manga. Probably too much actually. I have no shelf space left. If you like Ichigo 100% (which I also did, though I was disappointed with the ending; he should have made a different choice in the end), then you should check out Hatsukoi Limited. It's got a lot of the charm that Ichigo 100% had, but it's a little better because it's not a harem story. There's no one main male or female lead as of yet; it's more of an ensemble cast and the number of guys and girls is pretty balanced out. For more of the high school romance stuff, hit up Salad Days. It's 18 volumes, but a lot of the stories are self-contained in small arcs. There are only a few characters that get revisited throughout the series; most characters get their little stories and you never see them again. There's one couple that could be considered the "main couple," and every once in a while you get a story about them and how their relationship progresses, which all culminates in the final volume. School Rumble is an instant classic; think Azumanga Daioh, except it also includes male characters and romance subplots. H2 is a riveting high school baseball manga that's worth a look, if you're into that kind of thing. Suzuka is also one of my personal favorites. A great romance/sports series with a male character who's actually not a pushover. Worth a look (the anime isn't bad either; amazing music, though the animation is painfully low-budget).
  2. Except it wasn't really all that entertaining.
  3. Well like I said, don't forget about the BACK of the card. Barcode can go on the back. Anyway I want to remind people that since these cards are going to be in meatspace as opposed to on the webs, we should try to stay away from too many embossed/shadow effects. That stuff looks great on a screen, but doesn't always look so great printed out.
  4. Also true, which means we might want to think about putting that title in our forum profiles alongside the "Real Name" label.
  5. Yeah, as much as I like José's mockups, it's always good to see what other people come up with. As for titles, I don't like "Competition Director," as that implies a staff position. "Competition Organizer" would be better; but to be fair, I'd prefer only "official" titles, as anyone can go ahead and start a competition these days.
  6. José man, I'm totally feelin' that design. As for the Data Matrix, I'm cool with that too. Let's not forget about the back of the card though. That's where the signature field will be (because you HAVE to sign it), and the barcode, and maybe some other info about OCR. Oh, also: stop derailing the thread.
  7. Having my Ancient Hero remix used in a bevy of crappy Zelda YouTube videos without any credit given.
  8. Standard Card Size: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_7810 We should use ID-1.
  9. Post counts are always changing. These aren't automated sig graphics. These are print-them-out-and-laminate-them cards.
  10. I've always thought membership cards were pretty neat. I'm actually a card-carrying member of the Star Wars Fanclub (my card sits in the middle pouch in my trifold wallet, right behind my credit card). Now, in an official capacity, it'd be way too difficult and/or expensive to do, but I thought it'd be neat if we, as a community, could come up with some kind of template that a person could customize in order to print out an OCR Membership Card. That way you could say that you're a card-carrying member of OC ReMix. Any thoughts? Here are some ideas: * Forum name * Some kind of barcode generated from a person's forum ID#. Useless, but barcodes are oh-so-official. * Special symbols on the card for staff members (like a gavel for judges or something) * A special symbol for a remixer * We could do a new design every year, or maybe even every season My past threads (OCR-tan, Judge Cereal, and Mix Title T-Shirts) have brought out some of the best and creative stuff I've seen from this community. Do not disappoint me, comrades. Let's see what you've got.
  11. Probably a toss up between Ziwtra's 'Aftershock,' Harmony's 'Dragon Song,' and McVaffe's 'Makoto Jungle Jazz.'
  12. What the hell is wrong with you? That was a really good show and that guy really cared about educating kids. It was pretty sad when he died; a lot of people grew up on that show. Quit being tool.
  13. It was announced months ago. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2007-12-17/new-haruhi-suzumiya-anime-series-details-revealed
  14. So "The Legendary Hero" from Wind Waker (and by extension, my Ancient Hero mix) didn't make the list. Fail.
  15. Your mix has to be a mix of the music. You can't take sound effects and create an original song out of it.
  16. I personally will hate you for the rest of your life, or for the rest of my life. Whichever ends first. This will not factor into my judging though, so go ahead and remix what you want.
  17. There's no reason the opening strings have to sound so crappy, and if you're going for that filtered sound, you never contrast it with clean unfiltered strings. After the minute mark, this song feels like it's on autopilot, lazily going through a genre-adaptation of the melody. The guitar and harp stuff is interesting, but not enough to save the blandness of the arrangement. The percussion especially gets old fast. It's not all bad; balance between instruments is good, and it's got a nice groove, but you really need to work on this more. Bring some more originality to the track. NO
  18. There's a second season coming of Haruhi.
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