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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. I've gotta agree with the other NO voters. This piece sounds like more of the same from you man, and it doesn't really indicate any kind of growth as an arranger. I don't feel that the arragement is as cohesive as your other stuff. This certainly isn't your best work. It's a nice piano piece though; some good playing with decent production. But I think you need to bring something new to the table; it feels like more of the same from you, and your previous waltzes deliver more impact to the listener. This song sounds like you're just applying a formula to the original, rather than approaching the piece creatively. NO
  2. I would very much like to see this project go to SP, but I need a status report, STAT! walan plz contakt wit infoz kthx
  3. Good show. Kudos to Majin and Ambient for keeping their blurbs short. Pixie did a good job, though I think Aurora has a better radio presence (whatver that means). Some of the Razya/Pixie dialogue was laugh out loud funny. Nice work. Hooray for VGDJ.
  4. Oh man what a badass song. Beats are so tight all around, and I love the rapidfire bassline. Excellent work. Moreplz. Taliban out.
  5. That's because they follow the procedure. Also, this project had a recruitment thread in ReQuests for a while.
  6. The production on this really stinks. Sounds fuzzy and muffled. Not a bad arrangement, considering the source material; not bad at all. LOTS of creative interpretation, which is exactly what we look for at OCR. Your concept is pretty solid. The problem here is the execution; like I said, it sounds muffled. You need to separate your instruments a bit more and bring out some high-end, please. I feel like I'm listening to this piece run through a low-pass filter (okay, so that's an exaggeration, but you get the idea). There are some dead spots in the arrangement where there's drums + lead and nothing else; you lose momentum there. Maybe that's intentional? I think at least some kind of bassline would help with that. Unlike Gray, I don't think your trumpet sequencing is fantastic; it's a bit stale, in my opinion. You could do with a better sample, I think; something thicker, with more presence. I would like to see this arrangement posted to OCR eventually; you have a lot of great ideas. Just polish up the execution, and you'll be good to go. NO (please resubmit!)
  7. KWarp, please adjust the topic title to include a date if you're going to post IMPORTANT UPDATES, because if you keep posting IMPORTANT UPDATES, people will never know if they've seen them already.
  8. *coughDarkeSwordINterview* Seriously, though... 3 minutes may be a bit long. We just want everyone to get a fair amount of time to discuss their mix, as well as pimp out some of their original stuff. If we can get people listening purchasing independant music, I think that's wonderful. Well my interview was an interview; my clip later was pretty short. Also, I understand that you guys want mixers to be able to talk about their stuff, but sometimes the ratio of talking about the mix to the actual mix playing is really disproportionate. I listen to a guy talk for like...3 minutes about his mix, but I only get to hear 30 seconds of it. I know that I'm supposed to check it out here, but I find myself just fast forwarding through a lot of comments.
  9. You guys seriously need to limit the length of the clips you have the remixers send in. Some of these guys just love to talk.
  10. I believe Dave mentioned that spotlights will be a permanent fixture on the front page, and eventually will be randomized and/or rotated.
  11. Brass sounds really fake man. I realize that brass is hard to sequence, but its so exposed here, with nothing to balance/hide it. This whole arrangement is suffering from medlyitis; each section sounds tacked onto the next for no reason other than for variation's sake. I would love to see each and everyone of these arrangements fleshed out to their own piece; they can certainly stand on their own as interpretations, but as it stands right now, I think there are too many ideas and not enough development. Percussion throughout this song is perfect, except for the Sonic 2 ending part. I didn't like the odd distorted sound. The Ice Cap Zone section is probably the weakest (shut up larry). You need better samples man; that harmonica isn't hacking it; it's got a weird syncopated rhythm. This medly ends up being less than the sum of its parts; I'd love to see a series of remixes that expand on each section of this piece, rather than having them all mashed together. NO
  12. Gotta agree with Harmony on this one; the lower register gets really muddy and bleeds together. It sounds like a mish-mash of bass notes. As much as I like the dark sound, the piano really needs to be EQed so that the higher frequencies come out. The song has a nice flow though; good dynamics. NO
  13. This is way too close to the original. Saxophone samples don't mesh well together, and the sequencing for them is terrible; very mechanical. Underneath I don't really hear a lot going on. It's very sparse harmonically. NO
  14. OMG FFVI IS BETTER GO DIE NOOB er. Okay the intro is killing me. Why does it go for so long without an inkling of percussion/bassline? Where's the support? All of the instruments are mixed together pretty badly too; not enough balance! Everything is splashy. When the bassline finally comes in its too loud and has too much reverb. Oh, and the percussion is a drumloop included with FruityLoops. Now, there's nothing wrong with using a premade drumloop, in my opinion, just so long as you do something interesting with it, like slicing it up and retriggering it in different sequences. But don't just drop it under whatever you have. Put some effort into your percussion. The entire song itself is pretty close to the original too. I think this is a fairly solid NO.
  15. I dunno about that; I'm not really into the programming stuff with FL; I just use it as a sequencer to play my external samples. Zircon is the one to go to if you want to know more about synthesis with FL. Anyway, yeah, the percussion is FruityLOL! Pretty weak percussion samples man. At least process them with a little reverb/EQ. Better yet, scrap them altogether and get some better percussion samples. The arrangement is standard FL newbie-who-knows-how-to-compose-but-not-produce fare too; lots of pyramiding, with interesting rhythmic ideas killed by lack of decent sounds, dynamics, skillful sequencing, etc etc. It's a good start; certainly better than my first FL song, but you still need to practice more with FL and start using some better sounds if you want to produce something that will really shine. Check out the remixing forum; there's a plethora of links there. NO
  16. There's a great ambiance here; the texture is really smooth, so +1 for you. Everything is pretty groovy going though the song, but like the other judges, I felt that the leads were pretty weak, and that there wasn't enough going on in the background to support those weak leads. Hand percussion sounds good though, so +1 for you. I'd love it if you beefed up some of your sounds in this piece; everything sounds thin and sparse. The arrangement is nice though, so +1 for you. In the end, you're left with +3 and a pretty sparse mix. I don't really judge with points in mind; that whole +1 thing was just a running theme. Hopefully you can appreciate the humor? Anyway, work on the sparseness issues and try to beef up your sounds. Thicker sounds with more presence would really help this piece. NO
  17. Well I really like this. I think RTF has done an excellent job with bringing originality to the Hydrocity theme without sacrificing what makes the original so great. I love the percussion; it does what good percussion should do: it interacts with the other elements in the song. The arrangement is constantly changing, I love the section at 4:08. SOOOO chill; the bassline is perfect. Some of the samples and sequencing in this piece are raw and mechanical, but I think that adds to the piece's charm. There's no pretense at reality here; this is raw, synthy breakbeat stuff through and through, with more than enough variation. A bit long, but nothing that kills the mix. I give it a wholehearted YES!
  18. Hey, I really like this arrangement. It's pretty unique and it has some nice interpretive ideas. I love the meter change, like Shnab mentioned; pretty smooth transition. I'm in agreement though that the primary detracting element of this mix is the mechanical sequencing. This really needs a human touch; as is stands now it sounds like everything is pretty much the same velocity. Without the human touch, there's no emotion, and without the emotion, the song is dead in the water. I recommend spending more time adjusting velocities and trying to give the piece a more organic feel. Right now it's very rough and mechanical, which doesn't work for the instrumentation you've chosen. NO
  19. Maybe I missed this, but are we going to be notified indiviually when our wave masters are needed?
  20. This project has demonstrated sufficient progress in all aspects. It has been moved to Site Projects. Welcome, and good luck.
  21. I must be listening to a completely different song that Shnabubula is listening to, because this is incredibly similar to the original. It follows the progression of the original song verbatim; there is nothing in the way of expansion as far as phrasing is concerned, and I really don't hear the alterations to the chord progression that Shnab mentioned, though I could be wrong. Either way, the song is much too similar to the original as far as phrasing, instrumentation, and mood goes. You could superimpose this into the game without any alteration at all, and it could pass for a Mitsuda upgrade a la PSX remake. The production, sequencing, and samples are fantastic, and it really pains me to have to reject a song so wonderfully produced, but as far as OCR is concerned, it lacks the crucial element: strong reinterpretive ideas. You seem like a very talented musician; I would love to see you submit work that has more of your own original style incorporated. Play with the melody and rhythmic ideas, change up the feel, etc etc. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about, given your obvious skill level. I hope to see more from you. NO
  22. Yup, but expect one of yours up soon too. OMJesus, stop patting each other on the back!!!~ It's ok Larry, it's normal to be jealous of camaraderie. Larry has no friends. Anyway I never commented on this soundtrack. Great, professional job all around, though dark music like this doesn't really suit my tastes, so I probably won't listen too often. Still, pretty solid.
  23. Alrighty! The week is done, so I'll be moving this thread back to WIP. If you're a mixer on this project, please help Shael with finding remixers, and if you're able to, try and take more than one track. Good luck everyone.
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