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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. This sounds like it was played by the robots I build at school. Very mechanical harp and flute work, and because the whole song is acoustic it really detracts from the overall listening experience. This is another piece that just feels like it's going through the motions. No real highs, no real lows; there are points where I can see the attempt, but without attention paid to velocities and dynamics, it comes off as flat. Read what Harmony said about humanization; he summed it up very well. Take it to heart. This piece needs the human touch. NO
  2. Boring. This mix is just going through the motions. There's no energy, and the sounds aren't very interesting. The whole song is just bland. I also don't like the weird chord progression you used under the melody; the second chord (vi, I think) is fine, but the third chord isn't. Sounds odd under the comping rhythm, which in the original song is the actual chord progressions. The song goes IV I V I over and over again until the B section. Trying to give it a more sophisticated sound by using a different chord progression with minor chords doesn't work in this case because you didn't adjust the melody to fit those chords. It's weird. Gray used the right term: ho-hum. That's the feeling I get from this mix. NO
  3. Nice texture, everything is so tightly woven together. The sounds are solid, the groove is solid, and there's a lot of great variation going on. I love the voice over; nice build underneath. Really solid. YES
  4. For the record, the idea for this project was thought up by Arek without knowledge of Rise of the Star prior to its release (although how he didn't know about Rise of the Star is anyone's guess O_o;). So no, it's not a Kirby copycat project. End of story.
  5. SoS has demostrated forward momentum and progress in the past few weeks. As such, it has been moved to Site Projects. Keep the momentum going! Kyle and Lea have been given Project Coordinator status in this forum; as such, they are able to moderate this thread. Also, to everyone, keep in mind: this isn't UnMod or GD, so no messing around. Don't use this thread for personal, irrelevant conversations; this is a project thread dedicated to the project. Lets keep it that way. Carry on.
  6. Yeah this MIC is so old. I need a better one.
  7. Pay attention n00b; there's an i in there. AND there are tons of Indian people in Canada. DUH. AND the family I was talking about is the family I live with in NJ; it was a FAMILY VACATION. Six of us DROVE UP. NOOB OMG
  8. My name is pronounced SHAH-rick. Not Sha-reek.
  9. I'm already working on it. Left it out because I was planning on doing it as a bonus track anyway.
  10. Nice. In other news: I talk too much.
  11. The newest episode of the VGDJ Podcast is all about Rise of the Star! Go get it!!!
  12. NO OVERRIDE Sounds like premade loops strung together. Nice try.
  13. Larry and Zyko already wrote dissertations, so I'll keep my vote short (also because I'm lazy, but whatever ). I really like it. I think Larry's comment about liking it as a casual listener rung true for me as well. This is the kind of stuff I listen to when I'm driving home. Real smooth stuff; lots of nice variation and a good soundscape. Percussive elements are great, especially congas. NICE. The bass is a sexy girl that's out of my league. Can't so no to this. YES
  14. Technobias! I wish the song just sounded more anthemic, but that's probably the fault of the source tune. It's a good remix of a forgettable source tune, and you did a good job of trying to make it as catchy as possible. The production is pretty tight; not too muddy, not too much reverb, everything is just right. The structure is okay. Not a lot of risks taken, but its solidly excecuted. Decent concept, solid execution; I give it a YES.
  15. That was an error on my part, actually; I thought I had them tagged with the proper artist names. Apparently it didn't save.
  16. FLAC files are lossess audio encodes. CD quality with no artifacts like MP3. There's a readme file included. For more information about FLAC, go here: http://flac.sourceforge.net/ You don't have to download the FLAC files if you don't want to; if you're using a BitTorrent client that supports selecting specific files, just deselect the FLACs.
  17. Yeah, herocraw.com and herograw.net. Two different mirrors, yo.
  18. Rise of the Star - The Kirby's Adventure Remix Collaboration Official Site: http://kirby.ocremix.org/ Project History Thread: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=2277 MP3s are available at the official site, and both MP3s and FLAC encodes are available via BitTorrent. Please download via BitTorrent if you can from OCR's tracker (http://bt.ocremix.org/) and help to alleviate the bandwidth for the mirrors. This thread is for comments and feedback about the album! PLEASE ENJOY! -Shariq Ansari, Project Manager <()>
  19. Just wanted to let everyone know what's going on. I've distro'd the MP3s to the people I've chosen to be mirrors; still need to send to a few though. I'm not going to make any promises concerning an exact date for the project release; however, I hope to have the album released sometime this weekend. This is not a promise or an official release date though; just an estimate. Stay tuned. ^()^
  20. I just need webspace. If you can provide webspace that I can directly link to, then I can send the music to you beforehand.
  21. Each track is a separate entity. There won't be any crossfading.
  22. I'm going to launch the project when it's ready.
  23. Thanks; and yes, it IS open season on typos. Feel free to let me know where I've made errors. I want it to be error free before we go to the subdomain of ocremix. Coming shortly; hopefully within a week or two. No promises, though. Nope. It's not ready yet. The music is finished, but I need still need to work out details of setting up the torrent and mirrors. I want to alleviate the stress on each mirror as much as possible, so the more mirrors, the better. Like I said, the more mirrors the better, so if you can offer some webspace, that'll be great. Awesome. Just so everyone knows, the links I have up on the site right now are just DUMMY links. They're there so I can test the design of the page and tweak how it will look. They're all just href="#". Since we're getting more mirrors, I'll kill the Mirror text and just have numbers as the links.
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