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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. YES! I loves me some DHS. Subtune 1 (Infected Edit) from Apidya is one of my favorite songs, and this song right here looks like it's going to join the ranks. Such a sweet beat; feels slightly indian, which is always nice for a guy like me. Groovy beats, awesome soundscape, perfect production. I love it. In other news, I've removed two posts from this review thread. I ask that forum members only post their comments about this mix, rather than taking a potshot at the judges panel or providing a rebuttal thereof. Any further discussion can be taken to PM.
  2. There's always wiki software. Seriously, I think there should be a subdomain wiki site of OCR for these character profiles. It'll make it so anyone can easily add their contributions and moderate others' contributions as well. Once everything's good I think you can lockdown the wiki so it's no longer editable. Just a thought. I don't know all of the technicalities of administrating a wiki site. But if there's someone who does, it could make this whole process run smoothly. Setting up a wiki is more work than necessary, considering we have a forum system already in place.
  3. I talked to Dave, and he thinks the idea has some merit. Something we're thinking about doing is creating a small, dedicated, locked forum for mascot bios; clicking on a mascot will take you to a post where you can read the bio and click on pertinent links. This kind of project really requires an organizer/editor. Dafydd, I know that you started this thread, so if you want that job, you can go ahead and take it, or you can choose one or two other forumers to help you out with the organizational and editing process. Things to keep in mind will be the format of the bio, clarity of the language used, and the length. Of course, all forumers are encouraged to submit content, but that content may very well be edited and reformatted to fit forthcoming guidelines that an editor/editors will outline. The bottom line is that this stuff will need to look professional, because it'll be a part of the site. Let me know what you guys would like to do as far as organization is concerned, and then we can create a new organizational thread in the Site Projects forum.
  4. Thanks... I was going to post it there, but it seemed like it WAS necessarily a remix albums forum, so I didn't know where else to put it but here. Besides, I suspect the general forum has the vast majority of the forum visitors. I'm glad I for once came up with something that recieved some kind of approval You wouldn't have been able to post it there anyway. Regular forum members are not allowed to create threads in Site Projects.
  5. I like the idea. I'll run it by DJP and see about implementing it eventually into the site design. If we get the okay, we can move this thread to Site Projects. (site projects aren't necessarily remix albums; any project that's aimed at the betterment of OCR can go in there)
  6. I like how Shnab totally rained on the 7/8 parade and correctly referred to it as 7/4. XD The tribal percussion is gimmicky as hell; seems like a cheap attempt at sounding "ethnic," as oppoesd to actually listening to tribal music and incorporating compositional ideas. I'm not accusing you of anything, so don't take it that way, but this mix doesn't strike me as "tribal." The mix itself sounds really lo-fi. Choir is too quiet and breathy, and the Edgar and Mash theme's conversion to 7/4 time isn't very creative at all. Just an extra beat added to a sustained note. It'd be more interesting if you actually tried for a more syncopated 7/8 interpretation, rather than a slow 7/4 approach. Anyway, the mix is short, gimmicky, has low production values. There's talent here though; hit up the forums and learn some production techniques, and keep writing. Also, you mentioned not using MIDI files. For that, you are awesome. NO
  7. Quoted for emphasis. Seriously, this song is a remix of maybe 4 bars of music. ... !? Add to that some pretty generic sounds and a plodding percussive track and this song is stuck in an endless loop of repeating mediocrity. This needs a lot more substance. It's uninteresting, repetitive, and boring. After a while I just phased it out. Needs work. NO
  8. Vig pretty much covered it; the thin, plinky sample really hurts any kind of emotional resonance Rexy was aiming for with this track. This song really warrants something deeper, darker, but with less bleeding in the low end. Left hand patterns are a bore! I'm not a pianist, but something that's more integral with what the right hand does would be a lot more interesting to listen to. The tail end of the piece exhibits this; I'd like to see more. NO for now.
  9. WTF is with the Pokémon hate? Pokémon is an awesome series of games with lots of depth to its gameplay. Don't be a hater. Pokémon is better than you. So get out. You're off the panel. Also, for you information, pretty much all of the music from the anime is arranged VGM. As for the mix, nice interpretation of the source, even though it takes a while to get there; the problem is that the mixing on this song stinks. The reverb is muddy (lol i am hypocrite) and the percussion is a bit too loud. Needs to be re-mixed (HA GET IT RE-MIXED LOL!). Pokémon has cool music so I hope to see more mixes from the series. In the meantime, this mix get a NO. Keep at it.
  10. This is really great. I agree with Dan; this isn't really hollow at all. The arrangement is very dynamic and stirring, and DZ shows off his proficiency with the samples used very well. The dynamics in this song are excellent; lots of highs and lows that not only correspond to volume, but intensity level as well. Very nice. As for the cadenza, not bad; I wish it was done by a real trumpet player though. YES
  11. This piece is really great. Personally I think everything locks together QUITE nicely. Maybe I'm losing my touch, but I'm not hearing this incohesion or dull mixing at all. Everything sits in the mix really well. The arrangement is superb, and I love the texture. Great sounds all around. Percussion is incredibly detailed and fills up every little empty space with something to listen to. There's just so much going on, but it never loses its way. YES
  12. Lead sounds are really thin, but other than that, everything is mixed quite nicely. There's a very clean sound, so kudos for that. Unfortunately the entire arrangement is standard trance fare. Dn't get me wrong, I love trance, but this really needs something more creative brought to it. I'm not saying hyrbid genres either; but melodic breakdowns and more interesting percussive ideas will really help this piece. Right now it's pretty repetitive (which I understand is a tenent of the genre, but this piece is too repetitive). Needs more ideas. NO
  13. Samples are weak, IMO; the rock kit doesn't mesh well with the orchestral sounds either. There's nothing that interacts with the rock kit to anchor it into the rest of the mix. The concept itself is pretty good; the arrangement varies and changes throughout, but it really lacks any kind of emotion or climax. There's tension, but no release. Use the source material in some kind of big, bold melodic statement. This beats around the bush. NO
  14. How can anyone vote without being provided pics to compare?
  15. My clip sounded scripted because I wrote down what I was going to say before I said it. Rambling on gets boring, and I tend to say UM and UH a lot when I don't know what I'm going to say.
  16. What you're saying makes sense, but I don't see it applying to my song. Plenty of pretty clear ups and downs. I wasn't subtle about anything. I have to agree with Dectilon, this song is boring. After you've heard the first 63 seconds of this song, you've pretty much heard it all, and everything that follows is pretty standard remixing 101. "Ups and downs" doesn't really cut it when it comes to creating a work thats truly outstanding. If you were listening to 1000 remixes in a row, would this one stand out? I think not. you're a fucking idiot. this song is pretty cool stuff. Please keep insults out of the review threads.
  17. I think the show should keep it's focus on OCR music. After all, it's OCR's official podcast, not a community/scene podcast, and there's always enough material on OCR to comfortably fill up a show.
  18. Sounds too sparse. There isn't anything going on harmonically at all, which I think this piece could really benefit from. The intro's percussion which is, to borrow Harmony's term, is discombobulated, but I think that works. The problem is, it never becomes...combobulated. ... You know what I mean. The song is one giant intro that never breaks down into a solid groove that locks together with a bassline. It builds and builds but never reaches the apex. Not good. Add to that the fact that it's really repetitive and we've got a no win situation. NO
  19. Strings sound horribly fake, and the low bitrate isn't helping. Also, seriously, why so long? A lot of it meanders and is not very interesting. Seems like a lot of original stuff that can be cut out too. You could really pare this down and make a more focused piece. The arrangement and production don't justify the length. Everything besides the piano and flute sounds shaky. If you're really intent on doing three movements, do each movement as a separate MP3; that way you can encode high and bring up the production values (and have those values evident). NO
  20. What you're saying makes sense, but I don't see it applying to my song. Plenty of pretty clear ups and downs. I wasn't subtle about anything.
  21. Everything is too loud. There's no balance man. Everything is fighting for it's right to party, but its one of those crappy parties with fat frat guys and no hot chicks, just the ugly ones that date the fat frat guys. The problem is the low frequencies and the reverb. Too much of both. Kill some of that. The arrangement isn't really all that strong either. It's the original over some barely audible buried in reverb drumbeats. A cut off ending too. Back to the mixing board. NO
  22. Yeah so I'm sitting here waiting for the full Hydrocity bust-out, and I only get a little taste at 2:50. WTH man? Such solid grooves, such nice sound design, but you couldn't interpret the source material material any more? This mix is basically what Larry said; some original stuff over the Hydrocity bassline, quote the melody, more original stuff. You gotta really interpret the source material more. It's almost there. It just needs to really break out and play with the melody. COME ON MAN HYDROCITY ACT 2 IS THE BEST SONG IN THE GAME NO RESUB RESUB RESUB RESUB RESUB RESUB RESUB RESUB RESUB RESUB RESUB RESUB RESUB RESUB RESUB RESUB RESUB RESUB RESUB RESUB RESUB RESUB RESUB RESUB RESUB RESUB RESUB RESUB
  23. That is also my beef. It is also my chicken, veal, and mutton. Remember Mr. Miyagi: "Whole life must have balance." This mix needs balance man. Everything is fighting for attention, which is a real shame because the groove and interpretation is pretty good. Lots of nice melodic and harmonic ideas, but it just fills up one's ears in a bad way. Needs a production fix, and kill the fake guitar. I do want to say I'm pleased with the lack of sampled Hindi film music. NO RESUB
  24. AHAHA I love that Puzzle Bobble-ish pop sound. Awesome. Yeah this is good stuff. I really dig the genre, and this is a particularly nice genre adaptation. The production is ace. Everything sits PERFECTLY in the mix. The orchestral hits particularly had the potential to mess things up, but right when it seems like there's too much, they disappear. Lots of nice changeups throughout the arrangement too; doesn't really get boring, despite the reiteration of some lines. I like it! A strong YES
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