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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. It's about time we got a hot-chick-voice on one of these shows. Nice work.
  2. I'm in agreement. Sounds very messy and unbalanced. The arrangement is pretty random too. Not much else to say that already hasn't been said. NO
  3. It's okay if you can it man; I just rendered a final of my own version. I got tired of waiting. Music for Rise of the Star is done.
  4. You're damn right. Posts deleted. WBS: Don't ask about that shit in here. You want a good remixing program? Buy FL, or find a good free equivalent. Don't ask for information about piracyhere. It isn't just frowned upon; it's forbidden. End of discussion.
  5. That koto sounds kind of fake. Oh well. This has some sweet chord choices in it, particularly at 1:33 (and when it happens earlier). I love the funky jazz feel with the rhodes (?). Piano solo is a great touch. Very nice. There are some sparse moments, but I think that on a whole, the overall execution is great; very clean, with an excellent concept. YES!
  6. Yeah, I have got to agree. Pretty surprising, considering Mazedude's other work, but I found this one to be lacking in arrangement and interpretation. Even the sounds are reminiscient of SNES, especially that pan flute. This just feels like it's going through the motions. Needs more. NO
  7. I'm in agreement with Jesse and Israfel; the chromatic stuff is a bit odd, but I think that it isn't a major detractor to the overall piece. Some will like it, some will not; it's definitely weird, but I think that it's adds some uniqueness to the mix. As far as the rest of the mix goes, I really like the texture created; very chill sound. It's got a good pulse too, with nice variation. I like! YES
  8. I like the idea of an airstream trailer better.
  9. Pretty good stuff NeoForte; if you'd like to work with Vilecat and Linearity on the cover art, that's cool with me. Collaboration is good.
  10. Yeah it almost sounds like someone ran this through a band-pass filter or something...granted a very WIDE one, but still. More low and hi freqs plz. Arrangement is pretty cool though. Resub please! NO
  11. Production on this song is terrible. That drum sounds like someone shoved it in a closet. Needs more interpretation. Pretty boring take on the source material. It just runs though a couple of times with too-loud snare playing along. NO
  12. I think some of this mix is pretty cool; personally I don't mind the vocal samplage, as it's used rhythmically. But from what I've heard of gabber, it needs to be meatier. This song comes off as sounding pretty thin, and there definitely needs to be some more processing going on; this could go places. NO, but I think that you can go somewhere with it. Keep trying!
  13. fantastic This is fantastically pretty and super-chill. I love the combination of synth, strings, and twinkly sounds. Fantastic texture. Personally I think everything fits together very nicely. This is perfect fantastic chill/nighttime driving music. fantasticYES edit: fantastic
  14. This is an excellent start; for some reason it really sounds like a Bollywood song from the 90s. But I have to agree with my fellow judges; it's mechanical sounding, and it's still lacking in the creative department. I'd like to see some more complexity here, particularly as Vig mentioned with the harmonic support. Keep working on this, as it has the potential to be really awesome. NO (rework and resub please!)
  15. This arrangement is awesome! Lots of great ideas and cool sound choices. My main issue though is that it sounds INCREDIBLY lo-fi. WHY? This song SERIOUSLY needs some mastering before I can vote yes. Way too muffly and muddy. NEEDS HI FREQS! NO RESUB
  16. The opening reminds me of one of those chinese martial arts movies where they make the pretense of having a really deep love story when it's all just an excuse to do kung fu. Go figure. Yeah this is really pretty stuff. I'm enjoying the slowly moving lines buried within the sustained chords; nice stuff. Dynamics are excellent; lots of highs and lows; those detache strings are wonderfully executed too. Needs more Yo-Yo Ma. YES
  17. I really liked this piece. Lots of nice composition ideas and expansion of the original material. Good work. On another note: for those of you reviewing, make sure you're commenting on the remix, not on why you're pissed there isn't a sequel to SMRPG, or proposing a SMRPG project, etcetc.
  18. Moved to Site Projects and locked. A new thread with a fresh start will be made by SnappleMan. New Thread: http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=57395 Lock and leave....forever!!!
  19. Yes, that's the kind of thing I'm looking for.
  20. Messy messy messy! That metallic lead simply isn't working here. It doesn't sit well with all of the other sounds, and doesn't really convey the melody clearly. The piano sample is horribly generic too. Gray's right; it sounds empty in the middle, and throughout the whole piece, there's no hook to really grab my attention. This mix feels like it's going through the motions. NO
  21. Are you guys even listening to the same source material as I am? There's practically nothing there to mix. This feels more like an original song than a remix. Either way, I'm voting no, because the produciton on this piece is pretty bad. That piano is too loud and everything sounds ridiculously muffled. The disparity between dry and wet sounds Gray mentioned is very stark; a bit annoying, actually. Everything else has been said. NO
  22. I don't mind the applause stuff so much. It certainly sounds more realistic than playing piano at an english pub </obscure reference>. Still, something's up with the mixing here in this piece; those drums sound like they're clipping when they get loud. Maybe it's just my headphones? Either way, they're too poppy and stick out too much in the mix. That's the main problem with this mix. There are instances where the balance between elements is pretty bad. Nice groove, nice arrangement, but I think it needs some better mixing and mastering. NO
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