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Status Updates posted by DarkeSword

  1. Is there a reason you want it pulled?

  2. It doesn't matter what you do anywhere else or how other forums are moderated. This is OCR, and we're a very specific kind of site and a very specific kind of community, focused on gaming and music. When you start talking about rap music and how it contributes to society's ills, you've gone off the rails. It's off-topic, and it doesn't actually foster any discussion, because it devolves into you saying things that make you seem racist, and then people accuse you of being racist, and it just goes back and forth; it doesn't help your case that your opinion is uninformed to begin with, and your references to statistics amount to "just do a google search!"

    I don't care who you can go "toe-to-toe" with. I don't know what SWF is, and I don't care. I don't care how much money they have or handle. (cont.)

  3. It's cool man, no worries. Normally I would delete a thread like that but your art is good so I just closed it and left it up. Hopefully someone sees it and contacts you. ;)

  4. It's cool man. I was mostly joking with my ANGRYFACE.

  5. It's not really OCR material; a little repetitive, too much reverb, etc.

    Thanks though.

  6. It's the thrill of the fight.

  7. Loving these new forums. Make sure you guys update your user pictures!

  8. Mr. Pretzel. Nice work. :)

  9. No I don't really have a good recording setup for that kind of thing. Maybe someday.

  10. No, but something like it.

  11. No, but there should be. Some sigs are getting kind of big.

  12. nope, there are already Wii U and 3DS threads to talk about that stuff

  13. OCR is a very well moderated board, and yes, it is my job to decide what kind of discussion takes place on OCR, including deciding on whether what you post is pretentious bullshit or not, and whether or not it belongs on this forum.

  14. OverClocked ReMix is an AMERICAN WEBSITE. If you are not from 'MERICA get out.

  15. Please don't use chatspeak on the forums.

  16. Please review your vote in the latest GRMRB battle. I made a typo in the title of the thread; it really is Galaxy Man vs. Magnet Man. There is no Gravity Man.

  17. Please review your vote in the latest GRMRB battle. I made a typo in the title of the thread; it really is Galaxy Man vs. Magnet Man. There is no Gravity Man.

  18. Real name field is for real name only, not nicknames or abbreviations.

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